You know you're living with beardies when...

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Just thought we could start identifying things around the house that indicate a house full of beardies, i.e. You know you're living with beardies when...
while barefoot, you step on a thorn. When you remove it, it's actually a shedded beardie scale!

You know you're living with beardies when...
Crickets sing from all corners WITHIN the house!

You know you're living with beardies when...
Your refrigerator is full of worms and this is a very good thing, not a sign for a serious cleaning job!

I know there are many more ways that show others we are doing things a little bit differently! So, how do you know you're living with beardies?
:blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8: :blob5:


Extreme Poster
I'll have you know we can be perfectly smutty here in the UK.
Its always miserable outside so we really do love our indoor activies :roll:


Gray-bearded Member
Ethelia":0c6d5 said:
I'll have you know we can be perfectly smutty here in the UK.
Its always miserable outside so we really do love our indoor activies :roll:

AAAACK! Don't shatter the image, Holly! (OH, heck since you brought it up, how do you PERFECT smut? :oops: )


Gray-bearded Member
gulfbrzdawn":b24df said:
Question for Robin....are you refering to Holly's image or the image of the English? :roll:

Holly's image of course :D I've seen enough Monty Python to know how "smutty" the English can be :lol:

That's probably not a very good reference but it's the only one I have.

And Holly is SUCH a sweet girl... unless :twisted: like a few of the other posters on this site she has an evil twin :angry5:

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
gulfbrzdawn":ca24e said:
I have a better reference for you. How about Benny Hill :lol:
Dang it! Now I have the theme song in my head!

You know you're living with beardies when . . . you feel bad that your beardie doesn't have anyone/thing to play with.


Gray-bearded Member
gulfbrzdawn":8db25 said:
Evil Twin.....EEK....who has an Evil Twin? :roll:

I have a better reference for you. How about Benny Hill :lol:

I LOOOOOOOVE Benny Hill! That old guy who used to get slapped on the head all the time was my favorite :lol:

...When you buy rice and socks and you don't use either one for what they are intended for.


Gray-bearded Member
...When you have been squirted with worm juice on multiple occasions. Big, fat, 4" horn worm. Drop in front of beardie. Grab, crunch, squirt, eew :puke:

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
herpfreak":ea206 said:
Drop in front of beardie. Grab, crunch, squirt, eew :puke:
It should be "Drop in front of beardie and run. Grab, crunch, squirt. HA! You missed!" :lol:


Hatchling Member
I won't complain. My husband is a clean freak too :D About renting husbands out< I might need to if Kashet keeps eating the way he does. (Renting his cleaning OCD, nothing else :lol: :lol:) When your considering renting your two legged family out as house cleaners to afford the quality of up keep that your beardie expects :lol:


Gray-bearded Member
...When you have the choice between watching Narnia, Holes, and the Sandlot and (of course!) you choose Holes because there are beardies in it.
...When you start squealing when the beardies come on.
...When you start screaming when the ranger guy shoots the beardie. No reaction when he shoots at the people.
...And your friends think you are crazy. Hyperventilating over a kid's movie.
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