I did his
bath, 10 mins like before.
Dried him still hates towel. I held him after
bath for a good 10 minutes maybe 15, but I
did take him to meet the dogs and cats at a
safe distance he did really well. Let them sniff
his tail. Then we got back to my room and he
jumped off my hand (safe distance) onto a book that
was there and bolted. Safely and calmly was able to catch
without causing any injuries and put him back after inspecting him for any odd colors (fungal/bacterial). Safe to say no infection on him as I could see. Creamy white belly and good weight. I hate to get him for another recheck but I forgot the number. He's got yellow coming in (not YF). So he has red, orange and now yellow colors. bright alert eyes.
Tired by 6-7 but won't let anyone pick him up even if he's tired. Eyes people like a hawk. Ate half a bowl of greens.
Ate 10 crix had his calcium so the UVB should help absorb it into his bones.
My mom loves how fat he is getting which means no health issues (ie parasite/worms). He loves watching TV as I saw his eyes were intrigued by Dragon Ball Z. We were watching Bio Broly movie DBZ movie. He heard Broly say "kakorot!" And his eyes opened quickly he knew then who I named him after. I joke to him saying "when you grow up scream kakorot(sp)."