Broly the new super saiyan beardie

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Well the saltwater fish are from my old 30 gal freshwater that I converted because of a terrible columnaris outbreak. I transferred them to the 150 gal. I have two 150 gal one fresh and one salt. The 30 is gone. So we just have 12,20, and two 150gal. Our old 10 is for crix. My dory fish wasnt thriving at all in the 30 so I had to get the 150. Shes doing a whole lot better. Im hoping my clowns arent too upset when they get here (3 females two males). I got my seahorse into shape..she wasnt happy with all the fish LOL. I had a crab..I think she hassled him to death. Shes mean LOL.

Yes, Sue, they're all hard work! Saltwater isnt the best for a beginner at all theyre constant maintenance to keep up. I kept fish for 7 years. Our eletric bill isnt kind it's high luckily we can pay it. Kept beardies 13 years so of course I added more reptiles. Ok, the geckos are his then he adopted his own beardie, Kane.

As for Puff, yes, it's Rapashy. i know from experience. Broly had it for his 2nd birthday as a cake of sorts. Pumpkin also does it to Broly.


Gray-bearded Member
That's good to know, because Puff tends to get a little constipated now and then so it's good to have a laxative that he seems to like and will actually eat. No go with pumpkin, prune, olive oil, etc. -- it can't help if he won't eat it. :roll:

I sprinkled a little of the powder on his salad today to see if that will make the greens more appealing. No interest so far. :|

I don't think we could afford another tank, especially since our old car got totaled last year and we replaced it with a plug in hybrid. My husband loves it :love10: -- it's basically a computer with a car wrapped around it -- right up his alley. But it's an electric hog -- what it does to the electric bill makes up for what we save on gas. :( But at least we get to feel good about doing something to help the environment. :mrgreen:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yeah, I know the struggles of a dragon not eating so it doesn't help. I guess Im lucky with the dragons eating salads and bugs. Last year,Broly didnt eat anything and weight was fluctuating between 362-367g. He's better this year since he turned 2 years. Kane is about to do the same thing. He's cut some food off and only eating bugs. Soon bugs will be cut off. He's almost 1 yr..he's 11 mos.

Capaldi isn't eating for 4 days now. Weight is good..wondering if he's got "spring fever". Tom already checked his feces, thats clear. He does have tons of energy..I let him out 6x today. It's not enough!! Im freaking tired. I know the temps are correct I already checked. He's been pacing around in and out of his tank. He'll eat bugs at least.

The gecko babies born June 4... My african dwarves June 4 and bettas June 6.. They're all so cute. My clowns came in and they look healthy..breeder assured me no diseases so I put them in the tank...they're hiding. Will check them in a few hours. Tomorrow would be better I think. Stress in fish seemed to be just 24 hours. I also have an added bonus from this breeder..a crab (slightly bigger). I told her about my seahorse and crab and she said she'll give a bigger male. He's big. He's already whacked my seahorse a few times. He's with the clowns now. He'll be fine. Named him Freddy as this crab may be my seahorse's nightmare if she keeps up. Theyll be ok. He's good with other fish he doesn't bother them.


Gray-bearded Member
It sounds like Capaldi is doing the same thing our snake does earlier in the spring -- hyperactive and anorexic. We used to take him to the vet because he wasn't eating, until we figured out that it was just "spring fever", and when we try to feed him, he's looking at us like, "Wrong one of the 4 F's, folks. Drop a lady snake in here and see what I do." He usually manages to get through it without losing a significant amount of weight, so we call him "Squirmles the Amazing Solar Powered Snake". Later in the summer, he turns back into the "Carnivorous Couch Potato" and usually stays that way through most of the fall and winter, and things even out. He recently started eating again so we're good. Got through the annual spring hunger strike for another year. He'll be 15 years old this summer, so we've been through this enough times to know the drill.

Puff's biological clock is not so reliable. The year before last he went hormonal right after the winter solstice, but this year it was earlier in the spring, and back to "normal" now, whatever that is. :roll:

Hopefully there's nothing wrong with Capaldi that either a girlfriend or the lizard equivalent of a "cold shower" won't cure. :wink: (I don't mean that literally, of course.) Otherwise you may just have to put up with him bouncing off the walls until the hormones settle down.

