YAY we have a forum!


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yup, that big one is mojo, 52cm 440grams now.. she is in brumation.. she will breed this season at a year and a half and should lay at 2years.. male is 4years old same weight/size. ALL those babies i got for free off a nice bloke, got the snakes off him too.. gave methe jungle for alot less.. he is selling them over a grand and no way could i get one if i had to pay that :roll: pick up a spencer next week :D and idk how much ive used all up. maybe 2grand? :lol: but ive payed for 3/4 of the cost :)

gulum":7307b said:
That big one cant be Mojo?
How much have all these herps set you back? If your getting some good prices let me know, must have more :twisted:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
:lol: my big juvie girl might be ready for breeding season.. but she is a rick walker not yellow :cry:

gulum":af7d4 said:
Go Mojo, still think she would go well with Gummie :p
Tell us if there are any herps that you cant take :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
:lol: i want some whites but no luck finding anyone who is selling. :banghead: :angry5: can't wait for spencer though.. gotta love goannas : 8)

gulum":9b3a7 said:
Nothing wrong with loving. Would that make orange :D


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Yeah, spencer monitor/goanna adult males get 1.2m, so hopefully I get a female ROFL. Got a 10x4x4 enclosure being built.. :)

gulum":1060f said:
Your not getting Goa's are you? Your really making me jealous


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
:lol: :lol: the unfair part is i have to pay all the money! I'm broke now :roll: but as a hatchie it only costs like 100 to set up $350 for the spencer 8)

gulum":f53ef said:
Holy .., damn.
Can't say much :evil:


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Drugs (joking :lol: ) i work two part time jobs at maccas/hungry jacks :lol: + birthday money and 3years of saving christmas money..

gulum":2a00a said:
Were did you get all the money?


Sub-Adult Member
ahh nice,
I am swamped with school work - I picked the suicide six, so I dont work even though maccas is down the road :(


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
:lol: im not t school.. im dumb lol :lol: well i go to school..but a different type of school

gulum":a6d8a said:
ahh nice,
I am swamped with school work - I picked the suicide six, so I dont work even though maccas is down the road :(


Sub-Adult Member
your still home schooled, right?
I've been back like 1 day and were already hijacking threads like the good old days :D

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