Broly the new super saiyan beardie

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yup, good frog, very healthy.

Dragons don't like being upside down or going a bit backward. I only turn mine upside down to know if they're dead. If he's healthy I don't bother. Yellow turned out to be a touch of natural color theres another close to his belly. It's not bright where people can call it pretty. I think it is.

Kane is officially 1 yr! He still gets to eat a lot of bugs. Hes a sub adult so still growing and he's 22" long. Broly's younger brother but he's longer...Broly doesn't like that LOL. He feels not top dragon with his young brother being longer than him. He wants to make quick work of Kane LOL. It's not happening. Kane has turned into a very kind boy and snuggler. Broly not interested unless we're in a car or outside or vet.

My last dragon before Broly. He had adeno (didn't grow and he was 24 weeks old). He had yellow fungus that turned black..mouth rot and lost an eye to an infection which turned fungal. I got PTSD from this and pretty much paranoid about Broly's strange colors unless deemed safe.
Lost some friends over it but unlike normal thinking people I can't "let go" quickly. My mind is "wired" and once something that freaks me out I tend to stay on it longer. I've not gone to the vet in a long time over something harmless. I stopped that unless something serious. I try hard to let go and for the most part I have. Sometimes it comes up but usually don't talk about it. It came up today as someone ordered from the place I did. I had to say my experience with them. Good luck to your future after Puff may you never ever deal with yellow fungus. I still have Alucard's plush dog (no one will ever use but washed) and his towel that Broly uses but it's been disinfected since then.

Broly just black bearded because he had to pass a stool. Might have hurt his tummy signaling to go. First time that happened. His beard is orange again so yeah must've hurt his tummy.


Gray-bearded Member
I don't blame you for being "paranoid" about your beardies' health after what you went through with your other one. :shock:

Sounds like Broly and Kane have a little dispute going over who gets to be the "alpha". It's funny how they can be brothers and have such different personalities. And it looks like the "little brother" is going to be a nice respectable size whether the "big brother" likes it or not. :p

My husband and I are planning an overnight trip to Homer (around 200 miles south) for his dad's 80th birthday this next Monday and Tuesday. We're not sure yet if there's going to be any kind of a party because his dad is in a nursing home with Parkinson's disease and dementia and he has his good days and his bad days, but we will hopefully at least get to visit him once or twice one way or another before we drive back home the next day. I plan to leave the reptiles with half of their heat lamps on and fresh water and Puff with his usual salad in his tank, and they should be ok for one night. We did the same thing last year and they did fine, although if we had to be gone for more than one night we would have to get someone to "babysit". We used to spend a week in Homer every summer when my father in law was still in good health, and we used to take the reptiles with us -- he's a retired wildlife biologist and loves snakes and lizards, but Puff's first year with us in 2013 was the last time we were able to do that. So this trip will be kind of bittersweet :cry:, but it's still a lovely drive through lots of beautiful Alaskan scenery.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Well, that's cool if you go away for a night or two.
I always have a "sitter" for the animals. My service dog always comes but Quill has to be watched as well hamster, guinea pigs, all geckos and frogs/snail/fish and cats. Of course everyone has said I take on too much. I feel like can guess the next two letters. It's TMI but females would understand. I mean c'mon let's be mature...mood swings, irritability all that jazz without saying too much. I hate being a girl during this "time". Got it? LOL.

Yes the bros are having a tough time establishing alpha. Broly is alpha and Kane beta. It doesn't matter to me. They stay on their respective windowsil. They don't bother moving unless the sun is gone. They go back to their tanks when sun is gone so they don't bother attacking each other.
Broly had a stool finally almost normal but he can't help it. He passes what he can.

I'll miss responding to you when you're gone.


Gray-bearded Member
Made it back in one piece. We had lovely weather for the drive both ways, and spent the night with family at my father in law's home, We were hoping to bring him up there for the party but it wasn't feasible so we had cake and ice cream at the nursing home. His personality is still in there in little bits and pieces but he's fading away -- I'm not sure if he even knew who we were, but he seemed to recognize us -- looked at us and tried to talk to us, but it's hard to understand his mumblings most of the time. At one point in a moment of relative clarity he told me he was a wildlife biologist, so I figure that I must have looked familiar but he didn't really know who I was or he would have realized that I already knew that. I don't take it personal if he doesn't recognize me, but it's really sad to see him like this. Dementia sucks. :cry:

Yes, I get it about the girl stuff, although I never did figure out how much of my mood swings were hormonal. I was pretty sure that at least some of it was, so I was hoping it would get better after menopause, but I finished with that in 2015 and so far no noticeable improvement. Oh well. Don't be in too big of a hurry to be done with it, because after that your body starts getting old and going downhill... (Too bad I can't make like a Time Lord and "regenerate" in a younger more physically fit body :mrgreen: )

Puff and Squirmles were fine when we got home. I put them to bed early last night because half of the heat lamps had been on all night the night before, and if I know Puff, he probably laid up on his platform and basked all night. His two day old salad didn't look like it had been touched -- the usual, but he'd stuffed himself with roaches pretty good on Saturday, so I wasn't worried that he was going to starve or anything. No poops, so no extra cleanup to do, but if nothing shows up by the weekend I'll probably treat him to some Repashy Grub Pie. :wink:

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Great that everything turned out well. Im going walking later and since the sun is out of the windows when I get back home. Im going to let the dragons out in the actual sunshine and uvb. The wasps are too big for the venus so Im waiting on my cobra lily (canivore, pitcher plant family) to come in. A friend sent it but Idk what he chose probably the slower way to save money. He grew it from a seed and raised it in Texas. It should be medium sized so it can take on bigger bugs. I need to transfer the venus plants in a bigger pot if it will make them bigger. I know what kind of soil and water the carnivores like.

The reptiles are all fine, cats and dogs are pretty happy. Hamster and guinea pigs are healthy no cancers yet. I gotta get a picture soon so everyone can see him.


Gray-bearded Member
Never tried to ship live plants, but I suppose there are some tricks to how you have to package them so that they get to where they're going still alive.

I also understand that "carnivorous" plants mostly get minerals from what they "eat", because they can still make their carbohydrates from sunlight and thin air just like other plants do, so I would suppose that what they need from their soil is probably different than a plant that can't "supplement" its "diet" by catching insects. And one big enough to catch wasps will be nice to have around if you want to keep the wasp population down.

Puff did his little dance the other day, so I put a big towel in my lap (just in case -- never enough time to get a bath ready if that's what the little dance is about) and took him out and cuddled him, but he got all squirmy and seemed to want to run around and get into mischief (not an option), so I put him back on his basking platform where he usually most likes to be, and a little while later he went "downstairs" and plopped a nice sloppy one on the bottom of the tank for me to clean up. Oh well...

We've been having a bit of a "heat wave" lately (temperatures in the 70s are considered a heat wave for Alaska :wink: ) so I'm hoping we'll get a chance to take Puff outside for a little while before it's over. Big picnic for my husband's coworkers and families this afternoon, and they get a half a day off for it, so I'm hoping to be able to stay out of depression and fatigue long enough to go with him.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I had my two sons out (medically can't have kids in 2008) in the windows. I wasnt watching as I can see them in the window as the windows are behind the tv. I can see them they're not unsupervised. Im assuming a bird flew overhead that had Broly flying to the other side where Kane was looking at him from his window. We have hawks that carry small animals. Broly's beard was black as must've scared him. I called Broly over to me and he came and sat under my legs for a while. Kane and Capaldi (they don't get baths often) got their faces wiped with a damp cloth to loosen dried hard food. I got the food off but some leftovers theyll get baths Mon morning. I've been feeling ok past few days now Im not feeling it. Im tired and after work, Tom has a dinner party with other vets. He's made friends with the other vets. Me, socially impaired to all hell wants to say hi but so much anxiety holds me back. I didnt go I texted a friend and we're picking up food and going to my house to watch a movie. Probably a campy horror movie who knows. I wanted Tom to go with his friends he did offer to stay with us but I said its ok. Im not that type of wife who gets crazy jealous of just hanging out. Im not even the jealous type.
Im gonna go eat our dinner with my friend..shes possibly staying the night..Joey doesnt mind. Yes Joey's still here. Im pretty sure his wife is through with him. My friend wants to sleep in the geckos room so there's an air mattress already full of air. Im sure the geckos won't mind a human in their room for the night. It's just one night. I'll be sure to play with the geckos before bed.


Gray-bearded Member
I tell people that my husband and I have no human children but that we're the proud adopted parents of a beautiful little cornsnake by the name of Squirmles Hamilton Bailey and a beautiful little bearded dragon by the name of Puff Hamilton Bailey. :wink: It's usually good for a few smiles and chuckles.

Bearded dragons are apparently wired to panic and take cover whenever their parietal eye senses a shadow flying overhead -- probably a leftover from the wild days in Australia where I understand there are a number of species of raptors that like to eat them for lunch. Hiding under your trusted human is a good survival strategy.