I'm glad to hear that all the new additions to your family seem to be settling in nicely. It sounds like you work harder taking care of all your critters than you ever would if you had a "full time job" (you know, one of the kind you and me can't do, where you get paid for doing what someone else expects you to do when and how they expect you to do it :(, and I sometimes wonder if I'd still be willing even if I could, now that I'm getting close to retirement age anyway). I guess we're both lucky we've got guys who are willing to be the family breadwinner and help us out with our "babies". :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yes, I do work pretty hard keeping everyone going. The saltwater takes so much work it's like a full time job. Clowns and Freddy are up and swimming meeting everyone.
Today is a bit hectic..woke up late..(10:46) so I have to feed Broly (he doesn't need a bath) his tail has some orange Im thinkin thats old bm..I'll soak his tail in a damp paper towel then scrub with the toothbrush. It's meaningless if he despises baths anyway and claws my arms up to escape. Besides hes not too dirty just one scale on the tail. I suppose I should anyway to wash off old honey to his wound. I could use a damp paper towel for that too..
Freshwater tanks get a water change, crickets/silk/roach bins all get cleaned out. Saltwater usually today but with the new guys I'll leave it for tomorrow. All lizards get a tank clean though I spot clean I need to anyway (keep any bacteria low). Kane likes bathtime he'll swim and he's dirty old pumpkin on his face..just food in general.

Then there's my bath.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I got married today and took off that freaking dress when it was over!! Im a tomboy soo no pics with the dress my parents totally understand and my dad was cringing the whole time. He knew I wanted to tear it off sooo bad. Tom's parents didn't mind either they were happy enough I wore through the wedding itself. I wear guy stuff Im comfortable in men's clothing LOL don't ask. I been that way since I was 10 years old. I always liked boy stuff.

I fed my fish,frog, guinea pigs, geckos, cats and Quill (dog) before leaving. We'll be home before the hamster gets up. She has lots of food. I took the beardies, BTS and my service dog Badger. Brought roaches and silks. I left crix home. Should have brought my BSFL but left them. My family from New York made it to my wedding so I got to see my young cousins ages 6,9 and 11. Jack did real well though he got antsy at times. My sister restrained him.

Fed our reptiles that we took before we got married. So they basked in the sun in their own individual cages to let uvb in. We have 3...nobody shares or split half. Broly had a mess..didn't know he went potty. It didn't smell from far away. Diarrhea but not so smelly. I had to put Broly on a leash and cleaned that up. We had running water did not use the river we were by thats gross not making animals there sick. Dumped it in the grass. Got my F10SC stuff and wiped/sprayed it down and wiped after it air dried like 30 minutes. Placed him back in and washed my hands and ate the food at the wedding. Im gonna get back to the wedding the adults here want Tom and I to dance so see you all later.


Gray-bearded Member
Congratulations, Mrs. Tom... :D

Sounds like you had a good wedding and managed to keep all your critters taken care of in the meantime, even though you weren't crazy about the dress and wanted to get back into your comfortable clothes as soon as possible. I haven't been able to keep up with my email for the last few days (depression comes and goes) but I was thinking about you because I thought I remembered from a previous post that your wedding was today.

My husband and I managed to turn our wedding into a comedy of errors -- made it to the church well before the ceremony was scheduled and I said, "Let's not leave now that we're here -- let's not give anything else a chance to go wrong..." and he said, "Do you have the marriage license?" Nooooo... and the whole day was like that. :p But that was 18 years ago, so even if the wedding was a bunch of mistakes, apparently the marriage itself was not -- or at least he hasn't gotten sick of me yet. So I hope things will go at least as well for you and Tom.

So is the dog "Quill" named after the character in "Class"?

Puff seems to be developing a real liking for Repashy Grub Pie. Last time I gave him an "artificial worm" he went for it with much enthusiasm like "Oooooh! I like that stuff! :love10: " so I'm glad we've got something we can keep around that we know he'll eat.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yes, he's named after the character in Class. He's a beast if we let him in the house. Hed terrorize the cats and reptiles. My dog, Badger hes cool with. He stays outside most of the time. He only comes in for a bath then he'll be too cold to terrorize. He goes back out after hes dried. Anti social dog seriously...

Yes, I had to get out of the dress I felt "naked" with a lot of skin exposed to the sun. Im prone to skin cancer so I had to get it done. It was good no mistakes except Broly having diarrhea after we were doing vows. Kane and Capaldi Im sure laughing at us. They were all sitting side by side, Broly in the center. Thanks Loop of Henle...thanks LOL. Kane goes every afternoon, Capaldi goes after breakfast and Broly goes every other day at whatever time he decides. I've tried over and over to potty train elsewhere he just doesn't follow it. Kane will go in the bathroom when ge dances he's gotta go. Capaldi just gets out and goes when it's playtime.

I know depression well since 14 yo. I was pretty rebellious too. I just had to clean Broly of pumpkin on his hands like an actual human baby. He gets everywhere and its not even hot! I warm it up.

Thank you for coming on! We're home now and Im soo tired. Tom is making roasted chicken first night married.


Gray-bearded Member
So the dog's personality seems to match the character he's named after, huh? ("...I am War itself...") :mrgreen:

Reptiles have no respect for human ceremonies (or for human convenience, for that matter) -- they poop whenever and wherever they want. :roll: Puff does a little "get-me-out-of-here-I-have-to-go-to-the-bathroom" dance in his terrarium sometimes too, but the problem is that I can't tell it apart from his "get-me-out-of-here-I-want-to-run-around-the-house-and-get-into-mischief" dance, nor do we usually get enough warning to get his bath ready before we end up having to clean up a mess. Oh well...

