Broly the new super saiyan beardie


Gray-bearded Member
Day 3 of hubby's vacation and so far it looks like it's going to be just like the weatherman predicted -- rainy and windy and generally a good day to stay inside and get some housework done. Last night the sun was out till past 10 pm so he was able to get some of the yard work done in the evening after we did all our critter care and shopping for snake food and dragon food. I had a heck of a time getting Puff to settle down at bedtime. Not dark enough, but I'm not complaining about the extra daylight. We love this time of year.

Puff had his followup vet checkup Saturday morning. Not much change to his little swollen pinkie finger since the antibiotics, but no worse either, so we decided not to do anything any more drastic, and we plan to continue to keep an eye on it. The skin on his back is finally coming loose in the middle but not around the edges yet, and more coming off on his underbelly too. And he sneaked in a nostril shed too -- the vet noticed it before I did. All of us also shared the lecture on how important it is for a reptile that's adapted to be an omnivore (NOT a carnivore) to EAT HIS VEGGIES, with the human "parents" listening and agreeing, and the beardie giving us all "The Look" ("Oh yeah? Who says I have to eat those yucky greens? You wanna make me? You and what army?..." etc)

My husband went to Home Depot to get all the fence fixing stuff on Saturday night so I could watch Dr Who, but I was pretty tired by the end of the day so I barely managed to stay awake for both episodes, neither of which I'd seen. One nice thing is that they seem to be running last week's rerun just before the new episode, so if I miss it I've got a second chance the following week. I didn't make it all the way through Class -- there was probably some big mystery revealed in the last 5 minutes or so, but I was too far gone by then. Asleep in front of the TV and barely dragged myself to bed... :sleepy2:

I find myself almost wishing that the "Master" would "regenerate" and get a different body. The "Mary Poppins" parody is starting to really creep me out. :roll:

I should probably put Puff next to a yardstick one of these days to see if he's gotten any longer while I wasn't looking, but as far as I know and last time I checked, Broly and Kane are already longer than he is. But that's okay, right? -- they're all still a nice size to cuddle. :love5:

I haven't seen all the Pirates of the Carribean movies -- maybe all or part of one or two of the earlier ones. I wasn't sure what to make of them -- couldn't tell if it was supposed to be comedy or meant to be taken seriously. :? So let me know how you like the latest one...

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I try to watch Dr Who and Class later than 6&7pm.

Broly still has shed on areas previously mentioned. Nothing new. BMs have cleared up theyre better. Beard...Idk if it IS I think it's not. It looks swollen but maybe instead, his dunlap (is that what it's called??) is saggy as hes aging. I haven't paid any attention to it as its been really busy. I did however been feeding, supplements, salt water and allopurinol. Reptisun 10 t5 was changed February it's good for a year and it sits 12" away from basking log. Hes not lethargic or acting ill. Im not broke I can afford it but right now doesnt seem necessary as I had a check up in April. my birthday is tomorrow and I really dont wanna spend it at the vet with my two friends in town. That would suuuuck. I refuse to spend my birthday at the dang vet!!! Im not even gonna be in town! My friends are dragging me out to shop for clothes. One friend is 26 and she's not as compassionate as I am about Broly but she doesn't mind him. Other friend is 27 she loves reptiles! She doesn't want to spend my day at the vet. I totally think it's the way Broly's lying on his beard. When he's up it looks normal. Im delusional..really tired. My friends had me at a safari today in the sun...
I'll be sure to double look at his "saggy" part before I go out.


Gray-bearded Member
I think their beards are normally loose so they have room to puff them up when they need to, and when they're in a certain position they can look saggy. Sometimes Puff sits on the edge of his basking platform with his beard hanging over the edge and it looks like he has it flared, but I think it's just relaxed. Probably nothing to worry about, and have fun in the meantime...

And BTW, technically, biologically speaking, I think it's called a "gular pouch". (Not really a "beard") :study:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Broly's good. Hes fine no swelling.

Tom aced his tests. Hes a certified reptile/exotic vet.
No school or studying.

We're hoping he BMs before we leave. We'll go out to breakfast in town after waking him up. Come back and feed and pick up bm if he goes (probably won't). Maybe I can have my young brother (21 yo) check on him. He won't scrub bm off a carpet (tank carpet for bm area). We have tile...idk why I have carpet for his bm. I just do. He doesn't know we can lift up tiles and put in a new one while cleaning the bmd one. I wanna make it easy for him.

