Bye, bye brumation! Pg 81 funny story and vid's.

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fresnowitte Sicko
Original Poster
Thanks Lori :) an everyone, but most those pic's are at photobucket an can not be used because they loose resolution when transfered to photobucket. So today will be a major photoshoot...meaning more pic's to come. :wink:

Thanks Sandy! :)
I wouldn't go with any shot thet shows pre shed for a calender shot, (unless it is an exploding dragon shot!)
Sandy I prefer for them not to be in pre shed, but it is a natural occurance that beardies shed so I think it will be just fine. Besides my pic's last year if I remember correctly the boys were in pre shed. I would rather have pre shed pic's than no pic's. :wink: If you recall I mentioned that I have my pic's trapped in the other modem...or I'd not have to go with the recent pic's where their in shed or pre shed. :(

The boys(Z&W) and more pic's to choose from of all are yet to come....later today.

fresnowitte Sicko
Original Poster
There were actually only a couple of those that were usable for the calendar because the originals were on my other modem. :(
Good news is that I was able to get new pic's of all taken and sent in on time. :D
I also was having computer issues, but I think I'm back up and running now. I'll post some pic's in the next couple of days...I'm trying to take it easy for a few more days to make sure that darn sinus infection is really gone.

Missed everyone alot!

fresnowitte Sicko
Original Poster
Thanks MaryAnn and Lance! :D

Okay I have a few or should I say several pic's of Flame to start...I'm going to post them here rather than
the intro thread as it's easier to keep all in on thread than to have them scattered everywhere... :|

An afternoon at the park.....









An a couple of the nosey boy tonguing everything in the window sill. :lol:


Again I forgot to pick up the little flower bouquet...silly goose tries to eat them everytime. :lol:

(For anyone that's not met Flame his intro is here... viewtopic.php?f=44&t=124414&hilit=Introducing+Flame )

Okay so if I post a beardie a day I'll be done in 10 days...not counting babies...

gulfbrzdawn Addict
The pics of Flame look great, Barb! His is such a handsome little man!

Now you just need to add a few tats to that sleeve :p


Well you do feed them sides of beef, so why not a little nostril, LOL :lol:

Glad to see ya here, Girlie! Hope you are feeling much better. :D

fresnowitte Sicko
Original Poster
Dawn I am feeling much better thank-you! :)
You like that sleeve huh? :lol:

I was going to post some pic's right now, but for some reason PB won't come up....ARG!!!
I'll try again in a little while. :(

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I'm so glad you're feeling better, Barbara. Brumation has hit our house. Only Lonzo and Sweetie are up today, we'll see if anyone joins them. If not, it's an easy day for Roger, once Lonzo goes back to bed, he'll put Sweetie on her towel on our bed and snooze. Yesterday we got them all up for baths & last poops to Leo, Sweetie and Rubio, as they're sleeping the most. I tell you, it's like magical tanks, who's going to wake up next? I have to keep a journal to keep it all straight as to who ate what when.

The pics of Flame are great! I just love them all, he's such a big boy, good mix between Daddy and Mommy!

So here's to great health over the winter and I'll be checking for more pics tonight.

Hugs & Snuggles,

fresnowitte Sicko
Original Poster
Deb mine are only slowing down not sleeping yet***knocks on wood*** :lol:
Flame is the only one that has slept for an entire day so far.

Forgot to mention that we have a house guest for a minute....
He's quite the character. :) Checkers isn't to sure about Mr. Turtle though. :lol:









A few of pic's of Miss Piggy...



A few of Ms. Tiggs...



fresnowitte Sicko
Original Poster
Lori it's actually my daughters turtle....long story, but he's just staying for awhile...I've had him for about a week already.

Turtles might be slow (not that slow :eek: ) but they are busy. :lol:

beardie parents Sicko
I would love to have a turtle but, as they can last 150 years, I don't know who would take care of it after we died. Even if I still had the turtle that I had as a child (unfortunately it died) it would still outlive me.


Extreme Poster
All of the pics are beautiful Barb, the whole gang looks great! What's the turtles name? H is definately bigger than Grimm! You're right, they can be very busy but really cute. I love their little wrinlky elephant legs and tail....super cute!!!

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
TURTLE!!! Barb has a turtle!

What did the other kids think of Mr. Turtle? Or was Checkers the only one to have had the pleasure of meeting him? Does he have squishy foot pads and pokeable thunder thighs like Buddy?

fresnowitte":nxykr8z0 said:
Turtles might be slow (not that slow :eek: ) but they are busy. :lol:
They are not in the least bit slow. You'd seen videos of Buddy and how fast he could move, and he's bigger than yours.
Is he a "he"?
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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