Hi everyone. I am from Melbourne. Have had beardies now for nearly a year. I have a couple of Brick Red, Rick Walker Reds, White, a Yellow/Lavender and there is another colour but
not sure what to call it. More or less a Sandy type colour. If anyone can explain to me how to put pictures on here, I will post some. The Brick Red ones are so, so deep and rich in colour. I have a clutch or Rick Walker Reds due in about 2 weeks and then another due in about 5-6 weeks. Very exciting. Have been lucky for a incubator. My daughter was getting rid of her small fridge so hubby converted it into one for me. Works a treat. Just got the heat cord wrapped around the inside with temp gagues at the top, middle and botton and on a thermostat. Looking forward to keeping in touch with you all