Pookie's Minions - Pookie's Gone ☹

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BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Oh how cute. Squirt wanted some "mommy time." :) Bet it did you as much good as it did him too. :wink:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Well, he's firmly part of your life now, I can tell, you can figure out what he wants, which is alone time with Mom :D


BD.org Sicko
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He is starting to demand one-on-one time with me, though we always had that but it was only after bath time, where I'd hold him and tell him how cute he was and how nice he smelled and how clean he looked, then I'd tell him that I loved him and that he was a good boy. He'd always have the whitest beard whenever he's happy -- which is so opposite of my other 4 where they'd have orange/red specks. But lately, he'd want me to hold him while looking out the kitchen window to see the backyard.

:laughhard: Wanna hear something really funny that happened this morning?
As Squirt chomped down on his third butterworm this morning, its insides went *squirt* out of his mouth and onto the glass. Without even thinking, I said "SQUIRT!" as I had always done whenever a worm did that. Well, Little Squirt immediately looked up at me with a :shock: look, as if to say, "What?! What did I do??" Of course, I had to laugh and explain to him that I wasn't calling his name but to exclaim of what the worm had done.

Guess I have to starting saying "SQUISH!" with him instead :lol:


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Too funny, bet he did have quite the shocked look wondering what he did wrong. :lol:


BD.org Sicko
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Quick background: Had a raccoon breaking into my roof (torn off pieces of shingles and dug holes into the plywood); called county animal control who referred me to local police, who gave me 2 numbers of privately-owned animal control services but told me that I could buy my own trap and try to capture the raccoon myself then have someone remove it.
The trap sat outside for days with no activity, but unfortunately it was because the trap became unstable when the snow melted and the trigger panel didn't trip (the can of cat food was gone). I reset the trap with a new can of cat food, then few days later, I caught a possum instead. After releasing the possum and resetting trap, I finally caught a raccoon a day later.
Shortly after getting into work this morning, I called the local police asking who I should contact to remove/release the raccoon. The dispatcher told me that they'll contact an animal control officer to call me. I waited and waited and waited, then finally sometime after 1pm, a guy called back. After giving him the scoop, I was told that he won't be able to help me, that no one would be able to help me because I had purchased my own trap and caught it on my own. He then proceeded to tell me that he had spoken to a police officer a few weeks ago and gave advice on how to handle a similar situation. "THAT WAS FROM MY PHONE CALL!", I exclaimed. I told the animal control guy that the officer who showed up at my house never told me that the township was responsible for 1) setting the trap, 2) cutting back the tree limb that the raccoon was using to access the roof, 3) placing deterrents (spikes, metal grates, etc.) on the roof to prevent future access, 4) fixing the damage done to my roof, and 5) removing/releasing the captured raccoon. By this time, I was furious and my blood was boiling. If I had known that I'd inevitably be responsible for releasing the caught critter, I wouldn't have spent the $48 for the *bleep bleep* trap and spent days worrying about whether it'd be caught. I would've bit the bullet and paid for a private animal control service to get rid of the thing.

Now for the story:
Because I was told that the cold and being out during the day would stress the raccoon and could possibly kill it, I panicked and, of course, got upset. At this point, I had both rage and extreme hunger running through my system, and I wanted to :puke: . I forced fed myself a burger, then asked my manager to leave early so I could tend to the captured raccoon. Thank god she understood and allowed me to leave for the day.

When I got home, I saw that the raccoon was still in the trap, but now it was turned on its side and had a lot of leaves inside. The raccoon looked terrified, and rightly so. Thank god the rain wasn't so bad yet, so I quickly changed my clothes, grabbed two garbage bags (to line the floor of the car trunk), and my camera, and out I went on my mission of moving the trap and relocate the raccoon. These are the pics I was able to get:




It was shivering from fear, which totally broke my heart. It never hissed or growled at me (not that I'd know what noises a raccoon makes), nor did it lunge/strike at me while I stood next to it. It did, however, pace a little bit while I raised the trap and walked over to the car. As I was maneuvering it to get it inside, it had reached out its hands (one at a time) from the side of the trap, fingers stretched out, palm up. I stopped moving then, fearing that it was trying to grab my coat, but then it retreated; when I moved again, it again reached out a hand. It wasn't like an attack reach, because it was slow and there weren't any swatting. I have to believe that it was trying to ask for help . . . because that's just the way I think.