Tom and his friend, Joey, are coming with me and my friends to the mall out of town. They're gonna do guy stuff and we're doing girl stuff. We're also planning my wedding for June 13. We're doing it outside in a woodland area somewhere by a dormant volcano. It's been dormant for years. We'll be ok it won't blow while we're there gettin married.


Gray-bearded Member
Congratulations to Tom. Now you'll have a built in vet to help you take care of your critters. :D And to both of you -- you're going to be a "June Bride" too. :D :D

We have a whole string of volcanoes here in Alaska, all the way out into the Aleutian islands, and at least one or two of them are almost always active at one time or another. But the "experts" are really good at keeping an eye on them nowadays, so everyone usually gets plenty of warning if they need to get out of there before it blows. Meanwhile, the dormant ones are often surrounded by really nice vegetation and forests because volcanic ash makes great fertilizer -- great place for an outdoor wedding. :D

Yes, bearded dragons poop when and where they want to, and not necessarily when or where it's convenient for their human slaves. :roll:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Had a good birthday!

Tom and Joey got chocolate sooo yeah! They then went to look at Apple Store stuff then football stuff. They brought chargers for their phone and some Seattle Seahawks stuff.

Jenna, Clare and I all browsed till I saw a cute Toothless doll sitting by himself in a corner. Almost like someone was going to buy him but left him on a bench. Took it around to find the store he came from. I found the store and they didnt jump to assumptions. I asked if I could buy Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon. They said yes he's for sell. I paid $27 and now he's home with us. Jenna leaves for airport tomorrow, Clare is gone Sat to airport. Clare will see Pirates with us tomorrow. Joey is actually gonna live with us as his wife kicked him out...rocky marriage...not sure why.

Broly didnt bm..tomorrow for sure. Kane, Raptor, Blue and Capaldi went. Leo geckos always go potty so no worries there.

Our wedding is by either Three Sisters or Three Fingers Jack. Those are dormant...Broken Top is extinct but we could go there too. We thought Yellowstone...but loads of people walking room for family and friends to sit. Plus it's a park. Half of the family didnt wanna fly to Wyoming anyway. So we'll be by one of three volcanoes.


Gray-bearded Member
Glad to hear you had a nice birthday. Sounds like the guys did guy stuff and the girls did girl stuff just like you said in your last post.

There are at least a couple of beardies named "Toothless" around this website, so I figure that movie must be where they got the name. I've seen "How To Train Your Dragon 2" once or twice on TV, but I don't think I ever saw the first one. More reruns to keep an eye out for. :wink:

I hope Joey doesn't mind having lots of critters around. I couldn't help wondering where he was going to sleep. As I recall, all 5 of your bedrooms have animals of one kind or another in them. :)

Those place names sound familiar, especially Three Sisters. I think my dad and I might have visited there when he lived in Oregon, but that was a long time ago. I remember lots of beautiful scenery and taking lots of pictures, but I'm geographically challenged and he did all the driving so I don't remember exactly where we went.

Best to have your wedding somewhere that most of your family can get to if you want them to be there with you. My husband and I made that mistake when we got married, but it was about religion, not geography. Long story... :roll:

So did you get to watch Dr Who & Class this last weekend? I thought a second watching of "Extremis" when I was hopefully more awake would clear things up, but it didn't seem to help -- more confused than ever. :p The new episode about the pyramid and then Class were both interesting, but my husband was outside running into all kinds of problems with the fence fixing project, and I kept getting interrupted (big kerfuffle about going off half cocked and running back to Home Depot that late at night...), so I'll have to try for reruns again next weekend... :mrgreen:

Puff's pretty much all done shedding, except for a few odd scales. He looked like a dragon with "wings" for a couple of days. His new skin looks very nice now. :D

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

It's true we both did seperate stuff. Jenna and Clare went to Build a Bear and got themselves a stuffed Pikachu and Eevee. I don't mind Pokemon just wanted Toothless since he was alone. I saw the first How to Train Your Dragon not the second one. I plan too. My 6 year old nephew watching so much Disney movies. Old to newer ones. Bad idea getting him into Pirates starting with Curse of the Black Pearl. He wants to be Jack for Halloween! LOL I'm joking its cute he likes Jack. We're going to Disneyland for his 7th birthday is September.

