Thanks Lori
an everyone, but most those pic's are at photobucket an can not be used because they loose resolution when transfered to photobucket. So today will be a major photoshoot...meaning more pic's to come. :wink:
Thanks Sandy!
The boys(Z&W) and more pic's to choose from of all are yet to come....later today.
Thanks Sandy!
Sandy I prefer for them not to be in pre shed, but it is a natural occurance that beardies shed so I think it will be just fine. Besides my pic's last year if I remember correctly the boys were in pre shed. I would rather have pre shed pic's than no pic's. :wink: If you recall I mentioned that I have my pic's trapped in the other modem...or I'd not have to go with the recent pic's where their in shed or pre shed.I wouldn't go with any shot thet shows pre shed for a calender shot, (unless it is an exploding dragon shot!)
The boys(Z&W) and more pic's to choose from of all are yet to come....later today.