taking on another beardie ... choices choice ahhh.

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Hatchling Member
OH MY! Lexi looks so much different already! She is holding her body up much better and you can see she's feeling better in her eyes and facial expression already! Great work! My youngest daughter has an illness that takes some work when it acts up so I know how exhausting it can be to give so much attention and care. What an amazing job you have done already! I know there is still quite a ways to go, but Lexi is improving so much...keep it up! She is just as lucky to have you as you are to have her. :)
OhMyGosh! I just sat here for the last hour reading this entire thread! I was so mad at the beginning! How anyone could let an animal suffer for FOUR YEARS is beyond me. I just "rescued" Sonic about a month and a half ago. The kid that had him, wanted a salt water fishtank instead but his mom wouldn't let him until he got rid of Sonic. He is about three years old and was super skinny (not as bad as Lexi though) when I got him. I am a first time beardie owner and was given some horrible instructions by his previous owner. They said he only eats 2-3 crickets a day! And the lighting was off too. I am still working on figuring out his tank, lighting temps and all that. I will be getting rid of the sand asap and looking into new lighting fixtures. All he had in his tank was a branch, big dish for water, and small food dish. His dishes were so gross when I got him. The food dish had cricket food dried to it and the water dish was slimy. I added the big log, which he loves! We've got feeding pretty much down, and it looks like he's gained a little weight. I am so happy that Lexi has you now to help her. I have no advice for you since I am brand new to this, but I can say that she is starting to look great! I can't wait to see her progress! She already looks amazing!

Here's a few pics of Sonic for you to enjoy. I like this pic because of the reflection. :)

He made a cricket buddy (til it got off his head, then it was food, lol)(don't mind the bottom of his mouth, he was shedding)

Sonic and his ball. He bats it around his tank with his tail sometimes.


Hatchling Member
You are doing a GREAT job! I had a rescue a year ago that I brought back from the edge but he passed a few months ago (right before we got Spike)


Sub-Adult Member
here is a few pics of my girl, Miss Booger, she said to tell Lexi hi and she has a good mommy now to take care of her and make her well.







BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
It's great to see everyone's beardies & to know that lot of people take in rescues, like Emily & me. It's wonderful to take in a dragon that's been badly treated & bring it back to good health. It's also sad, SherryInFl to raise one that passes away. I know how that feels, I raised a dragon, Angel, for a year, but she passed away from kidney disease that we didn't know she had. But I was glad that I had her for that year, as she was a real dragon for that year & had a blast! That's what's important, and that they stay in our hearts and memories.

Emily, I'm so looking forward to seeing those videos & I know, in a few more months, Lexi will be walking alot better than she's doing now. You'll see, she's gaining strength every day, and alot of the reason is the love you pour into her. You're a great lady to have taken her in & now you can see that it was a great decision & that improving on a daily basis. Isn't it just wonderful :love5: :love5:


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your beardies are so beautiful!!!!
its really so cool to see the beardies behind all of Lexi's journey ... she says thank you to ALL and to some she says hubba hubba. VERY handsome boys yall have!!! And the girls are just soooooo pretttttty!!! an healthy WOW are they healthy. i absolutley LOVED these pictures!

sweetie awwwwww yay Deb you posed the whole gang, thank you!! i adore them! Gabriels front face shot is sooooooo precious! and ya know i LOVE me some Rubio Rubio!!! Didi's colour is so vibrant in those pics. the look on her face is so stoic in the first pic of her. just gorgeous. Lonzo an Leo's eyes are so cute!!! all big and :shock: soooo cute. love the big pretty eyes! the butt rest is priceless ... gotta have that booty support ya know??! :mrgreen: the truck pic is hilarious ... beep beep beep beep coming through! coming through! oh wow i love them all. Blue used to eat impatients petals when she was much much younger. not anymore she is so picky these days! thank you so much for sharing, i love your beardies, oh Gabriels sexy legs split ... hilarious! that is a great picture. ahahahahahaha they are so funny arent they?? and those after bath colours are always soooooooo nice to see. I dont know much about geckos ... Rocco is a cutie! Do they have the personality traits you see so strong in alot of beardies? I think i held one a ling time ago, but never had any interaction with them. Are they nocturnal? Im fascinated with this now. Your crew is the bomb! You should be so proud! They all look so proud and happy to have you!! Lucky dragons :) ... and lucky you!!!

