Force feed.?

AHBD Sicko
Wait, you say the fecal came back clean but the vet still wants to give her something for that ? That''s a big NO ! You are the owner, tell them forget about it. Those meds. will make your dragon MORE dehydrated. No one takes meds. they don't need " just in case.", that's nonsense.
And another reason for your dragon acting strange that you just mentioned is that she sees the other dragon. When they see each other it can cause extreme anxiety and then they might display the symptoms you see, the don't eat or they hide. Please keep them completely out of each other's view.
I would be very leery of this vet, it seems likely that your dragon might be going in to a seasonal slow down and also is somewhat agitated because of seeing the other dragon.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is your dragon doing today? Medications are definitely hard on them. If she isn't really showing any signs of respiratory issues, maybe for now try to keep her a little warmer overnight to boost her system.
Is she basking for a good portion of the day?

Let us know how she is doing.


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Sir Henry of Scales
That's horrifying. I typically don't just give meds to my kids without being certain and I'm feeling the same about Dreki. My youngest has severe insomnia and her previous doctor gave her ADHD medicine. (Not Ritalin or Adderall but the downer ones, basically) like why would you get a 5 year old a basic seditive just because they couldn't sleep..that's ridiculous, I hope she's doing better now.
oh yeah, she's just fine now. that was almost 15 years ago. she's gonna be 25 soon! omg we think our beardies grow up to fast... then there's the kids!


Sub-Adult Member
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How is your dragon doing today? Medications are definitely hard on them. If she isn't really showing any signs of respiratory issues, maybe for now try to keep her a little warmer overnight to boost her system.
Is she basking for a good portion of the day?

Let us know how she is doing.
She's still hiding a lot, she wakes up and then goes straight underneath her log. But if I pull her out into her spot, she'll stay in it for awhile, except for yesterday but I think she was still meh from the vet. (They gave her fluids and the first antibiotic shot) Today, we are going to take the stacked tanks apart and move her lights to the other side so she can't see Toothless, or put Nova down there and Dreki in her tank. She's always been paranoid and a scardy cat but when we had her out yesterday, she wasn't as wrinkly and did walk around a bit, before finding a spot to take a nap. She's never been big on running around, like I said, she always acts like somethings gonna swoop down at any moment for her.

She isn't showing respiratory symptoms, but she is showing stress signs. I don't know, I don't know what to do. I haven't been able to sleep, I'm constantly up checking on her to make sure she's still alive.


Sub-Adult Member
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How is your dragon doing today? Medications are definitely hard on them. If she isn't really showing any signs of respiratory issues, maybe for now try to keep her a little warmer overnight to boost her system.
Is she basking for a good portion of the day?

Let us know how she is doing.
She ate a hornworm today. It's the first thing she's eaten in close to a month. She's even a tad more active, running around the bed instead of immediately finding a spot to sleep.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is great she finally ate a hornwor. That I'd quite awhile not to eat something, but hopefully her appetite will begin to increase soon.
Since she is starting to run around more, maybe her appetite will increase due to higher activity, too.
It really isn't seeming like she has any infection right now.
Keep us posted on her.



Sub-Adult Member
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That is great she finally ate a hornwor. That I'd quite awhile not to eat something, but hopefully her appetite will begin to increase soon.
Since she is starting to run around more, maybe her appetite will increase due to higher activity, too.
It really isn't seeming like she has any infection right now.
Keep us posted on her.

She's still wanting to hide than bask most of the time. She ate another hornworm today, and we are giving her critical care to supplement, since she won't eat and drink in general.

Do you have any ideas that may entice her to eat, even if it's just a worm.? I offered a superworm but she pulled away almost like she was afraid of it or something. I just want my little girl to be okay. 😢😢

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Were you able to get her to bask today? It is very challenging to get food into them when they don't seem
interested. Will she eat any greens, at all right now? If so, you could try putting a few worms in with her
salad. Or you could drop a little bit of applesauce or honey on the worm to see if she likes that.
Is her weight holding pretty well right now & is her beard clear?



Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)

Were you able to get her to bask today? It is very challenging to get food into them when they don't seem
interested. Will she eat any greens, at all right now? If so, you could try putting a few worms in with her
salad. Or you could drop a little bit of applesauce or honey on the worm to see if she likes that.
Is her weight holding pretty well right now & is her beard clear?

I don't think she's eating any of her greens, they always look undisturbed and uneaten. I only got her eat one hornworm but it was a fat one, like the way they get right before they bury themselves and get ready to turn into a moth. Her weight has been good, she's been a steady 530 and I believe she's actually gained a bit within the last few weeks, because she's a bit above 530g. She won't bask when she first wakes up, she immediately goes to hide but if I pull her out, most of the time she will bask for a good bit of the day. She still has that light black ring around her beard but I believe that's attributed to being able to see toothless so I'm going to clean out hers and Nova's tank and switch them so she can't see any of the others and see if that changes anything. She wasn't a huge fan of the taste of the critical care but did take it relatively easily so I hope it helps make her feel better. I'm hoping getting some fluids and general food in her, even if it's critical care, will perk her up a bit.


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I have a hard time believing she is sick. You are ALWAYS on top of every little thing, if she were getting sick i doubt you would have missed it. I think i would consider going to see a different vet.
She ate some saladddddddd. She actually ate like a quarter of the salad I gave her and came out from hiding and is basking. I gave her some critical care yesterday and I think it's making her feel a little better today because she was so willing to eat the greens. Holy hell that makes me feel so much better.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Were you able to get her to bask today? It is very challenging to get food into them when they don't seem
interested. Will she eat any greens, at all right now? If so, you could try putting a few worms in with her
salad. Or you could drop a little bit of applesauce or honey on the worm to see if she likes that.
Is her weight holding pretty well right now & is her beard clear?

Wait, you say the fecal came back clean but the vet still wants to give her something for that ? That''s a big NO ! You are the owner, tell them forget about it. Those meds. will make your dragon MORE dehydrated. No one takes meds. they don't need " just in case.", that's nonsense.
And another reason for your dragon acting strange that you just mentioned is that she sees the other dragon. When they see each other it can cause extreme anxiety and then they might display the symptoms you see, the don't eat or they hide. Please keep them completely out of each other's view.
I would be very leery of this vet, it seems likely that your dragon might be going in to a seasonal slow down and also is somewhat agitated because of seeing the other dragon.
She willingly ate some salad, like a quarter of her whole salad. I gave her critical care yesterday and I think it's made a difference because she ate some and even came out of hiding to bask on her own. She hasn't done that in a couple weeks. Uggghhh what a relief on that end...

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is terrific she actually ate some salad! It's
a great sign she came out of her hide/cave to get
some basking time in.
How are her colors looking, is her beard normal
color also?
Glad to hear she is doing a lot better.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

That is terrific she actually ate some salad! It's
a great sign she came out of her hide/cave to get
some basking time in.
How are her colors looking, is her beard normal
color also?
Glad to hear she is doing a lot better.

Her beard doesn't get black, like you'd think. She just gets this ring across it that's kinda black, if that makes sense. She's always been a scardy cat and paranoid of everything so her beard is dark more often than not and she can see Toothless when they're both basking. (I'm going to switch her and Nova tomorrow so Dreki can't see anyone unless they're out) but otherwise, her colors are great. She's still a fantastic brick red and bright orange color.

The first picture is her color lately, you can see the dark ring on her beard and how she's a little dark on her back, like she has individual scales that turn dark when she's stressed or something. But otherwise she's still out pretty red girl.


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Sub-Adult Member
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I totally get that. sir henry has only ever black bearded two times in his life with us. but there have been plenty of times that he "stripes out" to let us know we are annoying the daylights out of him!
So it's not mine that are just overdramatic about the smallest things. 😂😂

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