Angie, Loki, Laura & Dozer (new pics 03/29/15)

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I wanted to introduce everyone to our new girl. She is on her way now from Denver, CO. Here's the tracking # if anyone wants to follow her flight: We have chosen the name Angeline (Angie for short) which means "messenger of God." I will post some new pictures tomorrow but these are the ones we have so far. She is part leatherback.

Here she is when Laszlo brought her home from the pet store on Feb 17th, 2012.


Here she is eating a small dubia roach.





Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow! Your heart must have been racing big time.

The same thing happened when MoMo first arrived. She charged, black bearded, foot stomped, and head bobbed at everything and everyone, just because she saw Pookie doing it and he got the reaction and respect. Unfortunately for her, she quickly realized that the same didn't work for her and she did a complete 180.

I think they all try different behaviors to see what will get the attention they want. Hope Laura will learn that charging and bobbing won't work in that household.
Or, it could just be the Napoleon complex ;)

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
That made me feel better Gina that MoMo had the same reaction. Yes, my heart was indeed racing! Hopefully she'll do a complete 180 too. Today when Laura was in her tank, I held Angie over by it & Laura didn't react at all, of course, she was concentrating on the Harry Potter CD's at the time. :lol:

We're seriously thinking of rescuing a testudo tortoise from Pet Smart. Paul has always wanted a tortoise so I have been researching them. Could be an early Christmas gift for Paul. Their requirements are similar to a beardie except NO protein intake and slightly lower temps as well as some dirt/play sand in part of the enclosure. Anyone know anything else about them?

Here's a few pics taken today.

Sitting on Josh's pant leg.

She's getting quite a belly on her.

She's still unsure of the camera flash.


Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow! Look at the red specks on her beard! That's her happy look, right?

As long as neither Loki nor Angie react to her head bobs or foot stomps, Laura will change for the better. And maybe, just maybe, Angie and Laura could be inseparable best buds like MoMo and Digi are :)

You're going to get a tortoise? How exciting!
I know nothing about how to care for one, so I can't help you.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Paul will be so excited with his Xmas present. Don't know anything about tortoises either, Diane.

Wow, Laura's colours sure pop. I can't have any of mine out at the same time. It's either fighting or loving, one or the other, depending on who is out, of course. So being able to have 2 beardies out at the same time will be sure fun to watch, once Laura gets used to Angie.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Hey I know a bit about the tortoise you're thinking about, I had one when I was 10... I knew nothing then so it died after about 8 years.

Mine ate fruits and flower buds and veggies. I will find the veggies and fruits it eats and post it here. Babies and juveniles in a 20 gallon outgrow it so I used a 75 gallon.
You can give it 20 to grow in but you'll need to upgrade it. I used a huge water dish so she had access to it she can soak if she wanted and got out to bask in her tank under basking bulb. I always filled the tank about 3-4 inches and rest was can research more on the water part if you want.
Make sure it's changed every day as they urinate a lot, at least mine did. Also gave her tortiose food it should be at fish shops or pet store. Use calcium and vitamin supplements too, but I think you knew that. I fed mine leafy greens obviously no lettuce, they can take figs as treats. Mine ate dandelion, opuntia cactus and sedum (it's a fleshy leaved plant with small star shaped yellow, pink or white flowes). I can't remember if I used gravel or play sand but you should play sand, but you knew that.

Hope I helped Diane but I tried my best to remember what I did for mine before she died.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Yes Gina, those are her happy colors although it looks like she is getting ready to shed on the sides of her beard. It would be great if Laura & Angie could get along as well as MoMo & Digi do, only time will tell and lots more supervised interactions.

Yes, we're really considering a tortoise, about 5 yrs old. Have to get him out of the setup he's in now in the pet store. :( He acted very uneasy one day we were in there and I started rubbing the side of the glass as I was talking to him softly & he would close his eye. He went right to sleep. :)

Deb, Paul knows about it as we have to plan things out. I can tell he's excited though. May have them take him out for us tomorrow night & possibly put a deposit down to hold him until his setup is all set.

Thanks Blue. Do you know what type of tortoise you had? The care is different for certain types. We're gonna use a low plastic bin with a mixture of play sand & soil with the side cut out so he can go in & out as he pleases. And, he will need soaking at least twice a wk with a water dish available.

I've heard that the pet store foods aren't good for them and to use the same nutritious greens/veggies we give our beardies as well as flowers, etc.

Will let you know how it works out.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Testudo Tortiose that I had named Blastiose!

Hm, you shouldn't get food for it...maybe that's how mine
died in 8 years. I had no idea back then. She was a real
beautiful girl. Sadly no pictures of her. I had a few red eared sliders and a mud turtle. But I assure you, it's the care for testudo tortiose. They don't swim much, I never saw her swim in my case. Died 9 years ago, I was 18 when I lost her. I think you should take this tortiose home for Paul. He'll love it! I'm sure I did not give you the care of other tortoises.

diamc Sicko
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Original Poster
Thanks again Blue. They also can't have any protein at all either, not good for them. I have a good UVB light all set too.

Sorry to hear about yours. I have no idea how to find out their sex, maybe you could help with that.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Oh yeah definitely I'll help you with sex and all that.
It's the least I can do since you help me with my new
boy. You're right no protein as it leads to renal failure
the plastic bin is a good choice. I still have my red eared and mud, I had them in the same tank but not Blastiose she had her own kiddie pool and tank. Red eared are old and my mud is ok they're old but they're ok together I know my friends didn't like that the mud and red eared together but they seem fine to me.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member
Hello Diane,

Great pictures of Laura! :D She is beautiful & it sounds like she is already settling in very well, eating & basking.
I am sure she will be very happy in her new home, you are a wonderful mom.


diamc Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Hello Tracie, thanks for checking in and thanks for the compliment.

She is settling in very well, quite the eater too. Tonight I put a stuffed fawn in her tank and after I gave her a kiss on her beard, set her down in front of it. She took a step forward, laid her head on it with both front feet on its sides and with 2 sexy back legs sprawled out. :love5: Today I gave her a bath in the long plastic bin inside of our bathtub for the 1st time. She was a little unsure at first and just sat there listening to Harry Potter. After a while, I picked her up & moved her up & down in the water and she started using swimming motions with her front legs so I let her go & she swam from one side to the other as fast as she could. Bet that will become a routine for her now too. :)

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster
Yes Esther, she is already and hasn't even been here 2 wks yet.

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
diamc":1o7qzq2h said:
Tonight I put a stuffed fawn in her tank and after I gave her a kiss on her beard, set her down in front of it. She took a step forward, laid her head on it with both front feet on its sides and with 2 sexy back legs sprawled out. :love5:

She didn't even check it out first? No hesitations at all? Wow! How great that she liked her fawn.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Awww, Laura has her own stuffie now, so sweet. And swimming, too, she's really getting comfy in her new home :D
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