Joey doesn't mind the couch. His stuff is in the cat's room.
He plays with Dr quite frequently! He likes leopard geckos. He has a fondness for Beardies. His wife has two boas. No kids.

The volcanos have nice scenery there. I been to the cascades area once. I remember a lot of beauty.

I watched Dr Who but not Class maybe tomorrow or Wednesday. Brother's birthday turning 22 tomorrow so he might have us tired out..

Pirates 5 was ok not great. My 6 year old nephew was very into it. Luckily back row because he kept gettin up from his seat acting out scenes..nobody paid any attention because he was at least quiet about it. He has ADHD and will not sit still. We gave him water and popcorn and he sat still after that. Funnier thing is my sister named her son Jack LOL. She named him after...yep Jack Sparrow. Hes not a bad kid he has beardie of his own.

We're going to Three Sisters fot our wedding.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Watched Class. Next episode looks good.

Broly is still pretty good. BM isnt normal yet it's between form and puddle. It's not a full water puddle but not really formed either. Tom took his fresh sample and checked. Parasites are in check nothing wrong there. Loop problem obviously then. Let it clear and go from there. Going by bloodwork in April everything checks out. He has yellow inside the mouth! I read it's common since kidneys and liver are functioning well. Pink tongue though and gums too. Roof and further down I can see is yellow. We had the school check that out and since he's not showing signs of organ failure and very very active it's likely common.

My adventure today: Broly had dark spots around his mouth/nose. I drew a bath to see if they come off. They did! It's cricket guts or roach..depending what bug was fed last also got stubborn sheds off. I also got some more par38 halogen bulbs on dimmers to hit 106...yes yes 105.. I know. past dragons, he likes it slightly higher. What can I say?? Others are fine. Broly is good nothing out of the ordinary and the bumps on his tail are halted for months now..likely MBD from pet store poor choice of UVB on the tank when I picked him 2015. Other than genetic issues he's a happy Seahawk. I say seahawk because my family supports Seattle Seahawks! I like Eagles personally and Idc if we lose shot at playoffs or Super Bowl. I stand behind my team and family's. Im a football fan and so is Broly..I think he likes the colors moving personally.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Hi Kami, your wedding is getting really close, hope all goes well. Glad to hear that Broly is doing well, too. And congrats to Tom for being a vet, that is awesome!

I've been sick with a really bad case of hayfever, I'm allergic to grass but got off my antihistamines for the winter and forgot to take them again...duh...not like I don't know about my allergy, now I know it's not worth being off them. Taking 3 different puffers again, too, and finally starting to feel better. This is now week 8. Next week I start back to work 3x a wk, 5 hrs/time. Then I build from there.

My crew are doing well, Castiel ended up with a mystery, two tests on the biopsy & no bacteria or fungus showing. So I think he bashed that side of his head somehow during his Spring Fever and that's why part of his beard fell out. He'll go back to the vet & the rest of the $ I raised is put aside for the others. Cierra needs an xray to see if she has eggs. She's gained alot of weight but I can't feel any and she's not as active as she would be if she was looking to lay eggs.

Plus Bella goes to the vet tomorrow, she's got a rash on her belly & a yukky right eye, has goop coming out of it in the morning but not during the day. We'll see tomorrow what the vet says.

Your birthday is the day after my dad's. He was 90 on the 24th, so we had a big party at my sister's the Sunday before and Eric, Traci and my grandkids came, too, and stayed for the afternoon. After ages of rain, cold and overcast, we had a great sunny day. My sister & b-i-l have a large deck that they've made into an outside living room. I'm going to be posting pics soon, turned out so well!

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Internet was out last night so couldnt post so went to bed.

Broly did a bm after breakfast (bowl of collards). It's back to normal shape. Im not gonna bother having it checked anymore unless it's "clear the room" smelly. It's unwanted stress.

