Sand - is it ever safe?

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Sub-Adult Member
My beardie is about 17" long now. Is it ever safe for her to have sand in her enclosure and if so, what would be the safest kind?

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Sand will always carry a risk of impaction however if you really have your heart set on it then I recommend waiting until your beardie is an adult(18mos) and only use non silica based childrens playsand(washed and sifted/fine).Do not feed your beardie in the tank with sand or he is likely to still swallow it because although it doesnt clump like reptile sand it can still impact.


Juvie Member
I don't use sand. I use clean newspaper and change it daily. Also I wipe out the bottome of their enclosure with lysol wipes. This prevents the build up of bacteria and parasites. You can't do this with sand and diseases can spread.

Tatty :puke:


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
vickson420":44da5 said:
Sand will always carry a risk of impaction however if you really have your heart set on it then I recommend waiting until your beardie is an adult(18mos) and only use non silica based childrens playsand(washed and sifted/fine).Do not feed your beardie in the tank with sand or he is likely to still swallow it because although it doesnt clump like reptile sand it can still impact.

Yeah I figured as much. I probably will just keep the tile over the entire floor. What environment does she need if she ever lays eggs though?

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
If she ever becomes gravid you will need to create a laybox for her which consists of sand and either moist soil mix or sand and vermiculite both must be a texture where she can dig tunnels that wont collapse so she can dig and bury her eggs.You dont want to do the whole tank just a portion of it.The best thing to use is a small kitty litter pan you will also have to find something to cover it so she has privacy.
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