I finally got the trap inside the trunk, which I had lined with the garbage bags, and I told the raccoon that everything was going to be ok (I had been speaking to it the whole time, from the very second I walked over to it) then closed the trunk lid.


As I turned on the car engine, I intently listened for any sounds coming from the trunk, but it was quiet, so I started the car and on our merry way. After many turns, stop&go, and going over potholes, the raccoon never made a peep. When I finally found the perfect spot for release, I parked the car on the side of the road, turned off the engine, and popped open the trunk lid. I had expected to see a very distressed raccoon, with the garbage bags torn to shreds, but to my amazement, nothing was moved. Of course, because I had to pick up the trap again, the raccoon became frightened and started pacing. I stopped mid way and assured him that everything was going to be ok. I placed the trap on the ground, walked around to the left side so I could better open the gate, and proceeded to release the latch. I didn't even get it raised an inch before the raccoon rammed its way through & out and into the woods. It knew that was the way out!

After all of the stress and fear of how to move the trap then release the raccoon myself, it was rather painless and effortless. I must have had an angel watching over me.

I'm praying that this raccoon was the same one that was causing havoc on my roof, and that there aren't more out there.


BD.org Sicko
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Original Poster
To add insult to injury, one of my tires decided to be totally deflated yesterday morning. That tire had been slowly leaking air for awhile, about 10 lbs 7-10 days. I had just fully inflated the darned thing over the weekend, and it decided to completely clunk out on me. I inflated it, then went over to my friend's garage and told him that I need new tires. He checked it and said that the treads were fine and I don't need to spend unnecessary money on replacing it. He thinks that I have a nail that somehow 'shifted' to cause a bigger hole and therefore releasing more air faster. Because I didn't want to abuse my working from home privilege, I told him that I'd be back Thursday AM to have the tire checked. Well, thank god I decided to not bring lunch today, because when I went out to my car around 2pm, I noticed that the tire looked a little deflated again. After hooking it up to an air pump, the gauge registered at 20 lbs. It had leaked 12 lbs of air in ~28 hours! :angry5: Can't wait to have my friend check the tire and fix the leak once and for all.

But wait! There's more! :banghead:

I turned on the TV in the AM; the picture kept pixelating and the sound would go in/out. I dealt with it for a few hours because there were more good than bad, at the time. After 5pm, it really went bad to the point where the picture would disappear altogether, along with the sound, and I couldn't even change the channel! As soon as I was done with work, I proceeded to rememdy the situation myself (to no avail). I finally contacted the cable company via online support and was told that there's registered issues with reception from the pole to my house. WONDERFUL! Just what I wanted to hear - NOT! Again, because I didn't want to abuse the work from home privilege, I had to schedule for a repair tech for Thursday between 11am-2pm.
I better receive credit for not having TV for 3 days.

When it rains, it pours elephants.


Gray-bearded Member
glad all went well with the raccoon release... wonder if he will be a little more trusting of humans now, after he experienced Gina the animal whisperer LOL

Sorry about the tv issues... we went 6 plus months without a tv (well, we did have somewhat of a tv, we have a little 7-inch flip-top travel model for the car, but in the house? Only get 3-4 channels LOL... we dealt with it, the kids learned their homework was more important! LOL ... hubby was the one who kept the little tv by his recliner... he's a big kid, cannot live without it

oh... raining elephants... yeah, don't remind me! Am still trying to fix grandson's elephant quilt... he was born Sunday, and SIL's mom posted a pic of him on FB and listed his name as LUKAS... so I immediately started personalizing the quilt that was 1/2 done, and awaiting his name... NOOOOO!!!!!! was nearly done quilting it, and getting ready to ship that day (yesterday) ... AND SHE HAD MISSPELLED IT!!! The proper spelling is Lucas, which I questioned from the start.

