Worried about him


Beardie name(s)
Hello My Berdie has had scabs on his cheeks for a weeks I was a bit worried but he was acting fine. I will post a picture of him and his cage in the morning when he awake. Edit I will post picture of him sleeping real quick
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BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hello My Berdie has had scabs on his cheeks for a weeks I was a bit worried but he was acting fine. I will post a picture of him and his cage in the morning when he awake. Edit I will post picture of him sleeping real quick
Please do- what are you using for a uvb- coil or long tube fixture - surface basking temps-- how are you taking them-- what are you using for a substrate? Pic did not post


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Please get some raw filtered honey on the scab --- no crickets in the tank if your feeding them--- they will go straight for the wound--- next please get rid of the coil UVB-- they are a health hazard--- you want a long tube fixture I will post links please get this as soon as possible --these are good for 40 + gallon tanks
24" Zoo Med comes w/ a 5.0 bulb you want a Reptsiun 10.0 T 5 bulb I will post link as well
Zoo Med ReptiSun T5 HO Hood
22" Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 UVB T5 HO
or this one can also be found at Pet Smart you want the 12% bulb 24 watt
Arcadia ProT5 12% UVB Bulb With Hood
or this fixture you want the 2 ft or 24" you will need to change the bulb out to the Repstisun posted above
Please post back on here when you have the UVB I will help you place it for your screen on the tank - it will determine where the UVB is placed and distanced


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Does the setup look ok btw I am trying to save up for some climbing stuff
Please get the uvb first this is absolutely crucial at this time- another crucial item is digital probe thermometers 2 of them the decor is fine for now-- temps and uvb are the top priority now


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
How do I apply the honey and also I got a better thermometer but no uv yet
Apply w/ a q tip -- you can use it straight or mix w/ a little warm water -- what are your surface basking temps running? The UVB is crucial please get it as soon as you can - this will also help w/ the scab as well --- UVB rays are crucial to him --- over all health and skin

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