Yep. Just as bad as human children, aren't they? :wink:

My problems with depression probably started when I was in my early teens too, although back then I didn't know what it was. I still don't really understand exactly how or why it happens, nor does anyone else seem to be able to figure it out, including a number people with MDs and PhDs, who have more often than not ended up doing more harm than good, so I just live with it.

So you got yourself a husband who can cook -- that's a bonus. :D Mine thinks he can cook but gets too creative and has been known to have almost burned the house down once or twice, as well as such things as trying to use an electric saw to carve a turkey and trying to use a power drill for an electric mixer. I've learned that it's best not to turn him loose in the kitchen without female supervision.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yeah, he's definitely a war himself. He's at war with every animal except dogs.

Tom can cool he's pretty much a vet and a cook at home. Tonight him, myself and his parents are taking us to dinner. My whole family is going too. For now we're just cleaning up and feeding who we need to. Finally did switch sheets off the bed LOL so lazy. I did it a month ago. I have to motivate myself into it or it carries on.

Since Im cold...having no blankets suck..they're dirty and our next load after laundry. Tom's at work and I figure he could use clean clothes and bedsheets and blankets. He was a bit upset Monday the 12th. He never wanted to do this but he had to put asleep a beloved beardie from a family. It had YF and wasnt getting better. He gave them F10 and advise them to clean the tank with and wait 30 min before getting a beardie. Theyll try again one day. F10 is supposedly the best stuff to use it will kill fungi, bacteria and viruses. He was crying with the family as their beardie had to go.

On a brighter note, he loves his job. There's sad and happy moments.

All day reptiles ate. Capaldi bm'd. Kane is next shortly it's almost noon. I better shower..I do have clean sheets on the bed after all.


Gray-bearded Member
You and me both. I'm afraid to start the job of changing the bedding because I'm afraid I won't have enough energy to finish it, and then I won't have the bed ready to lie down on when I get tired. :oops: That's one of the many housework jobs my husband has to help me with these days in his non-existent spare time, so we don't get clean sheets on the bed very often. I feel bad because my attempts to motivate myself to do the housework usually fail, and since my poor husband works full time, he shouldn't have to do my job too. He's very sweet about it though.

I guess that's one of the occupational hazards of being a vet -- you can't save them all. Sad and happy moments like you say. But the happy must be worth the sad if he still loves his job.

Puff was unusually dark colored when I went to turn the heat lamps on this morning. At first I thought it was because it had gotten a little cooler than usual lately in here since I turned off the heater for the summer when it started to warm up, although it was still in the high 60s, but then I discovered that he had pooped sometime in the night and was lying in it -- no wonder. Not a happy camper. Cleaned up the mess and cuddled him, and he lightened up a little. Maybe he had a little too much Repashy Grub Pie. :roll: Seems to be feeling better now.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Interesting never had a dragon bm in their sleep. Thats new.

Broly decides to eat whenever he wants now. If he decides to eat when they're dry then they will be replaced. He stopped liking butternut..hes liking only collards right now. He doesn't like butternut or fruit. Strange. He dislikes sweet potato so thats not gonna work. I gave him mint in his salad he seems to still like it. He has an appetite just seems it changed. He also did a bm. He was also dark no beard just body might've been an upset stomach. I'll try apple tomorrow and see what happens. I know he'll eat his crickets and maybe pumpkin...hopefully not sick of pumpkin too. He def sick of butternut he looks at me like "no lady just no"...

We noticed Quill not acting right so Tom took him to work and found he has a rash. He got into something he wasnt supposed to outside. He put Quill on a cream and put a cone on him so he won't lick the cream off. Hes notorious for that. He didnt terrorize anyone which was strange. So yeah he was definitely not feeling ok. Hes doing ok now but hes inside right now as hes not wanting to go outside. All hes done was sleep since he got home so I guess it's ok.

Tom and I watched Beauty and the Beast (live action). I seen the cartoon when I was really young. I remember Be Our Guest and Beauty and the Beast songs LOL. I don't remember much else. It was pretty good..cute movie. Sad moment but good overall.


