Bearded dragon lost nail-what to do


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My bearded dragon, Beardie(18in, healthy common bearded dragon) just lost her rear long finger's nail. I had noticed it coming off(like it pointed slightly upwards and sideways) for about 1 and a half weeks, and now it finally did. I am unsure what to do about it as I have never come against a problem such as this.

She seems to be acting normal, eating, running around, and does not flinch or anything when I touch her toe(not the exact location of the break). My mom does not want to go to a vet unless it is necessary. There is no swelling or anything.

If there is a way I can help or if she is fine, please tell me. If possible, avoid anything about going to a vet as for a small thing like this my mom may not want to.
I have attached an image of this.

Ps. I do have septic powder, but i do not see any bleeding that is leaking. The injury should be relatively new as she lost it within the last 6 hours as of this post.


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to me, it does not look like it is infected or anything, just injured and nail lost. i would put some raw, unpasturized honey on it. if you don't have that, you could use neosporin, but make sure it is the kind with ZERO pain relief in it. here in the forum, we have had dragons die from the pain relief type.


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to me, it does not look like it is infected or anything, just injured and nail lost. i would put some raw, unpasturized honey on it. if you don't have that, you could use neosporin, but make sure it is the kind with ZERO pain relief in it. here in the forum, we have had dragons die from the pain relief type.
Just came back home from school and checking on her now. I do not see any swelling, but I will still see if I have honey or neosporin. Thank you!

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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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happy birthday :)

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