

Sub-Adult Member
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I want to make my beardie a homemade dish out of oven drying modelling clay, just wondering, how do I safety proof it for this species and what paints are non-toxic?

CooperDragon Sicko
Staff member
I don't think modeling clay is toxic, but I've never tried sealing it to make it waterproof. With ceramics you'd want to stick with a non-toxic glaze (there are food grade options available) but I'm not sure if they would work on modeling clay or if there is an equivalent.


Sub-Adult Member
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I don't think modeling clay is toxic, but I've never tried sealing it to make it waterproof. With ceramics you'd want to stick with a non-toxic glaze (there are food grade options available) but I'm not sure if they would work on modeling clay or if there is an equivalent.
Well, not modelling clay really... It's professional clay, a gift from my friend who works at a sculpting company. I might ask her for her opinion. I'm definitely sealing it before usage,


Hatchling Member
I would just make sure your paints and seal are both food grade. And be careful of colors with cadmium, just in case it leaches through. You can get test swabs for lead to test after you've finished

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I want to make my beardie a homemade dish out of oven drying modelling clay, just wondering, how do I safety proof it for this species and what paints are non-toxic?
It will need to be fired in a kiln to set the glaze. Like stated if its food grade it will be fine. The glaze will completely seal the clay and make it water proof.


Sub-Adult Member
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I don't think modeling clay is toxic, but I've never tried sealing it to make it waterproof. With ceramics you'd want to stick with a non-toxic glaze (there are food grade options available) but I'm not sure if they would work on modeling clay or if there is an equivalent.
The question here is what this "oven drying modeling clay" is.
If it's really for a kitchen oven and not for a kiln, it's likely made from polymer (= plastic). These are e.g. Fimo, Sculpey (for hobby and semi-professional usage, result is a slightly soft plastic), as well as "toy clays" to be put in an oven to make it "look real" but they basically just dry out and are crumbly. Those are not food save, and any "glaze" is then just a varnish where only specific ones can be used on that polymer clay at all.
If it is, however, real clay to be fired in a kiln, then yes, food grade glaze is available and making a dish is totally safe :) This is a cool fun project.

(Background of my information: I'm doing a lot of crafts and work with those materials, including such that require only a normal kitchen oven, myself.)

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