Enough climbing space now?


Juvie Member
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that's actually a great idea! will have to keep it in the back of my mind for when i see people having problems adjusting their lights
Yeah, with it being so high and her being a 4 month old little thing I had to get creative lol So I attached the UV-B to a 2x1 that runs the length of the enclosure (minus a half in or so clearance) then added 3 hooks and chains (same with other lights, chains and hooks) to be safe I used spring latching hooks since I tend to stick my head in for kisses then bump the lamp lol

Edit: The black square is skateboard tape. I need to put new on after rearranging. Simple rough scratching post. Wonder if that's why she's climbing there, to scratch. I actually got it to use as grip tape on our kayaks and have a bit left.


Sub-Adult Member
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Sir Henry of Scales
who knows. maybe she's all, i want uvb for THIS foot? they're weird like that

but i've noticed sir henry does something similar at the end of his uvb. the very top of his vine he can be 6" away, but offset to the side. it is rare that he goes up there, but every now and then he does. it's more like he is into the climbing than the uvb


Juvie Member
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Yeah, she's just in a climbing mood. More fun than her digging moods where all I see is stuff flying out of a hole lol The scratching spot is what I'm wondering. She used to have access, then it was hidden., now it's not.


BD.org Addict
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
who knows. maybe she's all, i want uvb for THIS foot? they're weird like that

but i've noticed sir henry does something similar at the end of his uvb. the very top of his vine he can be 6" away, but offset to the side. it is rare that he goes up there, but every now and then he does. it's more like he is into the climbing than the uvb
Zen does it as well, the ramp on his jungle gym allows him to get really close but not quite directly in his uvb, he hangs out there a lot.

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