Zoey's Tales and Pics

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Well, I guess after almost 300 posts, it's time Zoey has her own thread. :) Things may be a little out of order...today is August 19th and we got her on August 1st. She was 8 weeks old at the time. She is already spoiled rotten, she has me trained better than most dogs and she has me wrapped around her little finger. She loves to mess with me but I seem to be the only one who doesn't recognize it. Some of things she has done will be repeated from other's posts because honestly they are quite comical sometimes, in hind site of course.

And there will be pics that have been taken along the way. I am going to try my best to keep it in order, but I can't promise anything! :D Hope you enjoy!!



Gray-bearded Member
Oh that would be adorable. Just don't let her shake it off her head and lose it like what Nim did with his hat. LOL, still can't find it. :)


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TheWerewolf":14b3qf95 said:
Oh that would be adorable. Just don't let her shake it off her head and lose it like what Nim did with his hat. LOL, still can't find it. :)
He probably got out one night, found the hat, burned it and got back in his viv before anyone knew he was missing. LOL After seeing this one in action, I wouldn't put anything by them!!


Gray-bearded Member
No, he just shook it off his head into a black hole. LOL I'm kidding about the black hole thing. But he did shake it off his head. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if he got out. With his intelligence he could do anything. :)


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I have been making sure Zoey gets a minimum of 30 minutes of real sun each day. This means we have to use "the box". The box is my nemesis because I either put her in it alone and she does her best Bambi impression and doesn't move or I get in there with her and she uses me to try her very best to get out. Since we have made (well, Mariah has made) 2 harnesses and she won't stay in either, we don't have a choice. It's the same routine every day. I put in her in there, she does Bambi, I get in, she runs up my shoulder and tries to jump out. I stopped falling for this after the first day. :? So today I figured since Mariah has the day off, she can do it! (Hey, it's hot in that box!!) Except I am a helicopter mom and feel the need to be wherever Zoey is if she's not in her viv. So they got in the box, Zoey took her usual 10 minutes to look around (I love when she turns her head to the side so she can watch planes. :D ), then ran up Mariah to her shoulder and instead of finding freedom, found ME!! lol The look on her face was priceless!! Anyway, after throwing herself at the side of the box again today, we had no real problems. Let me explain what I mean by throwing herself at the box. It's about 2 feet high I would say. She gets up on my leg (keep in mind I'm sitting) and jumps. lol Yesterday I had my hand hovering over her head incase she decided to try a Tigger move and ended up bouncing off my hand into the blanket. lol It was only 2 or 3 inches from my hand to the blanket, which is fluffy and soft. :) I guess she thinks those "shoulder pads" ARE for flying. :p If they are, she deserves a refund, cause they don't work. So today she did the same thing. She was on Mariah's lap, Mariah was facing me, talking and we heard the sound of little nails sliding down cardboard. LOL It happened so fast, I just caught the tail end of it, literally, and Mariah didn't see anything except Zoey on the blanket trying to figure out how she got there. LOL I did take some pics, of course, so here we go. This one you can really see her color. :)

Notice my hand on the far right. She is trying to figure out how to get around it and to freedom.

On Mariah's leg right before she tried (one of the many times) to run up her body real fast, to her shoulder and try to jump out. lol She was getting moody with me cause I wouldn't give her the chance to jump out. lol

This one she was doing "pancake" cause I was on her nerves and, meanie that I am, I put her back on Mariah's leg again. lol. How dare I catch her before she can run away. :roll:


Gray-bearded Member
Zoey is very beautiful. The orange and peach, just so pretty. I really do wish Nim and Zoey could meet. They would have fun speaking about how they torment their mommies. LOL :D


Sub-Adult Member
Zoom-y Zoey! She sounds like she has tons of personality :) And she's sooooo adorable :love5: I love her colors, and all of your stories about your sassy little girl!