Esther well now ya KNOW i KNEW that a beardie with name Emmalee was going to be a looker ;) (ha ha ha) and its TRUE! lol. she is soooooooooooo pretty! slurry face pic! slurry nose slurry nose :) yaaaaaaaaaaay! man she looks healthy! and her little black beard ... teehee. all big and bad! she look super super sweet. so pretty!!! Lexi aims to look like her one day :) :) :) Emmy is Lexi's new girl power hero! wooooohooooo! what a sweetheart :love5: awwwwwwwwww i adore her!!! her sleepy time pic is just perfect. She looks like a very spoiled beardie :) im in love! Thank you Esther!!!

dyalnravenj HOLY BEARDIE! Trey looks massive!!! that is AWESOME! how big is he? he is crazy awesome. such a creamy wonderful colour tooooooooooo. so he likes to go everywhere with you eh? he likes to show himself off :) and he should! LOVE THE PICS OF HIM!!! he looks sooooooo happy. Blue has a crush shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ;) and Rafael ... oh my gosh they were not taking care of him at ALL. soooooo sad why why why. you are like his angel, you rescued him from that icky place!! the difference in the pics blows my mind. i mean talk about night and day. beautiful colour too wow. Very handsome fellow he is ... he must be in heaven compared to where he came from. why do people do these things?? oh, do you know what that is on Rafael's nose/mouth? kinda reminds me of what is on Lexi's face, but idk ... they are probably two totally different things, i just dont know what hers is. maybe my new herp vet can take a look at it. what happened to Rafael's nose at the pet shop? you are such a KIND an caring person to take him out of there!!! LOVE your pictures!!!! you have great looking beardies girl!!

MelancholyMinnie congratulations new momma!!! is this your first beardie? Sydney is so little and adorable!! Its really cool to watch them grow from a young little thing to a big ol' beard-a-licious boo boo face :D what a little dollbaby she is. Lexi says THANK YOU SYDNEY!!! an yessssss, the young ones are QUITE the jumpers! fast too! i adore the pic of her on your shoulder :) the first picture is very very very cool. how old is Sydney?

SonisMomma - oh no! glad you got Sonic when you did. how long have you had him? he is very dashing! sounds like he wasnt being fed much at alllllllll. so your first beardie is Sonic the Rescue? WOW thats alot take on for a first beardie ... you go girl! he looks very happy and the ball thing is hilarious ... does he really bat is around? ahahahahahahah NICE!!! i would love to see that, how sweet!! now see, Blue would look at it ... then look at me like i was a *****. she is so "proper" ... teehee. Congrats on getting him into a better home, its sad to hear stories of where they came from but SO happy to hear how they flourish under good care. :) :) :) HIs dishes sound like the dish Lexi had ... so gross. not good at all. im really glad you are switching out the sand, that's a smart move. im sure you will get everything in order (substrate, lighting) all that ... i am so sure that taking care of all that will make sure he is rebounding well and healthy ... and with his new lights and flooring, he will be one happy dappy slappy spoiled beardie! Sonic is very cool!!!!! him and his little toy ball :) Its nice to hear about other rescues. the cricket pic is GREAT!