My adventure: I woke up at 11(timer on lights at 9) so I got up (usually 10 is my wake up but been tired for the last two days) made breakfast (animals), cleaned up bug bins and showered. Broly had a bath and by vets orders no more than 1x a week. He doesn't believe baths hydrate...but Broly does get dirty or if it's getting hot then cool bath to cool him also has stubborn sheds. Got fish tanks water changed. Im about to eat now, Tom now works at the vet school so he's not there to learn anymore he's there treating sick reptiles and amphibians. He has lots of people coming to him with concerns. He's at the school till about 8pm so Im home for that long. Being mentally disabled (so that's what social security that call it) is not fun. I have too many set offs lately and Tom's mother is here to watch me because stupid tantrums.

Deb: aww hope Bella gets the right treatment. Good for Castiel..glad it's not serious. Hows Gabriel and the leopard geckos? Hows Imp? Ever figure it out? Uh oh, Cierra is gravid! Yikes! Hows Nathaniel? Haven't heard much on him. I look at the thread I just dont post. I go off topic because my brain doesn't stay on track. Dont want to almost hijack.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I don't mind if you don't post, Kami. Bella has an infection on her belly from her neck to her butt, so pills for that. Her right eye is also infected, so cream for that & left eye, to make sure it doesn't move over. Poor sweetie, she's not felt herself the last week, but didn't have vet $ until today. I started going to the vet Cami, my building mgr, takes her dogs to, $29 for visit but the meds are really expensive! Total cost today $110, she has 2 pills and the cream to take. My friend Joanne keeps telling me to go to her vet, so I might just check to see if they would have been less expensive. Just in case.

The weather up here has been weird, long cold winter, then spring didn't even show up until mid April. We've had about 7 sunny days since then. Lots of overcast, rain, the poor dragons are just totally confused. I think Castiel is trying to brumate, but he's covered with shed, so he's not allowed. I put his hide upside down when he's like this. I took the stitches out of the biopsy wounds, it's been 3 weeks since that was done, so though it would be safe.

Nathaniel is still my cowboy, he's just so funny. He still thinks his poop is toxic and will still run to the other side of the tank until I clean it up. Even if I'm not home LOL. He loves chasing his food, so he, Imp and Cierra get to run after their worms when I'm home.

Gabriel is still hanging in, but I can see what the aneurysm is doing to the right side of his face, not sure if he's had a slight stroke there. That eye is almost always shut and is now smaller than the one on the left. I have some pics, but haven't loaded them on here, yet, so I'll get to that on the weekend.

Imp is still skinny, but he's eating more by running after bugs on the living room carpet. I try to feed him twice a day & Bella can't be within site as he'll just stare, black beard and bob at her & won't eat. He's feeling heavier, too, and because I've blocked part of Gabriel's tank from him, he's not running around the tank as much anymore, either. So I'm hopeful that he'll get fatter. He's never been much over 400g to begin with. I also foundSo t an herb that's supposed to help with appetite, so might look into that. It's called Ashwagandha. There's also Brahmi. I'll have to look into both for me and Imp.

I'm not sure if Cierra is carrying eggs or not anymore, it's been a few weeks that she's gained alot of weight but she's not showing any normal signs. So as soon as I have the $ again, I'll take her for an xray, just to make sure. She doesn't seem to be in distress and even pooped on her own, normally takes ages to get her to poop, pumpkin, belly massages in the bath...but this time, one massage and bang, she left a huge BM in her tank, good girl. So I'll keep you posted as to why she's getting fat.

So they're all doing well. Lights are still within range, but will need replacing in the fall, so will order them in then. I don't use the ramp as much, don't leave anyone out if I have to go out and once I'm back to work f/t, it will be the usual routine but noone outside their times when I leave. I'M just home too late and still have to walk Bella. Busy! Can't wait until I retire Dec 1, 2020!

I'm glad Tom's mom is there to help you during the day.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

So today outside in the sun I saw Broly's wrist. It was red..poked and gently touched it no so we went inside looked around the tank no blood. I have no idea how long it's been there. I did remember a shed there so maybe I thought he ripped a shed and left a red bruise but it doesn't hurt him at all. This point Im between freak out and calm while looking online...other posts suggested infection!! I don't see an open cut and no blood.

He's not: favoring it, holding, lethargic, acting like it hurts or black beard. He is: walkin on it fine like it's not there.
He's also eating. I can't get a good pic of it he doesn't like his feet being held.

