Broly the new super saiyan beardie


Juvie Member
BlueDragon09":1ogn01sq said:
He finally pooped. Looked normal didn't check urate for hard or soft oops. Seeing as he had no trouble I guess it wasn't too hard. So pumpkin worked.

@BeardyMama33: Im gonna take him out every day, still a "tank" dragon. Loves going back to his tank though he's already 1 year old (14 months). Walks back any chance he gets. Not really a snuggler or a human's dragon he's his own and likes to be antisocial is the word. He rather chill out alone in the tank rather than with me LOL not sure how he got like that I took him out as a baby and socialized with him.
Maybe get him his own sitting area that is beardy safe? put some dragon toys in there (a cat ball with the bell removes filled with treats is a beardy favorite) and just let him do his thing! he may also be going through a hormone influx, i have seen lizards go from calm to "nope dont touch me" when they get into breeding mode. Maybe beardies do the same as the other lizards i have been interacting with my whole life....

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Maybe being depressed a few weeks back made him antisocial. I got better though.

It's actually cold over here in Oregon so he can't really sit somewhere and not to many places to hang a basking light.
He did however have to spend a day back in January (15 hour power outage) with me and he really didn't like that.
Antisocial butt...but I love him. I'll see what happens when it's finally spring (winter won't go away).


Juvie Member
BlueDragon09":xklu9r07 said:
Maybe being depressed a few weeks back made him antisocial. I got better though.

It's actually cold over here in Oregon so he can't really sit somewhere and not to many places to hang a basking light.
He did however have to spend a day back in January (15 hour power outage) with me and he really didn't like that.
Antisocial butt...but I love him. I'll see what happens when it's finally spring (winter won't go away).
sounds like a teenager rebelling...:D mine bit my daughter on the lip, it wasnt hard but either he was tasting her or was tired of all the kisses and had already pancakied (we call it that when he flattens out) and flared at her but she didnt listen.....hell try to flare at me while in pancaky mode but all i gotta do it point at him and say "you know im bigger than you right?" sometimes ill toss the "i can kick your little butt" and he unflares plumps back up then does the head down arm waive thing. apparently pointing and talking in a stern voice is like humans flaring and pancaking out....Just hang in there he may just be in a mood due to the weather and other things.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
So sent Broly's feces to the vet to get the check over and paid for on the 25th. He has a lab so the results were quick.
He's clean with low counts of parasites/worms so he didn't prescribe meds. He's free to not need another check till September (or earlier if he seems ill or if poops aren't right) because after September I will have to get another poop so we can check again before he sleeps this winter. We're getting a round of warm sunny days then next week rain...JUST GO AWAY WINTER IM DONE WITH YOU!!! Dang!
Fricken leave! Not to say I gave up on Broly coming out but if I let him choose what he wants then he'll actually stay out and NOT run to the tank. As long as he wants not what the human wants so whatever that's a thing. Our easter was yesterday but due to some rain we canceled it and celebrated it today had some neighborhood kids use our yard to hunt which was fun the parents asked (yards are small, ours is big). Broly in his wire mesh cage with 2" gaps lets UVB through and contact his body but he had loads of fun watching all the kids hunt for eggs. All the kids said hi to Broly then bye as they were leaving. I believe he had a good time so I brought him back in which he did not like. Got him a bath, ate some reptiworms and pumpkin (he loves it) basked the rest of the day inside then went to sleep 6:30p though lights off at 8 but whatever it didn't bother him. He had a big day, met the neighborhood kids watched them hunt then a bath and bugs/pumpkin.