THANK YOU guys for sharing :) :) :) im so happy you did!!
you are all amazing beardie slaves, they just all look so beautiful :)
Sonic is my first reptile, ever! I've had him for about a month and a half. I've only caught him with the ball once. He slapped it with his tail to the other side of the tank, then ran over to it like he was gonna do it again and he caught me looking so he stopped. lol Just like a child doing something cute. I will try to get video if I can, but I think he only does it when no one is watching. This site has helped me tons! The previous owner has asked about him a couple times and when I told her that I found bigger, better crickets than petsmart has, she said "if they are bigger, only give him one or two a day". :banghead: Petsmart has tiny ones that are considered "small" and small ones that are considered "large" The ones I get from the reptile shop now, they breed there, are gut-loaded (still not sure what it means lol) and are huge! Easily 2-3 times bigger than petsmarts "large". The reptile shop is also going to be helping me with the lighting. Sonic has seemed to come out of his shell a little since the first week. The first week he just sat there, sort of moping. The branch in the pic, plus a heat rock and his dishes, are all that were in his tank. I got him that log, and he loves it! :D


Sub-Adult Member
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well its good that you have Sonic!!
some great feeders, if you dont wanna deal with crickets (ick!) ... are dubia roaches (totally harmless, they used to freak me OUT but not anymore) ... also butterworms, silkworms, some hornworms, pheonix worms ... i feed Blue roaches and supers, supers are fatty but eh, she loves them what can i say. her main staple is roaches. you can get alllllllllllll of those pretty darn cheap off the internet, and you dont have to keep going abck to the pet store :) if you need the good websites let me know i will post them for ya.
ohhhhhhh and gut loaded means that they have been fed (like i feed my roaches and supers collard greens and some roach chow, some fruits too) before they are fed to your beardie. just means they are full of good stuff that you want your beardies to have anyways :)

well good luck with Sonic! some great linear UVB bulbs are the Repti-Sun 10.0 and the Arcadia 12% ... those aer on the net too :) i use and Arcadia for Blue, and im using a repti-Sun with Lexi :) Grab one of those up to place along side the basking area, they are good UVB bulbs for Sonic.
if you are using the heat rock i would ditch that ASAP. they dont really sense heat so much on their underside as they do from above, and it can definitley burn them :( ... all you need is a bulb like a regular household bulb, that produces heat from above, that's how they are going to soak up the heat :)

sounds like Sonic is on his way to great things!!! Sounds like you are learning alot too, which is awesome :) the more you know the better!!!


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Bwalter ... how could i slip over such a fantastic dragon!?!?! silly me!!! Miss Booger is CUTE!!! the pic where she is draped over the hide ... is SO GREAT. it reminds me SO MUCH of Blue!!!! the only thing that is different looking is that Blue is a darker beardie, gray and black and a tiny bit of tan most of the time. she's i guess that "normal" colour beardie. i like that about her, but i love love love to see such beautifully coloured beardies!! Like Lexi, and her yellows when they come out :) MIss Booger is very pretty color, love her peach-ish red-ish beard too! oh yippie skippy Miss Booger is too adorable for words! and again, looks so healthy and happy!!! what amazing slaves yall are all!!! She is one good lookin' dragon, thank you so much for letting us see her awwwwwwwww!!! oh and TOTALLY love the name by the way!!! i use that on as one of the MANY names i call my animals. "hey little booger how ya doin today?" ... GREAT NAME!!!

SherylinFL thank you so much for the encouragement. your a doll. mean alot to me. and im so sorry you beardie passed away, but im so sure that he was so happy with you :) you know, getting pets is a catch 22, as i suppose with the people in our life too ... you LOVE them SO much, but you know your time with them is limited. i think with the people we love, we have much more time with them througout life, (im most cases) ... and we know with our animals the time is shorter. BUT, but isnt the time we do have with them just delightful? Its totally genuine an unconditional love. You and the others on this thread and forum do brave things by rescuing such amazing creatures. Im so glad you brought that guy back to life and have him spend the time he did have with you in luxury im sure!!! i admire that greatly!!!

sweetie Deb u could NOT agree with you more, they do stay in hearts and memories. and it IS great to see all the bearides on here, from the people that have been supporting me so SO much, like you :) ... thank you for your sweet words about what im doing with Lexi, im trying the best i can, and we will see what happens, i want her strength back so much ... i know it will come in time i will give a Lexi update and video very soon!!! ~Em :)


