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Hatchling Member
wolfysluv":1cb8m0y5 said:
Thats a study regarding the "compact" bulbs and "lamps". Those arent' good, even dangerous, no matter what brand. Especially the mercury ones. The Reptisun 10.0, I thought, was the most studied and recommended "tube" bulb.

The title stated it was a special report about problems with specific lamps and tubes. I think the terminology is what is confusing. The reptisun 10.0 I thought only came in a tube form. And if you read the report it specifically lists that as one of them. I suppose different experiements will bring about different results.


Hatchling Member
No, it specifically said that the compacts (Reptisun) were troublesome in that report. I can't find where it says the tubes are bad. I dont know where, but there is another study the Reptisun 10.0 tube, and it is said to be one of the two best (can't remember the other brand). I've read on several sites that is the recommended bulb. I have gathered from this study and other readings that all compacts are "bad" ... too much in too small a source makes it too intense.

The following bulbs had problems in the older study you cited:

ZooMed Reptisun 5.0 compact 100 µW/cm² 8.9 lamp ref. BJP1 – 50hr use
ZooMed Reptisun 10.0 compact 100 µW/cm² 10.0 lamp ref. BW1 – 1hr use
Big Apple Herp. Mystic compact 100 µW/cm² 10.9 lamp ref. BMYS2 – 0.5hr use
Big Apple Herp. Mystic tube 100 µW/cm² 11.9 lamp ref. BMYS1 – 0.5hr use
R-Zilla Desert Series 50 T5 Low Profile Single Bulb Fixture 100 µW/cm² (1) 13.4
R-Zilla Desert Series 50 T8 tube




Hatchling Member
wolfysluv":15840ge9 said:
No, it specifically said that the compacts (Reptisun) were troublesome in that report. I can't find where it says the tubes are bad. I dont know where, but there is another study the Reptisun 10.0 tube, and it is said to be one of the two best (can't remember the other brand). I've read on several sites that is the recommended bulb. I have gathered from this study and other readings that all compacts are "bad" ... too much in too small a source makes it too intense.

The following bulbs had problems in the older study you cited:

ZooMed Reptisun 5.0 compact 100 µW/cm² 8.9 lamp ref. BJP1 – 50hr use
ZooMed Reptisun 10.0 compact 100 µW/cm² 10.0 lamp ref. BW1 – 1hr use
Big Apple Herp. Mystic compact 100 µW/cm² 10.9 lamp ref. BMYS2 – 0.5hr use
Big Apple Herp. Mystic tube 100 µW/cm² 11.9 lamp ref. BMYS1 – 0.5hr use
R-Zilla Desert Series 50 T5 Low Profile Single Bulb Fixture 100 µW/cm² (1) 13.4
R-Zilla Desert Series 50 T8 tube

Works for me either way! I use exo-terra and mega ray. I don't think I have seen either listed as a problem. But who knows, I'm sure those brands may have a gliche possibly as well somewhere.


Thanks! I told Mogwai the kind words you said about him, but in true beardie fashion he just stared at me blankly. lol.

Here's a body shot! The colour looks a little dull in this photograph but he is very vibrant in the flesh!

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