It's pretty impressive that Broly comes to you when called -- did you train him to do that or did he train himself?

Nice of you to let Tom have his night out with his work friends -- work can be a whole lot more fun and pleasant if you're good friends with your coworkers, and going out to dinner together after hours can help with that. Along those lines, my husband's coworkers & family picnic was fun. It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon (you can never take the weather for granted in Alaska), and I got to meet a number of his coworkers. I can do "social" in a fairly large group for maybe two or three hours, but then I get exhausted and have to go home for some peace and quiet. Not to mention that I hauled my fat lazy body the round trip all the way from where we parked the car to where the picnic was, a distance of probably no more than a city block, if even that, twice, so I was physically exhausted as well as "socially" exhausted by the time the picnic was over. My level of physical un-fitness is getting pretty pathetic. We were planning to go grocery shopping afterwards, but I gave my husband the list and went to bed. He hauled the groceries home and into the house, and I barely had enough energy to put them away. Puff just sat and watched the show from his basking platform, and I don't think Squirmles even knew anything was going on -- sacked out under the heat lamps.

Take out food and a campy horror movie at home with a friend or two can be a nice way to spend an evening if you're not up to going out with a whole bunch of people. And BTW, "How To Train Your Dragon #1" happened to be on one of our basic cable channels last night, so I talked my husband into taking a break from the chores and watching it with me. I think he enjoyed it, especially the part about turning dragons into pets instead of killing them. Puff was having a lazy afternoon and I think he slept through most of it, but I'm glad I finally got to see it with my husband. :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Day 1 of the cold. I have a common cold. I have to be careful around my husband (he works with rodents too not just reptiles) and my rodent children. Rodents catch illness from us.

I saw How to Train Your Dragon 1 in 2012 I think. I was with my then boyfriend before he went to California for good. Hes my ex now. He knows Im married to Tom so it's not so bad. I watched 1 again with Tom. Kane cuddled to Tom even butt wiggle...yeah I dont get that...Kane snuggles with dad while mom cleans up stools, gets food and supplements oh and go outside. Broly however not a snuggler...loves window time, food, bromelain and gout meds and Broly still gets quick with crix so if a couple dead fall out...he chomps them no questions asked. His stool may smell because the crickets were dead or, he's a brat. I try snatching them back...hes fast. He'll get roaches on Wednesday. Silks Saturday, just for variety. he gets protein 2-3x a week.
I can't do social at all..large groups get me anxious and very nervous. I can do small groups.

Broly's been trained to come when called. It's harder then training one of the dogs. It's totally worth the hard work when he does it right.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm sorry you get so tired, Sue Anne and so sorry, Kami, that you get anxious in big crowds. I don't have anxiety but I don't like crowds anyway and rarely go out. When you work noon to 8p and travel for more than an hour each way, there's no social life during the week. Weekends are my animals, my family but mainly my grandkids. Doesn't leave alot of get out time. But I don't mind, my sister is the social one, I'm more apt to spend the afternoon walking Bella (my dog) and then resting with a good book (I'm at the library every weekend). I've had a book in my face since I was 6 yrs old & that hasn't changed. I meet alot of people when I'm dog walking, that's enough social for me. At 61, I'm not apt to change much. My grandson will be 4 years old on Aug 2, I'm trying to figure out how to get the family together, so far I'm thinking we'll have a pot luck & cake at the beach near my parents. Not sure who'll be around, have to check with my son 1st to see if he'd be interested. We'll see how that goes.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I dont mind big crowds if they're taking about reptiles, fish and amphibions. If they talk about other stuff I keep quiet.

I have to replace the ballast in my uvb fixture it's flickering my uvb bulb at times. I turned off the Reptisun for now till I get money to replace it. We go outside luckily it's summer not winter (barely any sun then). We stay out 45 minutes at least. Friday Im hoping to order a ballast for my fixture since it's fixable than throwing the whole thing out. I'll have to wait for it to ship so we're still going outside anyway. I hate it outside...wasps creep me out. I can't stay in the sun either because my skin. Luckily we have a bunny hutch so technically I could walk away but I don't. Thats a terrible thing to do. I stay under a tarp...I can spend 15 minutes in the sun but thats it. Im ordering two ballasts so just in case the other one decides to start dying too. The gecko ones are fine...maybe order 4..we'll see.


Gray-bearded Member
I think it's always easier for just about anyone to join in a conversation if they're talking about something you're interested in and/or know something about.