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Thank you, thank you and Zoey thanks you too! :)

I took my little one out a while ago. I figured she had lots of real sun today and she was in her viv the rest of the day except for feedings and a few minutes of running around. I went inside and noticed she had her front half hiding under her log. She has NEVER even gone under there to pass through. I thought that was weird. I took off the top and had to move the log to get her out. Strange. So I took her blankie (a big comforter, you've seen it in alot of pics and I use it to put over her viv at night) and put it down in the hallway since it's tile and cold, especially having the AC on. I figured she would want to explore, but all she wanted to do was find a good burrowing spot. On me. So I picked her up and by the time I put her blankie away, she had burrowed into my chest, body in the shape of a "C" and her head just below my collar bone. She burrowed down just a little more and was out like a light. I put 1 of her lightweight, but dark blankies over her (the one that her harness in the pics is made out of) and another fluffy but lightweight one on top of it so she wasn't smothered but had darkness and comfort. I put my robe on over top to kind of "hold her in place" and there she lays...sound asleep. I've checked on her 3 or 4 times now and she is just out. Every once in a while she will move her head just a little bit and borrow down even more. :) I think my typing is bugging her just a little. She should be having her nightly bath right around now but I think we will skip it tonight. Since we got her Aug. 1 (a month tomorrow!!!!), she has only missed a bath one other time. I think her belly is bothering her a bit. She did poop today, and it was a good one, but it just seems like it might be bothering her...she just wants to be close. She did try pooping again when she was outside but it was only urates and the slightest bit of mucus. She was straining too. So we did the applesauce and oil mix. She loved it of course. lol I know exactly what she is doing. She is making me worry to make up for not letting her run free around the neighborhood. :| I wish I could figure out why she insists on torturing me.....


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I found a couple more pics from "the Box" today. The first one is either her hunting something, (ok, maybe that's just what it looks like) o,r what it actually is, her trying to find a way to get to me. :)

This one is yet another Zoey pic with that crazed, pouty look in her eye, wanting to get back up to the top of one of her slaves and not being able to get what she wants...

Peekaboo! She is over there because she has just fallen trying to jump out and missing by about 18 inches. lol) and was getting back up, getting ready to go up the shoulder mountain. Notice the out of sorts look on her face. ;) lol


Gray-bearded Member
Very cute pics. I think our beardies torment us for the hell of it. What Nim did to me last night may never be forgiven. LOL, I'll probably forgive him tonight. He's too cute for me to hold a grudge. :D


BD.org Addict
The great escape artist isnt so great but the pictures are so cute. Mine are finally asleep and all tucked in. This way I can watch big brother without feeling guilty like Im ignoring them. Zoey is so pretty in her happy colors but man can she give you stink eye when you block her escape route lol. Gotta love them.


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Oh she can go from being soooo cute to burning a hole in me!! Zoey and I took a little nap for the past hour or so. lol She was still under the blanket, right on me and I dozed off...don't you hate when you wake yourself up snoring?? LOL Just that one that comes out of nowhere. :shock: Zoey on the other hand slept pretty well but she kept sliding since I had on a tank top and she was right on my skin...I guess every time I took a big inhale when I slept she would slide around. She ended up with her back against my neck, body in the shape of a C but all turned around from where she started. SO after I so rudely interrupted my nap, I burritoed her and she OUT. The instant I put her in there, she did her position (butt wiggle, front legs like a dogs), eyes closed instantly. :) If only I had done this before. I guess she did alot of trying to hold on as I feel like I ran my chest against the pavement. LOL

She is starting to get some really pretty colors. When I first got her she was the usual brown, black and white. Now she has this brilliant orange by her ears, on part of her legs and here and there on her back. I can't wait to see what color she is going to turn out to be. Her dad was like a pastel, don't remember what it's called, but he had so many beautiful colors...he looked like a painting almost. :) I do want to say in all sincerity, I would be just as happy with Zoey if she was all brown or black or "regular colors". :D As long as she is healthy, the rest is just a bonus. :D


