CBD Cream/ Oil Questions


Sub-Adult Member
I've never bought CBD Oil or Cream for myself. I've bought Hemp lotions before and broke out in hives and itching so I know I may have an allergic reaction to whatever was in the lotion. An ingredient perhaps.

Anyway, I don't know what CBD cream or oil to get for Maya. Tracie told me to get some for his lesion so that if it's skin cancer, it can be battled without being 'dug out' and having surgery that can really be hard on him. The last thing I want is him to go under the knife while I'm working so hard to get him back on track with pooping regularly, having normal urates that aren't hard, and trying to keep his liver healthy due to his age. Tracie's supplements are working.
I don't want him to undergo things that'll set him back.
I'm really beginning to lose a lot of trust in his vet because he wants to 'do these things' that may be more detrimental to his health.

Maya senses everything I feel. If I'm upset, he's upset.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Hazel my female two year old beardie

I have never bought CBD oil so I have absolutely no idea-- I would just do everything you can. I'll have others take a look though.

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