Pookie's Minions - Pookie's Gone ☹

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BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
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During the wee hours of last Thursday morning, I had an awful nightmare about Pookie.
I can't recall what led up to the nightmare, but I suddenly found myself worrying about Pookie sitting on a counter, choking on something. After retching for a long time, he finally threw up this huge black thing, with legs! I was so afraid to touch it to find out what it was, but at long last I did and realized that it was a baby snapping turtle. Pookie threw up a baby snapping turtle!! As if that wasn't horrifying enough, the baby snapper was still alive because it tried to run away when I went to pick it up.
As soon as Pookie expelled the baby snapper, he immediately felt 1000% better and perked up to his old self. Of course, I was beyond elated to see my Pookster all healthy again.
. . . Then I woke up.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Poor Pookie AND turtle. That sounds like a pretty upsetting dream! I'm glad Pookie felt better in the end though. Our anxiety about these little guys sure can turn into some strange stuff.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow, what a nightmare for you, Gina, even though it ended well. Dreams are so weird sometimes, just no rhyme or reason for them.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
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This is an over-due update on Callie, because it happened last Sunday (6/26). Our relationship has risen to the next level.

In mid afternoon, after feeding her a late lunch, Callie decided to lie down on the deck against the railings. This is nothing new, as she'd lean against the railing nearly after every meal to groom herself. However, on Sunday, she didn't just briefly groom herself, but she had rolled over and closed her eyes . . . to take a nap. Callie was taking a nap on the deck! Of course, I had to move closer to her to test the waters, to see if she'd stay or get up and move. To my surprise, she didn't move at all; instead, she rolled over again and closed her eyes again. I sat and watched her sleep (and dream) for a while, until I started to doze off as well (what else was I supposed to do?). I think we napped together (about 4 feet away) for about a half hour.


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
How cute is that, you and Callie napping together. :love5: You must have been thrilled. :D Congratulations!

Hope it happens again soon. ;)


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
It's official. MoMo's a complex beardie :roll:

Since the weekend, she'd been begging to go outside every chance she had, and I'd been complying when the weather cooperated. Well, a few hours ago, I took her out to the back deck and asked her where she wanted to go. Instead of roaming on the deck like she did over the weekend, she turned her head to look at something behind me and just stared motionless. I thought that she'd seen a bug or something else crawling on the wall, so I dismissed her stare. Suddenly, she turned her entire body around and started to walk towards the door. When she got to the threshold, she licked both the door and metal step guard. Not thinking that she'd actually go back in, I opened the door and asked if she had wanted to go back in. To my surprise, she did! She walked herself back into the house! :shock:

Then, about a half hour or so ago, she started to mini pace in front of the living room window. I asked her if she wanted to go home, and if she did to walk down and over to me so I could put her back. Guess what came next? Yup, she climbed down from the top of the couch and walked right over to me, allowed me to pick her up (if she's not ready to go back home, she'd put up a fight) and put her back home.

But wait! There's more!

Once back home, she paced back and forth for a little bit, then stood in front of 'her' cave entrance but would not go in. She'd put her head up to the entrance then back up. She did this twice before I had a light bulb moment - she wanted the front of her cave lifted up! Within a second of putting one of the 'lifts' (pieces of Lego) under the left side of her cave, MoMo was already crawling inside.

Once again, I am the dumbest living being in this house :roll:


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
MoMo's thinking and comprehension is amazing. :eek: She sure tells you what she wants and when she wants it. You are so in-tune to her. :)

Thanks for sharing this. ;)

Loved the zoo pictures. You took some great shots. What a great way to spend your birthday. :headbang:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I saw the pictures on Facebook, they were awesome!

And You are definitely in sync with MoMo and she knows how to tell you what she wants. Smart girl :D


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
Isn't MoMo something? She had never communicated like that to me before.

What's so strange about her not wanting to go inside her cave yesterday was that she'd been sleeping inside her cave for a while since I had last majorly cleaned it (probably a month or more ago), and the front of both caves weren't elevated (it was done more for Digi than anyone else). What made yesterday so special, I will never know.

Want to hear something funny? When my parents came back from their 2.5-week-long vacation, I told my Mom that I had went to the zoo on my birthday. Well, the disappointment (and hurt) from my Mom was overwhelming. She repeatedly said, "I told you that I wanted to go with you in the fall.", as if that one trip was it for the rest of my life. I finally had to stop her and tell her that I could go back again, that I want to go back again. I honestly think that she had pouted a little :laughing6:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
After spending 5 hours (started at 2:30pm) of walking around the yard/street, sitting through many bouts of misting rain, watching a hole being dug, then chasing a wandering beardie, I have nothing to show for the abuse. Because MoMo kept stopping the digging then wandering onto the street, I had to bring her inside to warm her up.

Yes, we'll be doing this again on Sunday. :roll:


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Oh dear, what a long day and night for you. :shock: Hope she finds a good spot and starts laying tomorrow. Good luck.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
She would've kept digging if I had squatted over her spot, instead of sitting next to her. That was the main reason why she kept stopping and looking/wandering around. The few times that I had squatted next to her when she was wandering on the street, she immediately walked under me and started to dig on the asphalt.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
I saw on Facebook that MoMo laid her eggs, good girl! Hope that's it for this season. Cierra has laid 3 clutches this year, 1 more than last year. I'm so hoping she's done.

And I'm glad you told your mom that one visit would never be enough. That's so cute that she pouted.
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