It's not yellow or black (depending how long ago). I don't have heat rocks or heating pad so not a burn (i think). I don't leave bugs so not a bite. It's between bruise or irrirated's just one. It didnt spread. Yeah, bit of a drama queen lol. Im just telling the specifics of it so he won't let me hold his foot up to take a pic. I have no idea what he did or could have done. I have to get Tom to look at it. I did tell him he did say if he's acting ok then it must not be serious. I said it doesn't look open as there isnt blood. He said ok so it's just red at the scale? No red foods? I said no red food and yes just red there not open. He said sounds like a bruise, blood pooled under the scale but didnt come out. Of course the infamous "keep an eye on it".

He does use his foot. It doesn't bother him so went back outside. I tried to stop noticing it, it's just there!! Bothers me! I know it doesn't hurt him or anything or acting out. I can't get my mind off it.

Good luck to Bella, Gabriel, Cierra and Imp.
Nathaniel you keep going cowboy!


Gray-bearded Member
Catching up. Last week of my husband's vacation -- he goes back to work on Monday to rest up from all the yard work he's been doing. :roll: But the yard looks really nice and most of the fence is fixed, except for the part that got overgrown by a group of trees that have gotten a little too large for my husband to remove safely -- we're probably going to have to call in some professional help for that part.

We did get one day to visit some friends -- a pair of "real Alaskans" who live out in a wooded area, off the grid, no indoor plumbing, etc -- nice place to visit for a day trip (but I wouldn't want to live like that all the time :p ). We took a drive up north and lucked out with the weather -- beautiful view of Denali (the mountain formerly known as McKinley) on a clear sunny day. That doesn't happen very often, so my husband took pictures with his laptop.

I don't mind if you go "off topic", Kami. In fact, it seems that my brain "works" (if you can call it working :wink: ) a lot like yours. I sometimes wonder if I don't have a little bit of ADD or autism myself, although it's never been diagnosed. They've never been able to figure out exactly what's up with me, and they've never been able to prescribe any meds that don't either make me crazier than I already am or else just plain not work at all. So I guess I'm just lucky that I found a husband who is willing and able to be the sole breadwinner for both of us before I completely lost my earning power, and who is also willing and able to put up with me and take care of the critters when I'm not up to it. :oops:

Sounds like Broly's apparent injury is probably nothing really serious, and it sounds like Tom has learned all the proper veterinary phrases ("keep an eye on it" etc). And as long as he's staying hydrated and seems ok otherwise, you're probably safe to overlook the occasional runny poops since you know about his kidney issues and why it's happening, although I would imagine it makes it really "fun" to clean up after him. :roll:

It also sounds like you're going to be more than ready to retire when the time comes, Deb. You'll probably still be very busy with your family (humans and beardies and all the other critters). I don't know how you've been managing to squeeze the job in there so far, but glad you're recovering from all the allergies and whatnot.

It's going to be interesting to find out what's up with Cierra. It kind of reminds me of those maternity T-shirts they used to have that said "I'm not fat I'm pregnant", although I always wanted one that said "I'm not pregnant I'm fat", but I probably don't need it now because I'm getting too old to be mistaken for pregnant. :wink: And since there are some people who seem to be able to eat and eat and never gain weight, maybe some reptiles are like that too -- faster metabolism or whatever, and maybe Imp is one of them. Sounds like he's healthy otherwise. And I still think Gabriel is amazing, even if it's finally catching up with him after all this time -- if I remember correctly, he's had that aneurysm for almost a year now, and has managed to continue to enjoy his life anyway. They're all lucky they have you to take such good care of them. :) And that goes for you and all your critters too, Kami.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Oh yes, it's fun to clean up when covers 2 1/2 tiles..LOL. That's more water than the bm itself. It cleared up today it's been sunny. I had him and Kane outside. Out of everyone it's Broly giving me the most run for my money. Tom did come home and confirmed it's pink for one and two it's a missing scale. Broly had a shed there as we know and he apparently ripped it off before it was ready and caused a bit of "irritation" if you wanna call it that. That's why it's pink because the skin/scales were forming under the shed but didnt quite make it through before being suddenly ripped off. Looks like a missing scale to me personally too. Idk it looks like a scale is there just pink but what do I know... So he put raw, unpasturized honey on it and wrapped a gauze around it. He feels he doesn't have to do this but did anyway. Solves that mystery...def an injury.

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