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oh one more thing about Sonic
SonicsMom ... i THINK i saw a water bowl in his viv ... dont ever feel like you have to keep a water dish in his viv ... it ceates humidity, they rarely (although some people's beardie do) drink from it ... the best way to keep them hydtrated is through weekly warm water soaks. they absorb the water through their vent. i tend to do it every other day with Blue only b/c she will not poop in her viv. she just wont unless she truly cannot hold it. she's a water pooper! alot of beardies are, that warm water hits that tummy and loosens thing up and therrrrrrrrrrre is the poop :blob8: but you dont have to do it as much as i do! i just do that often so Blue will POOP! havent had to clean poop out her viv in SO SO SO LONG.

and this is just my opinion, but water can harbor alot of bacteria too, even its fresh, they can poop it in, and it does jack up the humiity levels, which isnt ideal for beadies, they like it dry, dry air in their viv. but man they do tend love their soaks and even swims with some (like Blue) she is a swimmin' fool when i raise the water up a little higher for her to do so. unless Sonic is a huge water bowl fan and you see him actually drinking, you can safely with no worries an confidence take it out and do the soaks. even a syringe of some water or inside the mouth once in while in addition to that, if you want, for oral hydration :) but the soaks o the trick! they also get water from feeders and greens as well. greens are great for hydration too :) so the combination of greens, good proper feeders, and swarm soaks is a win/win combo!


Sub-Adult Member
Esther well now ya KNOW i KNEW that a beardie with name Emmalee was going to be a looker (ha ha ha) and its TRUE! lol. she is soooooooooooo pretty! slurry face pic! slurry nose slurry nose yaaaaaaaaaaay! man she looks healthy! and her little black beard ... teehee. all big and bad! she look super super sweet. so pretty!!! Lexi aims to look like her one day Emmy is Lexi's new girl power

Well, I'm not Esther, but I am Emmalee's mom, glad you are enjoying all the pics. All of us here are enjoying the updates on your "trooper" of a dragon, and I am very thrilled to see that my suggestion of "LEXI", had now been officially adopted as her new name!

I'll let Emmalee know she is now the super model of the bearded dragon world. If she wasn't spoiled enough before, she will be now :lol:


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oh god im sorry when i was typing early i got some names messed up ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
and im so jazzed about it, its PERFECT for her. Im mean she just feels like a sweet little Lexi girl. and if it had turned out to be a boy, we were going to use the name Soldier b/c of the way she crawls, that army crawl. i still call her my little Lexi Soldier Girl.
i am so sorry i mixed the posts up .... :banghead: sorry yall!!!!
ahhhhhhhhhhh i feel like a dork like a big ol dorkface. ha! dangit, i was trying to make sure i got everything right duh duh duh duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh em.

forgive me!!! plz plz to anyones names i mixed up in my messages. i was trying to keep close track of all the people that are helping me through this and got some mixed up when typing. :banghead:

YES plz do let Emmalee know that she is Lexi's "pin up poster girl" ;) she is aiming to get there! Emmyalee is famous now! and again, you are officially the proprietor of my little girls name :) :) :) LEXI. Lexi Lou :love5: :love10: :love5: :love10:

im so glad you said that name. Rexy was not going to stay no matter what! Too many bad things happened while she had that name. i liked the name, didnt like all the terrible things attached to it.
~Em ... Emily ... Emmy ... ;) teeheheheheeee. i think we both hit the jackpot with names! teeheeeeeee.
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Im needing some questions answered about my female beardeddragon, I honestly have no idea on age , she was a recuse, as ive had a couple in my life an have experience. So 9 weeks in , she earing well pooping well getting comfortable, then approx 3-4 days ago the digging started. So I got a dig box set up in her 75 g tank. Well within 2 hours she dropped an egg. Now only one egg an its been 10 hours.shouldiBworried
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