Gray-bearded Member
That was a new one for Puff, too. Hopefully not the beginning of a trend. He's usually pretty good at staying out of his own poop when he's awake, and often goes "downstairs" to the bottom of the tank to do it (if he doesn't get his bath on time to do it in the water) so he doesn't mess up his basking platform where he likes to spend most of his time. He's not regular -- the interval between his poops can range anywhere from one day to two weeks or more, but when it gets that long I start to worry and start calling for the next available vet appointment. I've canceled several of those in the last few years: "Never mind. We got a poop and everything came out ok..." :roll:

They do seem to change their preferences for one food or another and keep you guessing. Puff used to attack his salad like he thought it was going to get away, but nowadays we have to slip the greens in his mouth while he's busy chewing on a bug or he probably wouldn't eat any veggies at all. He used to like squash too, but not so much anymore. We put fresh veggies in his terrarium every day and leave them there till bedtime so he can get them whenever he wants, and I put them in a little puddle of water in a little "dish" (actually a leftover plastic lid from a large jar of nuts) at the cool end of the tank, so they stay fairly fresh until the end of the day, and he'd get some extra hydration if he'd eat them. I also use a frozen veggie mix (green beans, carrots, peas, squash, etc), cut up into little beardie sized pieces, but I'm thinking of discontinuing that because he never touches it anymore. He's never liked fruit or berries of any kind -- not into sweets, I guess. I almost envy him because of that -- I'd probably be healthier if I didn't like sweets any more than he does. :oops:

When he's willing to be coaxed into eating any greens at all, he seems to like collard greens the best, or I should probably more accurately say that he hates them the least, and at least that's one of the good nutritious staples for beardies, so I guess I can be glad about that.

So the only time Quill behaves himself is when he's not feeling well, huh? :wink: Sounds like he's allergic to something, and allergies in animals are sometimes just as hard to figure out as allergies in humans. We once had a cat that would get bad rashes and we ended up having to take her to the vet once a month for a hypoallergenic bath (they loved her because she purred in the bathtub), and that would clear it up for a little while but then it would flare up again. We tried changing her food and all sorts of other things but we never did figure it out. It finally cleared up after she and her human moved to a different house, so apparently she was allergic to something in our house or yard -- we never found out what it was. :?

I haven't seen the live action version of Beauty and the Beast -- NO budget for entertainment (we spend too much of our limited $ on reptiles) so I'll probably have to wait until it ends up on TV or YouTube or whatever. I remember the animated version very well. My mom bought just about all of the animated Disney movies on "tape" (back in the day when VHS VCRs were state-of-the-art -- seems so primitive now :mrgreen: ) and we watched them together many times until I was well into my 20s and 30s (what was that about feeling more like a kid now than when you were a kid? you and me both...) Mom was young at heart until the day she died, and then the grandkids inherited the tapes, but they were obsolete by then. I'm not sure if anyone still had a working VCR to play them with. Lots of good memories though -- we sure enjoyed them while it lasted. I remember being almost disappointed at the end when the "beast" turned into a "handsome prince" -- I'd gotten used to him as the beast, and he was almost cuter that way. It will be interesting to see how that looks in live action if I ever get a chance to see the new movie.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Haha, he's cute as the beast live too. Emma Watson is Belle I remember her as the girl in Harry Potter, Hermione..(sp?).
She grew up well and can sing!

Broly's injury is healing nicely. Still crabby about us lifting his hand to see it. His bm has finally went to normal.he also had his vitamin. I don't do cal w/D3...vitamin has D3 in it.
He took his enzyme med and gout for his renal system. Those 2 he takes for life...

Kane is 1 yr in July and stopped eating lots to none at all. He turned picky when he loved eating! His fav is banana but he's not getting it weekly..monthly since it's high in potassium. The chart says rare anyway. He also loves watercress and wheat grass and those are good and rosemary flowers.

Quill is better and terrorizing so back out he went. Took the trash from the front to the backyard. He got into the trash. Whatever he got into it was in the trash. Hes not allergic to anything else. We don't know why he got into hes well fed. I guess hes being war again.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Sun and Mon (June 18&19), I had the stomach bug. I think it's more the bacteria. I have stomach issues a lot. Im doing better now. I couldnt visit go visit my parents for father's day. I did call them, Tom called his parents too. Im going to visit tonight as my stomach is finally holding food.

Broly's stool normal still.
Kane had one with water he's too hydrated.
Capaldi well I never notice him going but Im sure he is.

I cleaned out Peter's cage (I just call him Capaldi), I just dump everything out. Im sure stools are in there.

Cloudy but warm...I hate cloudy. Broly can sit in the window for a bit. Im gonna get ready to go and update another time. There isnt much going on.

I found a quirk Broly does. During the day (never night), he likes to have his mouth cracked open slightly. It's never all the way and it's not always under the light. Temps are 106, humidity 46% (been humid outside lately without rain so..weird). I check his breathing it's normal I even listened no crackling wheezy noise. No mucus in or around the mouth, this has pretty gone on for a year now with no effects of RI. He doesn't cough or sneeze and definitely not gasping for breath. I found out from Tom's professor is its something he does if he's done it so long without anything wrong with him. We did check his lungs no fluid or signs of RI or pnuemonia. Crazy boy, he does close his mouth most of the time.

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