Sherlocks back foot


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I am a new beardie mommy with a question. When I say new I mean 2 days, and I have a habit of over worrying about things, but your feedback would be appreciated.
I have noticed that one of Sherlock's (their name) back feet is a bit darker than their others. I will attach some pictures. I want to know if this is normal or should be something I need to be concerned about.


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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
You've come to the right place for questions. Ask about anything at all and there will usually be someone here with the knowledge to help.
If you don't mind please go over your light set up, it's the absolute most critical aspect of their care. If it isn't on point you will have all kinds of problems from health to not eating to behavioral.
Maybe post pics of the lights and tell us what your using. Pet stores have an awful habit of telling new keepers bad info.


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Are you using a loose substrate in the enclosure?

If not, it's likely just getting ready to shed.

There is nothing concerning in the pictures.

Sorry! He is using loose substrate. A mixture of play sand and top soil since I had talked to multiple people that have used it and liked it.


Original Poster
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You've come to the right place for questions. Ask about anything at all and there will usually be someone here with the knowledge to help.
If you don't mind please go over your light set up, it's the absolute most critical aspect of their care. If it isn't on point you will have all kinds of problems from health to not eating to behavioral.
Maybe post pics of the lights and tell us what your using. Pet stores have an awful habit of telling new keepers bad info.
Thank you! He has a zoomed uvb light, a 75 watt basking lamp and a heat emitter.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Is it still discolored? If not shedding at this point, it could just be dyed/dirty from the topsoil. Especially if he has a water bowl in his tank that he soaked his foot in first.

Either way, nothing harmful.



Original Poster
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Is it still discolored? If not shedding at this point, it could just be dyed/dirty from the topsoil. Especially if he has a water bowl in his tank that he soaked his foot in first.

Either way, nothing harmful.

It looks better now after a bath, so yes we are all good! Thank you all for your help!

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