Mole/ Black Skin Tag


Sub-Adult Member
Today, I discovered another bearded dragon having a 'mole- freckle' - black in color on his back- same place as Maya's skin tag. The only thing is? The beardie that has this is a young female under a year old. She turns a year old next month. Also, she was bred by a reputable breeder in Tennessee. Has been breeding them and rescuing sick beardies as well.
This would make the second bearded dragon to have one of those 'black spots'. I informed her to take her spicy girl to the vet to document it and check it out.
Let me delve into Maya's background for a moment.
Maya came from a breeder in Jasper Ga. She bred dragons for years as well. Her dragons were bought off from Carolina Dragons so they are pretty much a reputable breeder too. I used a T8 UVB Fixture and Reptisun 10.0 almost all his life before getting a recommended T5 HO UVB Arcadia fixture and bulb. I used it for a 1 year before replacing it with a T5 HO Reptisun 10.0.

Pic for cuteness.


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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Today, I discovered another bearded dragon having a 'mole- freckle' - black in color on his back- same place as Maya's skin tag. The only thing is? The beardie that has this is a young female under a year old. She turns a year old next month. Also, she was bred by a reputable breeder in Tennessee. Has been breeding them and rescuing sick beardies as well.
This would make the second bearded dragon to have one of those 'black spots'. I informed her to take her spicy girl to the vet to document it and check it out.
Let me delve into Maya's background for a moment.
Maya came from a breeder in Jasper Ga. She bred dragons for years as well. Her dragons were bought off from Carolina Dragons so they are pretty much a reputable breeder too. I used a T8 UVB Fixture and Reptisun 10.0 almost all his life before getting a recommended T5 HO UVB Arcadia fixture and bulb. I used it for a 1 year before replacing it with a T5 HO Reptisun 10.0.

Pic for cuteness.
I always enjoy pics of Maya 🙂

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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh

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