Pookie's Minions - Pookie's Gone ☹

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BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
When I got home from work today, instead of seeing Pookie hanging out on his tree branch or snuggling up to Mr. Bear or just laying around, all I saw was this:


. . . and


. . . and


. . . and


Yes, Pookie somehow managed to tuck himself in a burrito and decided to start brumation early. I still have no idea how he did it.

Because of this, I didn't get my nightly Pookie snuggles. Luckily I had a surrogate snuggler -- Buddy! But it's just not the same as my Pooks :(


Extreme Poster
Awww, makes you want to reach in the computer and give him a snuggle. lol This is the first year that Magick and Semi haven't showed they wanted to slow down. Magick and Semi have slowed way down on eating because Phil is gone for the week and I went back to work but they wait for me to come home before snuggling up. Normally they are awake only a few hours a day by now.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
He's so cute, snuggled up in his home-made burrito. Aren't beardies something else, they do things you'd never expect a beardie to do. He looks so snuggable, but is he brumating? Wow, guess he thought of everything, except how to snuggle with you :( Beardie snuggles are the best, hope he wakes up soon.



BD.org Addict
I was just thinking the other day that I had not seen any pics of Pookie or Buddy lately. It certainly does look like someone is wanting to do a little brumating :roll: I love that he got himself into that burrito :shock:
I think you have a little houdini on your hands :lol:

Aznrainbowdime":b1a8a said:
But .. were those CHEERIOS I see ? Can they eat that as treats ????
Yeah! What's up with the cheerios Gina? Was that Pookies breakfast yesterday? :roll:
I know times are tough honey... but if you need some money so that Pookie can eat like a real beardie...just ask!
There is no way I am going to let Bliggy's godbrother eat cheerios as a staple! :roll:


Sub-Adult Member
gulfbrzdawn":2ef04 said:
Aznrainbowdime":2ef04 said:
But .. were those CHEERIOS I see ? Can they eat that as treats ????
Yeah! What's up with the cheerios Gina? Was that Pookies breakfast yesterday? :roll:
I know times are tough honey... but if you need some money so that Pookie can eat like a real beardie...just ask!
There is no way I am going to let Bliggy's godbrother eat cheerios as a staple! :roll:

LMAOO CANT BREATHE !!! Eat like a real beardie ?? ahhh you just killed me LMFAAAOOOOOOOOO :laughhard: :laughhard: *farts* :oops: :mrgreen:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
I gave those to him as a treat, about 2 weeks ago. He'd get about 4 or so a week, and I think the crunching sound was what enticed him. But suddenly he wouldn't eat anymore, thus the few sitting by his tree branch.

Given Pookie was only a baby when I had him last winter, I have no idea what he's like going into brumation. However, seeing that he burrito'd himself, I would have to guess that he's ready and willing for a long slumber. :(

When his lights went on this morning, he wasn't the slightest bit amused. After a couple of hours of what seemed like the hopes of turning the lights off by osmosis, Pookie finally gave in and turned himself around and completely covered up his head underneath the towel. I'll upload pics of my sad Pookie in a few.

I miss my snuggle bug

(How do you people do it? How do you survive brumation?)


BD.org Addict
Awww poor Pookie.... I wanna give him a big cuddle now.... Kazi didnt even bother to get up until 3pm today - his full time 'mum' is on holiday and, as everyone else started work at 8 am, Kazi got his lights switched on, his salad put in and his blankie removed from the top of him (but still cosy underneath him). I came in at 3pm to find him still lying, half asleep on the blankie!! Tis the season for sleepy beardies :(


BD.org Addict
Lilly still really loves to come out for cuddles even though she's brumating. She actually fights me about going back in her tank.


Sub-Adult Member
Cheerios.. hmmm gotta try that for M.J ! shes so picky its getting pretty frustrating actualy. But definatley gotta try the cheerios lol

Jasper's Mom

BD.org Addict
Awww, so sleepy and grumpy. That's how I feel every morning Pookie. Maybe we could tell my boss that I'm brumating, and then Pookie and I can spend all winter burritoed up together.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
[I need to be more diligent in posting pics of Pookie, but some days I just don't have the will to fight with Photobucket in uploading pics.]
Majority of these were taken a few months ago.

His last big shed (7/30) - My tail fell off!

New hiding method (7/30) - He's protecting me



Can't remember if I had posted these before, but this was at PetSmart (taken w/sucky cell phone)(8/15) - Mommy, I want one!

(I squatted in front of the enclosure for an hour)


Not liking what'd been served (8/23) - You expect me to eat this?

Being a dog for the day (9/4) - MY yum-yums!

Another late night getting home (9/19) - At least Mr. Bear still loves me

Trying to pass off as a stuffy (9/21) - I can play ET too!


Sub-Adult Member
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW POOKIE is sooooo adorable !!! Do you have a pic of the whole viv ??? Looks interesting =D ! I love the last pic trying to pass as a stuffie ! Too cute !!
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