Juvie Member
BlueDragon09":3byy10ln said:
So sent Broly's feces to the vet to get the check over and paid for on the 25th. He has a lab so the results were quick.
He's clean with low counts of parasites/worms so he didn't prescribe meds. He's free to not need another check till September (or earlier if he seems ill or if poops aren't right) because after September I will have to get another poop so we can check again before he sleeps this winter. We're getting a round of warm sunny days then next week rain...JUST GO AWAY WINTER IM DONE WITH YOU!!! Dang!
Fricken leave! Not to say I gave up on Broly coming out but if I let him choose what he wants then he'll actually stay out and NOT run to the tank. As long as he wants not what the human wants so whatever that's a thing. Our easter was yesterday but due to some rain we canceled it and celebrated it today had some neighborhood kids use our yard to hunt which was fun the parents asked (yards are small, ours is big). Broly in his wire mesh cage with 2" gaps lets UVB through and contact his body but he had loads of fun watching all the kids hunt for eggs. All the kids said hi to Broly then bye as they were leaving. I believe he had a good time so I brought him back in which he did not like. Got him a bath, ate some reptiworms and pumpkin (he loves it) basked the rest of the day inside then went to sleep 6:30p though lights off at 8 but whatever it didn't bother him. He had a big day, met the neighborhood kids watched them hunt then a bath and bugs/pumpkin.
There are beardy safe herbs that can help keep the parasites down. You might look it up or ask a few people on here, i know basil is ok to use and basil has been proven to boost the immune system and reduce parasite loads both in humans and animals. As a bonus it gives calcium and vitamin a as well. My beardy had a tummy issue and i gave him basil, which, got rid of the issue. I am pretty sure it was because he ate too much.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
My vet did mention that too. We have a green house out back with misters. I have oregano, basil, arugula, mint and my newest dandelions. With other flowers out there. It's my mom's greenhouse so there's a lot. He said i can use basil to lower the count if i want to but other than that he's not sick with them so he didnt bother treating.

I did manage to get water into him by spray bottle (will not drink it another way). Of course because he didnt want it he let it pool out of his mouth LOL. I said "are you going to drool it out?" He just cocked his head and I swear saw a smile. Like I said only when he wants it. I never had a pickier lizard (well Vash was only picky with greens but he took water I miss that old man). Well i gotta go take care of my pet scorpion and tarantulas.


Juvie Member
BlueDragon09":3f6rp8m9 said:
My vet did mention that too. We have a green house out back with misters. I have oregano, basil, arugula, mint and my newest dandelions. With other flowers out there. It's my mom's greenhouse so there's a lot. He said i can use basil to lower the count if i want to but other than that he's not sick with them so he didnt bother treating.

I did manage to get water into him by spray bottle (will not drink it another way). Of course because he didnt want it he let it pool out of his mouth LOL. I said "are you going to drool it out?" He just cocked his head and I swear saw a smile. Like I said only when he wants it. I never had a pickier lizard (well Vash was only picky with greens but he took water I miss that old man). Well i gotta go take care of my pet scorpion and tarantulas.
:D your vet knows their stuff!!! btw i think its cool that you have a scorpion and tarantula, what kind are they. Mine wont take water unless i play with it first or spray it or its on my hand.The pic of him in his water dish was taken after i stuck my finger in it then splashed water at him...he jumped in and took a few drinks then soaked in it! :D they all have their quirks, mine hunts his bowl of salad if i dont feed it by hand and will only taste it then look at me as if to say "you expect me to eat this by myself?" then snub his little nose at it whip it with his tail and walk away!!

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
I have a black emperor scorpion and two mexican rose knee turantulas. Two female turantulas and the scorpion is male. I have a white's tree frog...but I rarely see her.

I can make Broly small salads he won't eat unless hes in a good mood. If he doesn't care to eat it then like your beardie flick it with his tail and trample through it. I thought he ate it for a while because there's pieces on the ground till I saw what he actually does. So 50/50 chance he eats it. Broly is picky about water if he doesn't want it then he'll either drool it or won't take it so he loves to trick me.


Juvie Member
BlueDragon09":1mbap4cj said:
I have a black emperor scorpion and two mexican rose knee turantulas. Two female turantulas and the scorpion is male. I have a white's tree frog...but I rarely see her.

