Toothless the "Day Fury"

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Alrighty. :) This thread is for me to tell my beardie's story and post all about his adorableness. Even though I just registered today, I shall start at the beginning. This thread should have alot of pictures- so be warned- you may not be able to take the pure ferocious cuteness.

The Beginning!
We bought Toothless from Repticon in Raleigh on May 5th. He came from the same breeding company that our first came from (Carolina Designer Dragons) because we know she is an amzing breeder! He was about 8 weeks old when we got him.

His parents are Prada x Etro from FairyTail Dragons. (not sure how CDD got some of their babies XD)
This is his dad, Etro. He is a Hypo Leatherback X English Belgium Hypo 18" long, 423 grams and still growing!! and This is his momma, Prada. She is 354 grams, 18 1/2" long and 100% Marketed Leucistic.

Now on to my little cutie. This is him in the salebin. He's the one facing us. We knew right away he was the one.

This is him on the way home. He was so friendly and curious- not a single stress mark!

This is his very first experience in his Viv. :3 He seemed to like it (He loves it now)

First bath (May 6th)

He's growing! (June 12th or so)

But still tiny. He's a snuggler when he isn't zooming!

Growing more

July 6th. :) It's been 2 months since I got him, and he has shot up in size! Went from 25g or so to 158g!

Today, I coddled him with loooooove. Here is a shot to show just how much he's grown.

Thats it for now, but more pics WILL come. :D I hope you all enjoy these! <3

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Sorry to hear about the parasites, let us know the dosage. When Gabriel had parasites he was given 1.5 ml of Panacur for 300g of weight per week. So if you go by that you should find out if the vet knows what he's talking about. Sorry this happened when you're at school, the soya yoghurt will help keep his tummy in good shape. Have your family feed him first, give him the yoghurt, then the meds, as that helps him digest the meds without the tummy ache. Gabriel was on Panacur for 3 mo before he was clear, but he wasn't in as good shape as Toothless, he was very dehydrated and skinny when I got him back in April. So feeding him first (he was on babyfood for awhile) giving him the probiotic (I have him Benebac gel) and then the meds worked out much better.

Good luck!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm not sure. What is his weight? Gabriel got .3cc weekly and his weight was about 340. So I'd check with Tracie (Drache613) first to make sure the dose is right. Maybe .4cc? Makes a big difference. What type of meds is he taking. Gabriel was taking Panacur. So check first. There have been some dragons overdosed on meds. It has to go by weight & Tracie would know best. I'd hold off until you've talked to her.


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I called and told them to double check, so hopefully they will do that when they get home. And weekly you said? Yeesh, I really hope they don't screw this up. I hate not being there to make sure! :?

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Just PM Tracie with the details, she's our local vet, she knows so much about medication and will let you know what he should be taking. Every parasite is different, so meds are different. It's just to double check. Get the details that the vet gave your family, plus med & dosage & sent it to her. It won't make a difference if he starts a few days later, but you'll have peace of mind that all is good. Drache613 is her username & please don't hesitate, she really knows her stuff.


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The family confirmed it is .4cc's

They said it was a daily dose, and the medicine is called Metronidazole. Anyone used it before?

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Please PM Tracie, I've never heard of it, but don't know alot about meds and I wouldn't want him to have too much.
Drache613. She's our local expert on meds & doses. And she'll need his weight, too. So Please do that, it's really important.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wrote on your other thread, hope all goes well with one of my favourite beardies. He's such a beauty and so big, even if he is 6 mo old!


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Guess who's back!!! :D Yep. I am back from college and apologize for my sporadic absences. Toothless is doing just fine. :) After meds, he is completely clear of parasites and good to go. He is not quite brumating, but has slowed down a lot- no doubt affected by the winter. He still eats his crix (15-20 a day) and greens.

His weight and size has also grown while I was gone, and he now measures 20.5 inches and 409 grams. :)

Here is one pic, but more will follow!



Sub-Adult Member
Yay for Toothless and yay for you!! Hello handsome :love5:
I hope school is going well, and I'm super glad those nasty bugs are gone! :)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
It's so good to see you here again, how long are you home before you have to go back. I'll bet Toothless was beyond joy to see you, it's been a long 10 weeks, but I'm glad to hear that your family took such good care of him. He looks wonderful and his colours are even brighter. He looks so funny in that log, it is as if he's saying "where have you been mommy, are you here to stay now? I really missed you!"

Thanks for sharing,


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
@snazzyglasses- thanks! :) I'm glad those nasty parasites are gone too! School is amazing, and I have a 4.0 my first quarter!

@beardie parents- I'm surprised he remembered me, after so long! :) Amazing creatures!

@Sweetiepie- Thanks for the warm welcome! I'll be home for 7 weeks- I go back at the beginning of January.

@jesislas- Thank you for reading my entire thread! :D It's getting long, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Toothless thanks you for the compliment.
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