NEVER peel the shed - let it do its thing- when it gets dry and crackly mist him take a soft baby toothbrush and gently brush the shed - the loose stuff will come off and he will enjoy the scratching - but NEVER peel it - you can damage his scalesView attachment 67295 I have a 5 to 6 month old bearded dragon and he has been shedding lately. So far he’s only shed his head arms and tail but his main trunk has not shed it’s very dark and there’s parts of it that I could peel but I’m afraid to peel him. I’ve been giving him soaks and misting him. I am having trouble keeping my humidity up it stays just under 20 most of the time I have two water dishes and I mist the cage regularly.. please help! View attachment 67294
Crap…. What if I peeled some of them?NEVER peel the shed - let it do its thing- when it gets dry and crackly mist him take a soft baby toothbrush and gently brush the shed - the loose stuff will come off and he will enjoy the scratching - but NEVER peel it - you can damage his scales
did it bleed? Please dont do it anymore - he will rub on the decor in your tank or drag his belly on the substrate in the tank if hes shedding on his underneath but let it do its thing -Crap…. What if I peeled some of them?
No bleeding his scales look fine he ended up scraping the rest of his belly off I didn’t peel too much off of his back but when I peeled it it came off really easy it wasn’t tugging and he didn’t seem to be hurt him.did it bleed? Please dont do it anymore - he will rub on the decor in your tank or drag his belly on the substrate in the tank if hes shedding on his underneath but let it do its thing -