Broly the new super saiyan beardie

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
He will be fine while you're gone. Two hours won't make a difference, he might be unhappy about it but he'll be ok. Honest. I left my dragons alone for 2 days while I was in Whistler with my family. Cierra gave me death glares for a couple of days, but having been bathed on Friday am, there were no poops to deal with. So all was good and they got over being on their own for 2 days, so he'll be fine, honest!

He's doing so well, growing alot, 16 1/2" is still a good length & he's a good weight. He hasn't finished growing either, so may add another inch or so by the time he's 2. If he doesn't then he's just a bit of a smaller dragon and there's nothing wrong with that at all :love5: You take such good care of him, Kami, you should be very proud of yourself.

I was sorry to hear about your stomach giving you issues, glad you're on the antibiotic and the high probiotic yoghurt. It will do you good. You should eat yoghurt twice a day (like I do) every day, if you're ok with that, will help your stomach alot. Since I've been doing that I don't have reflux anymore, which is a good thing for me!

I'm about to update on my thread. I've got 3 dragons sound asleep on my bed right now, Gabriel and Leo are alseep on a big pile of sheets and comforter and Cierra is behind them asleep under the comforter. It's great to have them there. Nathaniel is still in his hide and Castiel was in his hide when I put the other 3 on my bed, he's on his basking log now but he missed out, oh well :lol: :lol:

Sorry I haven't updated recently, I've been busy getting ready for this ankle surgery in 2 weeks. I've had to move alot of stuff around in my apartment and get rid of alot of other stuff to make room, it's been exhausting, but it's almost completed.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Hehe thanks Deb, if he poops and gets it on him well he'll have to stay up a bit longer as I dont want him in his cage lights out to chill after his bath he'll get sick. I'll get major stink eye for sure! He'll probably point to the poop "Look what you stuck me with?! How dare you!" I know I can't help it! Robert Englund will be there he was my favorite Freddy and it may be my one shot on meeting him. It wouldnt matter my parents are making sure we all go no matter what we have to do. Have to control my OCD about cleaning him and his poop and lights off at a certain time when I get home whatever else I have to clean as well. May have to clean out his cage if it's everywhere, more hoping he doesn't go at all at least for that one day. He could be a j e r k and make a mess for me to clean up then him then lights out. Love him anyway. Thanks for the reassurance, he'll have to deal with it plus he can sleep till 9am the next morning if he wants.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
My parents dont know if they wanna leave late afternoon Friday or early Sat (5 or 6 am). I can make Friday night work feed him at 2pm digest by 4:30pm and turn lights off. Not really comfortable Sat and waking him so early as he probably won't get up at 5 or 6 anyway. Lights will be on till I get home Im not sure why I feel so wrong leaving Broly when it was easy with Alucard and Vash. I'm totally confused why I feel this way when it was easy to go early/late before. Hes got good fat and weight on him I just feel nervous leaving him alone and stupid OCD about the slightest dirtiest thing just has to be cleaned up if it isn't I get nervous about him stressing he hates dirty too.

He impressed me again he is 223g! He seems like a slim dragon...what's a good weight for a slim dragon? I know he's not 2 years old but better safe than sorry as in he weighs too much and have to make him lose weight. Hes creeping closer to 17"! Hes also been sleeping early 7-7:30pm he has his head up all day eyes closed (not all day on and off). It got chilly real quick so hes "sleepy" but not sleeping if that makes sense. He had a 15 minute bath last night and it was awesome he stayed then climbed onto his towel when time was up I dried him to the best of my ability and let the heat from the bulb take care of whats left. Wrinkles did go away on his back after that bath too so 15 is better than 10 I guess.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
He's doing fine for his age, still have over a year to grow, so he's doing just fine.

I understand how you feel, I have a few friends with OCD and it's not easy to live with. All will be fine with Broly and you'll be fine once you're on your way. It was this way last time you went away, too, but it was all fine.

