Please get Spike into a larger tank -- this tank is too small --- he also needs a long tube fixture for a UVB - like a Zoo Med 24" fixture w/ a Reptisun 10.0 T 5 bulb or a Arcadia Pro T 5 w/ a 12% bulb - your going to need this in a larger tank even a 40 gallon w/ a height of at least 18" -- Arcadia ProT5 12% UVB Bulb With HoodI have a bearded dragon too and his name is spike and he is 8 years old. I’m a first time bearded dragon owner and I’m 16 years old. I’m extremely busy with schooltoo. Peace
Me and spike View attachment 69141

Zoo Med ReptiSun T5 HO Hood
Efficient and sleek t5 UVB light fixture for reptiles terrariums and more! Order your lighting and supplies today from Pangea Reptile.

Zoo Med Digital Thermometer
Measure the temperatures within your terrariums and reptile cages easily with this digital thermometer by Zoo Med! Order temeprature and humidity guages from Pangea Reptile.