If your ballast had to go on the blink, at least it did it in the middle of the summer when you can take your beardies outside for some natural sunlight while you're in the process of getting it replaced.

We ordered an extra terrarium hood and a couple of extra UV tubes a few months ago so we will have them on hand just in case. With Puff's adenovirus issues, the last thing we need is for him to have to go without proper lighting for any amount of time, especially during one of our famous Alaskan winters.

I don't last very long outdoors either -- it seems to wear me out somehow, and then I need to be back indoors in my nice little safe cocoon.

Summer colds seem to be the worst, maybe because they get mixed up with the allergies. I hope yours gets better soon, Kami. I didn't know rodents could catch human viruses. I heard rumors that ferrets could, back when I had ferrets, although as far as I know, my ferrets never caught a cold from me.

So how do you train a beardie to come when called? Treats?

You and me both, Deb. Between my husband's full time job and my inability to do my part with housework and critter care, so he has to help with all that, plus his church activities on Sundays, there is very little time left over for "getting out". And my sisters and I are all bookworms too, but I don't read as much or as fast as I'd like to because I tend to get tired and fall asleep after a few pages (no matter how exciting or interesting the book is). Of course, it probably doesn't help that the bed is the most comfortable place in the house to read... :wink:

One of my sisters has piles of books stacked up in front of her bookcases (which are already stuffed with more books), and she's afraid to let her little grandchildren crawl around on her floor because they'd be liable to get buried under a pile of books...

Puff pancaked out right under my hands when I put him back on his basking platform after his bath last night. I think he was probably trying to tell me to hurry up and put his heat lamps back in place.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yes, happy to have it break in summer. Winter is rain for 11 months and we dont really have a spring but plants know when to wake up and bloom anyway. You can get sun here and there during winter but mostly rain/wind and sometimes snow. Our spring is the same weather. Basically power outage central.

Summer and fall really show here. Winter never wants to leave. Even summer we have to wear jackets at night if you go drops to cold not too cold but cold. It's crazy.

I'm recovering well from my cold. Tom takes care of the rodents. I still have housework I did get to the bathroom and kitchen. I did replace my CPAP mask (medically diagnosed sleep apnea) finally. I keep lysol wipes so Tom can wipe door handles and faucet handles too. He's basically wiping everything I touched. Stupid cold made me contagious not to reptiles and aquatics thankfully.


Gray-bearded Member
Sounds like Tom's veterinary training is coming in handy for keeping things sanitized to cut down on the risk of your cold virus getting spread around. I'm glad you're recovering. At least you can still cuddle the reptiles in the meantime.

Where in Oregon do you live? It sounds like you get the worst of all the storms, like maybe somewhere near the coast? My dad lived in Salem, and he liked the partly cloudy days when the clouds would drift around and the sun would pop out once in a while. I had never seen real snow when I first visited him at Christmastime. There was one snowy day, and he got a big kick out of telling all his friends how his daughter from California had parked herself in front of the window and watched the snow fall for about half the day. I'm not sure if he ever realized that I had ulterior motives -- the heater was right under the window. :wink:

Kind of funny to think back on that -- nowadays, I see all the snow I ever want. (and then some :roll:)

Cloudy rainy day today here too, but they're predicting at least partly sunny weather for the weekend. We'll see. The local weatherman makes like he thinks he can predict the weather in Anchorage, but nobody can really do that. :mrgreen:

Meanwhile, if I don't get Puff out of his "bedtime burrito", he's liable to sleep in till at least noonish on these not-so-sunny days. Time for a nice "good morning" cuddle. :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

I realized I never answered your question.

I train Broly with bugs..pheonix worms to be exact. Sometimes crickets or roaches. I learned to pick up bugs. They're fed by hand now on bug day. I created a monster.
I picked the bugs up one time to train him to come and now he wants them by hand.

We live on the coast up towards Portland.
We got hit by remnants of a dying typhoon. High winds and heavy rains. We dont get those often. Rain/wind and snow.
Im from Las Vegas originally so seeing all the storms we dont get was amazing at first now it's an annoyance. Power always cut in cold weather. I have a battery back up for lizards and fish tanks. Rodents keep to their nests. Thats a lot of batteries for back up. The batteries are rechargeable so thats great.

It's weigh day for the beardies and Capaldi. I rarely weigh my geckos.
Capladi is 450g honestly can't remember if thats good or not he went up 6g. Kane is 490g he gained 10g. Broly is 504g he dropped 1g in all of two weeks. I weigh every two weeks. Measuring day is tomorrow. I don't measure often either because everyone pretty much stabalized in length.

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