Help my beardie has not pooped for a while, I’ve tried feeding him blueberries, giving him prune juice and giving him warm baths. What do i do?
Hi there
First of all… what is your bearded dragon’s source of UVB? Is it a coil bulb or a long bulb? Coils are insufficient and must be replaced asap, the best bulbs out there are Reptisun and Arcadia. Improper UVB exposure can cause blockage.
What are his basking temps? How are you measuring them? Ideally, it should be between 105-110 degrees to help him reach his core temperature of 97 degrees. Any cooler or any hotter can also be a culprit in why your beardie hasn’t passed stool.
What is his diet? Are his feeder insects smaller than the space between his eyes? If they are larger than that space it could be causing him indigestion (more likely) or even impaction (very unlikely) if it’s that severe. Is he still eating normally?
If anything from your husbandry is insufficient or incorrect, fix it and wait a bit before taking any other precautions. If he doesn’t pass stool in that given time try giving him a belly massage in a warm
If that doesn’t work, you could try feeding him some pumpkin or vegetable baby food to get his system up and running again. Hornworms might work as well. Good luck