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  1. ScooterBlenny

    Can you tell approximate age from size?

    It's tough to tell, because they can be SO stunted by improper feeding as a baby (and it's so common).
  2. ScooterBlenny

    Ghann's crickets..lots escaped from box!

    Ghann's has truly great customer service, and for those of us living in the Southeast US, their prices are pretty hard to beat.
  3. ScooterBlenny

    Name Inspiration

    I picked a name from Lilo & Stitch:-)
  4. ScooterBlenny

    My experience with Ghann's

    I ordered from them when I used crickets and always got excellent service!
  5. ScooterBlenny

    How much should I be feeding?

    Sounds like you're feeding a pretty healthy amount! However many she can eat in a 10-15 minute period, 2-3 times a day. You should probably only supplement once a day, so if she eats three times a day, only dust breakfast, or something like that.
  6. ScooterBlenny

    help with potty training *frustrated*

    I don't think that punishing him for pooping on the carpet is going to help. Definitely start bathing every day - help him get regular and on a schedule.
  7. ScooterBlenny

    (Potental) Feeder Freakout

    Are you sure it was a dubia? The giant roaches that run around my house look a lot like my dubia:-(
  8. ScooterBlenny

    Transferring Crickets?

    I have a little rubbermaid canister (or a cup, or anything tall and slick enough that they can't climb out) that I transfer crickets in. I keep some toilet paper rolls in my cricket bin, and it's very easy to shake the crickets out of the TP roll into the cup, and then dump them into the viv or...
  9. ScooterBlenny

    Well according the the people in my other topic I am ready t

    I feel your pain - I'm still not brave enough to touch adult roaches. For a while there, I would hold a little tupperware container in the bin and "herd" the roaches I wanted in with a stick or something, but I could only catch a couple before they all hid in the egg crates. I went on vacation...
  10. ScooterBlenny

    Help me out with Dubia Roaches?

    The good thing about dubia is that they are born tiny and grow rather slowly, so if you get a good colony going, then you've always got a variety of sizes.
  11. ScooterBlenny

    Mega Ray MVB lamp

    Yep, the deep dome works great.
  12. ScooterBlenny

    Crickets Question

    Definitely go for the clear tubs - it's no fun when they climb the slightly textured colored ones. Even though Pudge is 19", I still feed her 3/8" crickets. If I move up to 1/2", they are able to jump out of the tub when I have the lid off, plus the stink factor increases exponentially.
  13. ScooterBlenny


    That's why there is the 10-15 minute rule...Most dragons will stop before they overstuff themselves, but if they wolf down way too much at once, sometimes it doesn't digest properly.
  14. ScooterBlenny

    How big is your juvie?

    Pudge is 10 months and 19 inches...she might have another inch left in her, but I think she's about done :) She was 2 months and 9 inches when I got her.
  15. ScooterBlenny

    Phoenix worm quantity

    If you have a big eater, then the number of crickets could be pretty comparable to the number of phoenix worms...Pudge is slowing down, but I have no doubt that she would have eaten an entire tub (100) phoenix worms in one sitting if I'd ever let her. I try to limit it to around 20 at a time...
  16. ScooterBlenny

    Crickets vs Mealworms

    I order crickets from, although once this bin of crickets is gone, NO MORE! My roach colony is almost established enough to support Pudge, and I'll feed Phoenix Worms until then.
  17. ScooterBlenny

    how any crickets per feading for a 4 month old?

    Not all babies will eat 100 crickets per day, but they should have that option. 3-4 is just not enough to keep the little dude healthy for long. Just give him a few at a time for 10-15 minutes (or until he stops eating them), two to three times a day. He'll let you know how much he wants:-)
  18. ScooterBlenny

    New Owner With A Few Worries!

    It's ok, dude, babies are almost always scared of new places and take some adjustment time. I would ditch the calci-sand first, since it's the most dangerous thing you've got going on. I also wouldn't buy anymore mealworms, since they are a lot of "crunch" and not much meat inside. They can be...
  19. ScooterBlenny

    Crickets vs Mealworms

    They are high in protein and moderately high in fat (although not as high as mealworms). Check out this chart
  20. ScooterBlenny

    Crickets vs Mealworms

    I feed a lot of Phoenix Worms, and I think that you'll find that most people consider them an excellent staple. I order 400 at a time, and it costs $27.95 including shipping (assuming you're in the US). So they make a great supplement to crickets, but can maybe get a little pricey if it's a...
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