As for having the lights on late, that won't harm him either. He'll just sleep, lights on or off, you'll see. :D

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
I measured and hes like 16 3/7" or something like that.
He doesn't really cooperate with measuring but fine with weighing. I put him ON the measuring tape so I got my accurate answer. I just dont have any money till October 1 so tryin to keep vet bills down to a minimum unless he needs to be seen. I don't need coccidia or something to flare up just because his poop didnt get picked up it will though once I get in. Unless we go Friday then he'll be in bed early with the che on at 5pm or may turn it on when I get home so Im ok with that. If it becomes Sat Im sure we'll be home before 10pm since we're going so early so he'll sleep early and hopefully if he goes to leave the poop alone or bath and carpet change before putting him back to bed.
I have no pills for OCD and refuse to take any if there is. I have depression and my anger burst pills (so I don't get mad and hurt someone or myself). My mom calls the OCD pills "relax" pills and and she says to relax hes a lizard in a house not in a toxic waste dump. Maybe I will take them so Im calmer and be excited to go (instead of like a nervous wreck) like my siblings are. I'm not very comfortable sitting so close to somebody in a car for 2-4 hours and I have no choice but to sit near my brother so will have to deal with that problem on my own. I'll have to ignore the fact there is someone close to me..dont like being touched...thats my issue its not hes near me it's he could bump my shoulder or something I get agitated when touched again will work on it myself. Thank you again Deb..OCD isnt a picnic and my family dont care about how it feels to be away from what I do every day.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
My d-i-l has OCD and I know how difficult it is to deal with. She gets anxiety, too, but she can't take any medication, she gets all kinds of reactions. She also has difficulties dealing with people, so much so that's what originally caused the rift between her, my son and I. I'm glad that's healing and Eric and I will be going to family therapy (he needs coping mechanisms) which is paid by my work. Tara still gets Eric going, so he now has the keys to my place and can come here to get away if they're fighting. They have 2 small kids to raise, so need to stay together & face their responsibilities. They wanted kids, after all...

So I kind of understand what you're dealing with Kami. I don't like crowds of people either. I don't mind being at work, I'm used to it after 23 years LOL I prefer to be on my own, visiting family & friends when I want to. We all have our issues to deal with, yours are just more than most. And Broly will be fine. He won't get anything because of having a poop in his tank, either, I can pretty well guarantee it.

You'll feel better once you're there. And then when you're home again.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
So we're leaving at 5:30am which means Broly's lights are going to be on for 16 hours at most maybe 17 hours. I had my timer on but it fizzled out and won't turn my light off at least my uvb (it's one sided was gonna have my uvb shut off) keeping the basking bulb on til I get back. I read 12-14 hours is acceptable well Im gone for at least 2-3 more hours than the standard 12-14 cycle. Deb did advise it's fine to have it on late. Broly will probably be up from 5:30-5:30 with lights still on til 9 or 10pm. Hes also just gonna have to deal we're not buying another timer right now. We're coming home either 4 or 5 (could be 6) it depends and would feel better if I could have the uvb off at least but won't happen now and I hope not to be 7 cuz that would make it 11 til we get back. I do have to stop at Petco in Eugene to pick up two more uvb bulbs. I'll put a hide in the tank before I go so if he's annoyed by the lights at bedtime he can go in there but also not confident he'll come out of
it once he finds out what he can do with it LOL like I said he can be a butthead. Well he'll have to deal with lights till 10 or 11 (if we leave at 7pm).

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I've told you Kami that it won't matter that the UVB is on for an extra few hours. He'll get out of the basking area when he gets too hot, it's not an issue. My timer isn't working well for Gabriel or Castiel, the lights on Monday and Tuesday didn't turn off at 4:30p as they were supposed to, so they had the Arcadia light on from 6:30a until I got home at 9:30p. And they are both fine. All as usual. Had their baths this am and all pooped, didn't get dehydrated at all. So a day like that will be fine for him. I know you can't help but worry but when you get home, you'll have a sleepy beardie waiting for you. He has a hide, right, on the cool side? When he's done with being under the basking light, that's where he'll go. My two didn't even do that, they just slept under the light :lol:

Have a great day, k? I'll be waiting for an update when you get back!

