a watchful eye


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My big Chilean boy Taco, back after his short brumation, back to one of his favorite activity: blending in and watching.
(Down there is a military recinto, and he can see the ocean with sometimes fisher boats going by. The other side is a balcony where he loves to watch me caring for the plants and where I'm usually doing some crafts and woodwork during the weekend.)

I like how he's using different tail position to hold on to things and how they change with him getting bigger w.r.t. things in his enclosure. He's doing the "hook" only for a while now :D


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Sub-Adult Member
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Thank you! But it was also a nice coincidence that this apartment has so many large windows (this room actually has two windows with full room height!) so I was able to place the enclosure in a corner of two windows - and that it never gets so cold here that I would have to use something else than a full-glass enclosure.

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