Semi-blood in runny stool (just had 15 eggs)


Sub-Adult Member
Hey guys my Chubbs is pooping water with no smell with a slight reddish poop she just had eggs 2 days ago is this normal?

I'm hoping this isn't a serious thing her belly isn't bloated no more and her appetite is slowly coming back.

She is extremely restless it seems and wants out


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Is Chubbs' beard dark or is it normal color?
It is possible she might have a few more eggs left but not sure.
It doesn't look too much like blood, so I hope it isn't. Has she eaten anything that could have caused the discoloration?



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster

Is Chubbs' beard dark or is it normal color?
It is possible she might have a few more eggs left but not sure.
It doesn't look too much like blood, so I hope it isn't. Has she eaten anything that could have caused the discoloration?

When she's in her enclosure and outside her beard generally isn't dark unless she sees Amber then it'll turn dark.

Her body generally would be a light yellow/orange when she poops but since she has had eggs she has been a light yellow/orange 24/7.

She had 1 more egg yesterday so she's up to 16 eggs

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh geez, she isn't quite done then. I hope she finishes up soon, I'm sure she is tired!
I'm glad to hear she doesn't seem to be in distress or black bearding, too that's a great
sign so far. Keep us posted on her.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
That poo looks well within the normal range, nothing to worry about as far as that goes.
Ok I really need to figure out how to tell if it's ok or not instead of filling these forums every time I got a question.

I also need to find out the difference types of poop especially when they are having eggs and not having eggs 😅

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