Dubia roaches are also good feeder - you can get them online as well - places like dubiaroaches.com, reptilianarts.com, etc …
I use Dubia, and I rotate out silk worms, horn worms, and super worms along side the main feeder (dubia). It’s nice to have a variety of things - these feeders all offer different amounts of the nutrition your dragon needs.
If you are looking to keep track of her weight, you can use a digital food scale if you have one / or buy one. They are pretty inexpensive and nice to have around.
You can google the nutritional value of feeders and compare the content that way of you do want to watch her fat intake. There are lots of charts that list out the protein, fat, calcium, fiber and moisture content of common feeder insects.
You said your dragon usually only gets worms every couple of weeks … what do you usually do inbetween those times / during those couple of weeks?
She is a very beautiful dragon!!