Katrina! I have no idea what my daughter calls/named him or if it's even a him for that matter. :lol:
He'd gone missing for about 6 weeks at my daughters apt day she opened the door and there he was looking up at her as if to say, "I've been waiting for you to let me's about time...I'm hungry!"
If you ask me he's under weight
Gina he doesn't have squishy legs

at all they are all loose skin...I've not had a turtle since I was a little girl so I don't really remember much about them.
He seemed to be dehydrated as he's drank water like crazy the past several days. And in his baths he drinks the entire time
(10 to 15 minutes). He's eating well I think...but what is turtle poop suppose to look like?

I'm likin' Mr. Turtle too...he sure is nosey. :lol:

Aiden likes him not as well as the beardies of course. :roll: :lol:

I think he's got a cute little beek. :lol:
Christine he will tuck in for a second at first, but he's pretty social. He's not in the least bit concerned about the furry animals or the beardies. He didn't even flinch when Checkers pecked at his shell. Bad Checkers! :twisted:

I think he's pretty darn cute.

It's been really humid here for the past couple of days...can you say MUCKY? :bleick:
Zak-n-Wheezie don't do so well when it's humid.

But at least they are spending lots of time basking with their mouths open.
Mr. Turtle likes the humidity, but me and the beardies sure don't. Flame is going to get woken up this morning whether he likes it or not. :lol: Blaze is shedding his head and left boobie so he's a grump. Itty Bitty is her normal fickled self. Piggy has been going for her morning nap a bit earlier and longer the past week. Ms. Tiggs is just being straight lazy...she's up just not moving. :lol: Pretty much the same with RD...they are still eating and awake just much lazier than normal. Checkers is spending more time in the ole dried up water dish so he's preparing to sleep too...but for now still getting up eating and pooping. Roux's only concerns are food which she definately put lots of it away.
Well off to hand out salads so I can get back to post some more pic's. :wink: