Helping right top soil for digbox?


Original Poster
Hi all! Today I’m going to be on the hunt for safe top soil so I can make a digbox for my adult beardie. I think she may be gravid. Anyways I know it needs to be non-fertilized and organic(?) but I need help just with knowing the specific ingredients or contents I guess that I should be AVOIDING. I’m going to try a few stores locally and see if they have anything that matches. But I really want to be sure it’s safe. So please, let me know what I need to check for before buying anything.

Same for the play sand.

Thanks all!!

PS! Here’s a pic of Martha having a soak :] She’s a rescue and has MBD, so I’m trying to do whatever I can to help her out.


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xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
She looks quite happy 😊
Be sure to read the ingredients list. Most stuff has chicken, cow or both menure it. I use reptisoil mixed with play sand for my girls.


Original Poster
She looks quite happy 😊
Be sure to read the ingredients list. Most stuff has chicken, cow or both menure it. I use reptisoil mixed with play sand for my girls.
Okay! So that would be what the non-fertilized means? (If I’m understanding right, lol I don’t know anything about agriculture or gardening 😂)


Original Poster

Here’s what I’ve found at the first store so far. The orange one is organic, the purple one is just the Ace hardware brand. Would either of these be safe? I’m going to check some other stores too

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