I’m honestly so baffled and considering taking my bearded dragon into the vet soon. He just turned 7 years old recently. For the past 3 months, hes always been constipated and having trouble pooping. He is now going for periods of 2-3 weeks without pooping at all! Yet, despite this, he is eating all his food normally. He’s been active and I’ve observed no odd behaviors. Temps are all normal. His diet has remained 80% veggies and 20% protein. He gets all his necessary calcium, eats mainly crickets, collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, bok choy, kale, occasionally carrots. Last time just to get him to poop, I had to give him baby prune food through a syringe and that worked. I have literally no clue wha his issue is. He seems perfectly normal otherwise. Pic attached is him in his second bath this week, for 20 minutes and still no poop! If you have any ideas, please help me out.