Help!!!!!!!! somthings wrong with my lizard!!!!!!!!!!

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Sub-Adult Member
Were there urates? Plenty of urates?
I think its normal to have some liquid with a poo. My BDs has liquid in her poo, and she has good poos (sometimes really big ones.. she didn't go today, so I assume I will have a BIG one waiting for me by lunch...)
As weird as it seems, a picture may be helpful, if you didn't already clean it up. But.. as long as it doesn't have undigested food in it or something, its probably fine.


Original Poster
IT really smelled, and stunk up my whole room, and was like dripping from him, maybe im feeding him to many veggies, i gave him like shaved carrots today, and mederterranin mix, by dole, somtimes twice a day, if not, once a day, but, we just started on carrots today, (not sure what they gave him in the petstore)

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
How long have you had him? It sounds like parasites.Has this happened before or just this time?


Original Poster
Oh no....
i had him for a couple days, he pooped fine thismorning, a white terd. and,
hes like 13 months

a mederterranin mix, has a mix of veggies, = escarole, leaf lettuce, radicchio & endive

and i dont think so, on the fecal, he came from a petstore.

whats a urate?

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Is this the salad you mean?
Dont freak out on the parasites.First if you just got him then his coccidia levels are going to be high due to relocation stress which would explain whats going on.Coccidia is a naturally occuring parasite that all beardies carry in their stomach to balance out their gut flora however when stressed the count goes up.If it continues to happen then I would go get a fecal done.As for the salad it may have to much lettuce in it which isnt good for them because it causes diaherria also.I would bet its a combo of relocation stress and the salad.Here is a link of veggie nutrition info for you:


Original Poster
Yes thats the brand

pluss, it might be that stress, because first, in the petstore, he was on repti bark, then we put him on alfalfa meal, now, we do shelf liner.
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