I can make Broly small salads he won't eat unless hes in a good mood. If he doesn't care to eat it then like your beardie flick it with his tail and trample through it. I thought he ate it for a while because there's pieces on the ground till I saw what he actually does. So 50/50 chance he eats it. Broly is picky about water if he doesn't want it then he'll either drool it or won't take it so he loves to trick me.
Cool do you handle your spiders or are they hand shy? and tree frogs are like that, they will say hi when its feeding time, or if you are putting in fresh water or plants but other than that they want nothing to do with you...unless you have a nice wood flea.....:D also is your scorpion one of the weirdos that like to crawl on you or is he a "leave me alone unless its feeding or cleaning time" little guy?
As for picky eaters, mine wont eat his basil unless he can pick it himself off the stem.....though he did perk up when i said i have baby organic tomatoes.....he hasnt had any yet because the good organics arent in yet.... i want to get the tiger ones and i might have to grow them, less sugar, less acid if you peel them, and tastier than many of the regulars! that and i have sungold cherries growing from a plant i had last year. :D what we do for love eh?

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
My spiders decided they no longer want me LOL. It has to be feedings or cleanings that's it. My scorpion on the hand is the weirdo that likes to crawl up my shoulder and stay there taking him down is the hard part because he'll try to strike you! He's pretty docile when he wants to be.

I know tree frogs are like that but sometimes she'll be hidden sometimes not. My nephew named her Lugia from Pokemon. The two spiders are Fire and Ice the scorpion is Blizzard. Im not sure why I named them those.


Juvie Member
BlueDragon09":3uncle8g said:
My spiders decided they no longer want me LOL. It has to be feedings or cleanings that's it. My scorpion on the hand is the weirdo that likes to crawl up my shoulder and stay there taking him down is the hard part because he'll try to strike you! He's pretty docile when he wants to be.

I know tree frogs are like that but sometimes she'll be hidden sometimes not. My nephew named her Lugia from Pokemon. The two spiders are Fire and Ice the scorpion is Blizzard. Im not sure why I named them those.
Are you a big Mortal Kombat or Anime fan? :D your names arent as off the wall as some dragon names. Heck my baby is named Draconis, and any gaming or game lore geek would know who he is! I also have a fish named Ramoth, i had one named Porth, and chickens named Orlith, Holth, Kimi, and Beauty. BTW i have met a couple tree frogs that will come running when you come near their terrarium! As for the spiders, at least you have the scorpion and your beardy!

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Im a fan of both MK and anime! I named my dragon from Dragon Ball Z movie: Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan. There's a couple more movies with him in it. My first baby was named Vash the Stampede from Trigun.

I have played games but not huge on it. I did play Divinity 2 (I could be wrong with the sp), Mario, Mortal Kombat etc.
My favorite was and always will be Scorpion from MK.

Broly ate greens, pumpkin and some bugs. Pumpkin is a big improvement over baby food to get his supplements in him. So that's a start, I give him only a bit because it's a laxative, can't have too much laxatives. Idk if it's the same as with a person but people can get diarrhea from too much not sure on the result with too much on a beardie.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

So Tom my boyfriend is studying to be an exotic vet.
He knows most of the knowledge on their care, tank requirements and most illnesses. Hes been studying for two years now. Soon, he'll move to Portland (he lives in Salem) he wants to work here in Portland. My vet is a great guy but I really would like to work with Tom on Broly if needed. He's done a great job, so hoping no one thinks it's inappropriate to have my boyfriend as a vet, I know how to act in public Im not gonna do anything with him! It's strictly vet business thats it! He actually prescribed someone an antifungal meds to a beardie with black fungus. I thought I could throw that out there.


Juvie Member
BlueDragon09":26p59fi8 said:

So Tom my boyfriend is studying to be an exotic vet.
He knows most of the knowledge on their care, tank requirements and most illnesses. Hes been studying for two years now. Soon, he'll move to Portland (he lives in Salem) he wants to work here in Portland. My vet is a great guy but I really would like to work with Tom on Broly if needed. He's done a great job, so hoping no one thinks it's inappropriate to have my boyfriend as a vet, I know how to act in public Im not gonna do anything with him! It's strictly vet business thats it! He actually prescribed someone an antifungal meds to a beardie with black fungus. I thought I could throw that out there.
its no worse than having your husband or bf as your doctor. if your bf is the best one for your little one then go for it, and dont let that one get away!

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