Broly the new super saiyan beardie

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Ok so...his tail has a shed line and it looks like the shed is yellow instead of white or grey. Very light yellow I know this is normal but his tail never shed except for that one area a while back which is white and not yellow at all. Matter of fact it seperates the yellow it's in between them. He shed that area a while ago which is why it's normal white color. Should I start putting olive oil or cocoa butter on the whole tail except for that white part? The reason I ask is because I believe his tail is having problems shedding which is why it turned yellow instead of flaking off.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
I'll try that and see what it does. If not, then to the vet.

He pooped huge and ate 40 roaches today. I hope it felt good. My charger is dead so now I have to sit here on my iPad 2. I want my phone back damn! My mom's actual bday...she's not gonna buy my phone a charger. Oh well.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
I think he is a yellow shedder on the tail. It's finally flaking off. It feels hard so definitely a dried out shed but it's coming off. 36% humidity so that should be fine. Had to put my calcium in another spray bottle because the spray bottle it came in broke. I'm going to do daily baths and cocoa butter. He will hate daily bath but it's best since his shed is so dry and yellow.

Wouldnt the butter burn under the basking light? His eyes are droopy no matter how many baths...I guess he's just born that way. I had done every other day bath so he really should be hydrated. Even got old baby food off his face and chin. He ate 7 crickets..40 must be too much. I'm going to try another 7 at least tonight. He didn't eat dinner last night, but he ate twice yesterday.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
He did not eat dinner again. I think he is going off food during a shed. But has plenty of energy running and jumping. His tail is almost to the white patch then he needs to do the end (which turns dark). I'm not too worried as shedding dragons either eat or don't. He's only skipping dinner (so far) but very hungry in the morning.

Anyway, I let him out and he runs to the edge then jumps (he's ok I have carpet) and runs under the table his tank sits on and comes out under the side of the table sitting on the uvb box. I get him out and tell him no. Then he hisses after I said no. He's a ham and thought it would be funny to be under the table and come out the side. He was having a good time and here comes a hand to say no LOL.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Tail is almost done and at the white part.
Not eating much lunch and no dinner since
March 24. Most of the tail is done just
needs the end or if it's going through the
white part too then the yellow end. His tail
isn't yellow anymore. So hopefully he'll be eating
tons again, lucky he's hungry in the morning.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Ok, well I don't know if I should keep 3x a day, he won't eat dinner. He'll hungrily eat breakfast and touch a bit of lunch but refuses dinner. I don't see this as a problem but I was doing bugs 3x a day as advised but he no longer wants to eat 3x. He's still very active and runs around and jumps. Did a fecal already this month. He was fine up until March 24 when he stopped. I thought it was his tail shedding but it's mostly done and shouldnt bother him but what do I know. He still eats 2x with the supplement that day, so he gets calcium or vitamin. I'm not worried about the eating because he does just no dinner but I'm wondering if I should just stop offering dinner. What do you all think?

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Well he ended up eating dinner late (8pm) so I let him stay up till 10 which made him crabby this morning. I had them in since 7pm (roaches). He finally ate them after an hour of them in there, I supervised all hour to make sure no bites. Do roaches bite like crickets?

He ate 39 crickets today. He then pooped and had room for 1 so even 40. I got some unpasturized honey just to have you never know. So I gave him a taste and man he just kept licking his lips. That's all he got a taste. I got the idea from AHBD and other members that it's good for healing properties. He doesn't need it but I wanted to see what he'd do with it. Anyway, he's doing fine I'll keep offering 3x he just eats late. He is still a ball of energy.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Awww, that's great that he has such a great appetite. And it was good to give him that basking time last night. Did you turn his lights on later this am because of it?

I'm glad he's full of energy and I'm sure he enjoyed that taste of honey. It's good for you, too!

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Yes, he got his lights turned on st 9 instead of 8am.

Honey is awesome! I put it on my plain oatmeal.

He shed his lips and the orange is gone. It was a pretty color, looked like he had Vash's face colors. Can't wait to see what he weighs...after all these bug feedings he should gain more or hes just a slow gainer. Idk what to do about that. I'm happy he goes up at all. I'll wait till tonight to weigh as sometimes he poops twice.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Can't do anything about the weight gain, they gain as they grow. Just keep feeding him as much as he'll eat, you'll see results.

Cierra ate 4 male roaches (with wings) today. I was taking out roaches to take to my friend Joanne (she's severely allergic, so I feed her dragons with them as a weekly treat), one got loose and Cierra ate it. So I offered her more and she ate 4! I've never seen any young beardie eat males. So, if that's what she wants, that's what she'll get. I put some normal sized into her food dish, see if she eats those, too. She has trouble digesting the small supers and gets runny poops, so I'm glad she's eating roaches! I have 2 colonies, so have lots of those!

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Way to go Cierra! Never heard of a young beardie eating males too.

So Broly easily at 29 crickets this morning well just now actually. He's not skinny by a long shot. I've seen five month old dragons and they look huge but Broly isn't. He looks petite just like old man Vash. Vash was never very muscular like the big dragons around on the site. He was healthy though. I wonder what Broly will be like, either big like these dragons here or petite like Vash.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Ok I weigh him and hes 26g should I wait to do a fecal again or did not gain because he was shedding his tail and not eating much March 24 & 25? He started to eat more on the 26 and 27. Hes not lethargic, poop isn't very runny or stinky. This is the first time he lost a gram because he was 27 last week. If he drops more, I will convince mom he needs a fecal exam if I have to. I will do a weigh later this week to see if he goes back up. If he doesn't then a fecal exam.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Oh whew nvm I rechecked he's 29! I'm good with that.
After his bath he may have held in his tummy. He always holds in his stomach during bath. We're good. No bad buggies. Never check after his bath his tummy is held in.

Edit: I know two more grams than previous but Im a-ok with it. I was hoping 30 but oh well. Like Deb said nothing I can do he gains as he grows. He's shedding his lips. He really didnt eat too much as his tail shed. Eats like a horse as his body, lips, legs and feet shed so what gives? Oh yeah head too. He doesn't mind that...but his tail sheds he goes off food.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
He's doing really well, remember how small he was when you got him, some dragons are just small. My friend's two year old is only 17" long, so you can't tell how big he'll be until he's 2. Just keep feeding him and I wouldn't bother with a fecal so soon, didn't he have one not long ago and he was clear? So wait until he's a year for another one. Unless his poops reek, no point.

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