How do you keep your greens fresh?

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After only a couple days of having greens they turn soggy and disgusting. Does anyone have a way to stop this from happening.


Juvie Member
ive had success in keeping them longer by sectioning them up into smaller portions and ensuring that they are as dry as possible before refridgerating them. a paper towel in with each ziplock bag helps in absorbing the moisture. also buying the greens uncut or 'fresh' versus pre-bagged will give you a bit more time usually. there are demos on how to prep meals that'll help you out.

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
That's what I do too. When I get new greens I wash them and then cut the stems out (they go to the bugs) and then chop them into hand sized pieces that will fit into a ziploc with a folded paper towel. They tend to keep for at least a week or two that way.
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