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Holy crap 6:30-9:30? Well if nothing happened to them then Broly will be fine. I'll give him a hide before I go but he actually just uses his log at night to hide his face from lights. He doesn't get out of his hide because he just sits there awake I had to remove it so he would eat and digest I put it in at night. He had a 13 minute bath.. I thought I heard "clicking" turns out he aspirated water so whew! Sometimes he should stop putting his head underwater. After all it will be 5:30a-11p plus sleep in till 9a next morning he'll love that. Oh crap I just realized I won't be able to give him his bugs I have to leave quickly as his lights turn on and I have a bowl but it takes up space (well guess that will have to stay in there) but is it bad if he eats as soon as he gets up? because if he sees me pouring in bugs he won't wait for his hour warm up(gotta give him protien can't go a day without it and not making him stay up till 1a to digest). Hopefully he'll get up quickly for them so he can eat and take the bowl out. He'll have his salad and pellets in there too with bugs..I'll find a smaller glass bowl they can't get out of so they can wait for him to eat them and he can still move around. He better digest them while Im gone no laying on the cool side after breakfast.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
It'll be fine, sometimes I have to feed them just after they wake up, being under the lights most of the day will be fine. And don't bother with his hide, he'll be ok under his log. Just pour in the bugs and let him be for the day, you'll see how much he's eaten when you get home. All will be well, honest. Mine are fine, yours will be, too.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Yup! Got it handled found a small bowl that doesnt take much room and it can stay in there. They're crickets so hopefully they stay dont need them running around at night if he fails to catch them if they get out. Mom doesnt believe they bite dragons at night but they do. Well crix and pheonix worms will be in there. I'm sure he'll chomp them all when he wakes up and finds out Im dropping bugs in LOL. Making a lot of greens on Friday night and dropping in pellets too. 3 bowls in the tank LOL. Two on the cool side and one by his sleeping area (so its not under the basking bulb). Trying to leave room without many bowls in there. He'll most likely lay around after done eating. Found him once sleeping in his bowl of crickets after eating them! :lol:.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Yup, keeping lights on till I get home as well as food and paper towels hoping he goes on them if he goes. My dad isn't going he has work that Saturday and he's out late too though he'll get home before me hes just going to bed. He wants nothing more than sleep after he gets home not gonna want to do anything else.

It's raining right now so it's muggy and have my door and all windows open to keep the humidity down. It rained last night...made his overnight humidity 51%. I have a new friend, a white's tree frog. She's not used to human interaction and doubt she will be. Broly stares at her not knowing what she is besides not a beardie.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Robert Englund was so popular the line was sooo long so couldn't meet him, maybe next year if he comes. Met Wil Wheaton, Walter Jones, Karan Ashley (Walter and Karan were power rangers I grew up with when I was 10 so met my childhood idols) and Veronica Taylor (grew up with her as Ash on Pokemon). They were all nice! I was being silly, Veronica didnt mind, I went up to her and did my best Pikachu impression and she did Ash's voice and said "hiya buddy!" Then we talked for 20 seconds (can't talk long) then said "pikaaa!" And again Ash's voice "see ya later, buddy!" We became friends after that.

Broly did not poop but ate most of the food so I took it out and put him to bed. He feels waxy from the bottom half of beard to half of his upper chest so a shed might come on. Major stink eye for sure! I was dreading having to wake him up and bathe him and clean his cage but no it's clean. He wasnt even sleeping when I walked in the door he was basking mouth part open I said hi to him and then he was like "mom youre home no poop though" then went under his log and closed his eyes then put him to bed.

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