Force feed.?


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Glad to hear it and I'm happy for you to see this progress. :) She's a very pretty leather girl.
She hid most of today but still ate a little bit of salad, which is good. We haven't given her another antibiotic shot, do you think we should or should we hold off.? We're considering blood work to see if we can find something specific, should we wait for that.?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That's great she doesn't really black beard. She looks nice & colorful.
I would wait to get the blood test before giving the antibiotic, in case that might be
affecting her, too. Antibiotics can be really hard on them.
Keep us posted on her!



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

That's great she doesn't really black beard. She looks nice & colorful.
I would wait to get the blood test before giving the antibiotic, in case that might be
affecting her, too. Antibiotics can be really hard on them.
Keep us posted on her!

I'm so torn on the antibiotic. That may have been what's pepping her up the last day or two or not and I've no clue. She ate some more salad today, but just a few bites but still. It lets me know she is getting *something* with some calcium and is getting some water from it.

Ugh I wish they could just talk and tell us what's wrong. 😩😅

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

The antibiotics definitely affect them, are you giving a probiotic also to help in case it is upsetting her tummy
as those meds often do?
Hopefully her appetite will increase soon. I'm glad that she is eating some salads, but maybe she will start
to eat more! You can try giving some blackstrap molasses, just a few drops, a couple of times per week to
help with her appetite.
Let us know how she is doing.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

The antibiotics definitely affect them, are you giving a probiotic also to help in case it is upsetting her tummy
as those meds often do?
Hopefully her appetite will increase soon. I'm glad that she is eating some salads, but maybe she will start
to eat more! You can try giving some blackstrap molasses, just a few drops, a couple of times per week to
help with her appetite.
Let us know how she is doing.

We haven't given the second antibiotic dose yet just because we know it can be rough on them and there's no guarantee that she even needs it, we're torn on what to do. We've been doing critical care every other day for her and Nubby. He hasn't eaten in the last few weeks either, won't eat salad either. But he ate some crickets yesterday, just like four or five but it's better than nothing. We do have a probiotic powder but if they won't eat, they won't get any of it. I may try to see if I can put it on her salad and still get her to eat a few bites. She's still hiding for the most part, and still stressing me out.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How are things going for your girl? You are right, if she isn't eating, that does make it challenging to
get any type of probiotic into her. If she gets oral fluids you could mix up some of the probiotic in with
that if she doesn't have any salad. Does she like the critical care formula?
That's great he ate some crickets, too. It sounds like he is doing pretty well then!

Keep us posted on them both.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

How are things going for your girl? You are right, if she isn't eating, that does make it challenging to
get any type of probiotic into her. If she gets oral fluids you could mix up some of the probiotic in with
that if she doesn't have any salad. Does she like the critical care formula?
That's great he ate some crickets, too. It sounds like he is doing pretty well then!

Keep us posted on them both.

Well, nubby wouldn't eat yesterday or really day before. Dreki ate two hornworms the day before yesterday but I'm not sure on the salad. Still hiding a lot, we still haven't given any other antibiotics, we can't seem to make an decision on it. I gave them both critical care yesterday. I don't know if they like it, if I can get her licking, I can slowly squirt it on her nose and she'll keep licking but if I try to put it in her mouth, she fights me on it. Same for Nubby. But they are at least getting something with the critical care but I know that can't be permanent.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is good they are both getting a little bit of critical care right now. It is pretty nutritious so it will
help them through a non eating period of time.
The antibiotics might help but I usually don't like giving them medication unless it's warranted. It can
be helpful but it can also make things worse, too.

Keep us posted on them both.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

That is good they are both getting a little bit of critical care right now. It is pretty nutritious so it will
help them through a non eating period of time.
The antibiotics might help but I usually don't like giving them medication unless it's warranted. It can
be helpful but it can also make things worse, too.

Keep us posted on them both.
We can't make a decision on if we should give them to her. I know it can be hard on her but...I don't know, just looking at her, it doesn't seem like she needs them but I can't imagine what else is causing the fluid (or lack of air, I guess) in her lungs. Or what to do.

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