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In all seriousness, I think I finally figured out why the breeder wanted me to take Zoey instead of the sister and she gave me such a good price. Zoey has vision problems. I've known for a while, but I guess I was in denial about it and hoping it would go away. I DO have the right lighting, it's not that. She walks into things alot. I mean after she looks at something she goes right into it. Her depth perception is off too. Anyone else's eardie's eyes not work together? Meaning one is looking up while the other is looking down or back? She's not blind, don't get me wrong, but her sight isn't good. I think that's why she won't chase crickets. The breeder fed dubia and she had no problems with those but they were alot bigger. They have to be in just the right spot for her to see them. Alot of times it will take 5 or 6 times for her to get them in her mouth while I hold them still. She will keep trying again and again but miss. But if I dip them in baby food and make them bigger, she will get them the first time. :) Poor girlie. Could be why she devours the baby food too, cause she can see the syringe coming...she will start licking as soon as she sees it. Sweet little thing. :) And she is able to pick the carrots out of her greens if they are big enough. She has started to do alot of walking into walls though. :( I've also wondered why, when I let her walk around, she only takes a few steps then stops and waits for quite a few seconds before she takes another few steps. In 2 weeks she still hasn't gotten to the other side of the couch (it's a sectional). I don't want her over there anyway, she can get under the TV stand, under the couch, between the cushions, etc. But I love her no matter what, I'm actually glad I got her instead of the sister causes no one would take as good of care as her and I do. :)

Anyway, here we go again, another day, another bunch of pictures! Of course, we did the box again. This time though instead of staying on me and not going onto the blanket, she jumped off of me and ran around, trying to jump out, when that didn't work she went to the corners and tried to jump/dig out. I don't know what has gotten into her. :?

"Don't just sit there pointing that phone at me mommy, help me dig out!!"

"Woe is me."

Sure is hot in here!

So since she was so neurotic in the box, I figured it was time to work on another harness. So I got all of my scrap material that I have been using to make blankies, a bunch of shoelaces, soft cords, etc. I put her blanket down first so she didn't get cold on the bare floor since the AC was on. Here is Zoey helping me...
This is the inside of one of the hoodies I took apart to make her nice soft pink blankies. :) She liked the fluffy cotton stuff on what used to be the inside of the hoodie. :) I put it right in front of her to see if she would jump on it....she did. :)

The material that her first harness was made of....(please excuse the mess, I just dumped the bag upside down to see what was in there. lol

She reminds me of a little bulldog when she stands like this. lol

Look at this sweet little face. :)) Yes, that is baby food all over her face. :D

I closed the doors to the linen closet, the bathroom, Mariah's bedroom and the room my husband turned into his computer room (aka "the cave"). There are gaps under all of the doors, but the one into the computer room was plenty big enough for her to crawl under, especially on the bottom right. She started wandering off to that part and (discretely watching her) continued her way all the way from the right side of the closed door to the left. Then she jumped up and tried to climb her way in, standing on her back legs. :? I'm telling you, her sight is pretty bad.
Could be why she freaks out in the box...she doesn't really grasp what it is. Oh well, I love her even more. :D

Well that's it for today's log. Have a great night everyone and stay safe!! :D



BD.org Addict
Bless her heart. She is so cute. It's sad about her eyes but as she grows she will learn to compensate for it Im sure. its just going to take a lot of time and patience on your part to help her. Sometimes I wish they could talk and tell you whats wrong, but on the other hand, a talking beardie may not be the best thing since they make us their slaves..cant you just imagine the things that would come out of their mouths lol.


Gray-bearded Member
Aww, I think it's sweet that she is handicapped. Makes her special. :D My sister came over and is going to be here tomorrow, so that is why I was on for a snippet today. I may be on for another snippet tomorrow.


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Tonja":q036hikb said:
Bless her heart. She is so cute. It's sad about her eyes but as she grows she will learn to compensate for it Im sure. its just going to take a lot of time and patience on your part to help her. Sometimes I wish they could talk and tell you whats wrong, but on the other hand, a talking beardie may not be the best thing since they make us their slaves..cant you just imagine the things that would come out of their mouths lol.
Oh I dont' know if I would want to know what she would have to say. LOL As far as her eyes, she has been helping me compensate since the beginning. I never realized how differently I did things, like feeding her, until I saw my daughter do it. It was then that I figured out why she would eat twice as much for me. I have the patience and she has already taught me how to do these things differently, so I didn't even notice. ,lol Maybe if I had had another healthy beardie first, it would have been different, but maybe it's why we have such a strong bond. I love this little thing no matter what. I don't even see it as a flaw, I just see it as part of what makes her, her. :D
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