Needless to say, that's 5-7 hours of my life I'll never get back, having to rip out the quilting I had done on / around the applique'd name... and am re-quilting it today... another 5 hours of my life. All because of one little "K"


BD.org Addict
I love raccoons, they are the cutest little things. My neighbor caught on when she was trying to catch the gopher that was digging up her garden. We went and released him in a forest area near our home.

Sounds like your experience was a lot more frustrating than our.

Poor, traumatized baby.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
blondie098":1nz9xwhi said:
glad all went well with the raccoon release... wonder if he will be a little more trusting of humans now, after he experienced Gina the animal whisperer LOL
I'd rather that the raccoon not be more trusting of humans. It needs to be a normal wildlife animal and not a domesticated one.
Ever since releasing the booger, I'd been worrying about whether it'd know where to go to find new shelter, if it had a family that it's now missing, or if it was a juvenile and is now misplaced from its mother :( I'm such a sap.

How funny that you're making an elephant quilt for your grandson! What are the chances ;)
Sorry that you had to re-do 5-7 hours of work due to a misspelling. What a mess.

zandi202":1nz9xwhi said:
I love raccoons, they are the cutest little things. My neighbor caught on when she was trying to catch the gopher that was digging up her garden. We went and released him in a forest area near our home.

Sounds like your experience was a lot more frustrating than our.

Poor, traumatized baby.
The only frustrating part was dealing with the authorities, who weren't any help at all. Catching and releasing the raccoon was relatively easy, maybe too easy.
I had always thought raccoons were cute too, until one caused havoc on my roof.

Got my tire fixed. My friend pulled out an inch-long screw from the tire. It probably would've been less damaging if it had been a nail.

Also got my TV back. Turned out to be an issue with the cable box and the connection going to it, not the lines or box outside. However, now my picture is all messed up, because the tech replaced it with a new box that works with HD TVs, and mine is an antique (so was the cable box). Certain channels is now displaying with the awful black bars on top and bottom of the screen. :angry5:


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
You just can't win, now you'll have to buy yourself a new TV so it will work, that or get back to the techs to find a cable box that works with your TV. You're right, it rains elephants at your place. I'm glad you got the racoon resituated, it will be fine, Gina, they're very resourceful critters. As for the person who told you the wrong thing, you really should make a fuss with a supervisor there, as giving you the wrong info has caused a lot of issues with your roof. Need to get that complaint in!!!!!


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
Wow Gina, never a dull moment in your household or your neighborhood. Glad you got the tire fixed, at least you won't have to worry about that again. You got the hole patched, right?

Deb's right, don't worry about the raccoon, they are resourceful and used to taking care of themselves.

Sorry to hear about your TV issues. I would call the cable company and have them bring something that will be useful so that you don't have to look at those annoying black bars. :roll:

How are you babies doing, are they all getting more active yet?


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Original Poster
If I make a complaint against the person who didn't give me the info that he was supposed to, I may need to raise bail money, as he was a police officer :roll:

I did get the hole patched on the tire. Hope I won't end up with another nail/screw any time soon.

I highly doubt that the cable company would give me an older model of the cable box, as they're pretty much phased out already. If anything, I'd probably get laughed at for still having an antique (of everything). We'll see how long I can stomach the fuzziness and black bars.

The boys had never brumated, so they're still active as always.
Gianna makes an appearance about once a week.
MoMo would show her little head about once a week, but that's about it.
Digi . . . oh my precious baby cakes
She had been so sick since January (the reason for my 'absence' from practically everywhere) that even the vet is worried about her. It all started with her having explosive diarrhea for an entire week, then it was all downhill from there. We had every possible test/culture done but nothing came back as being "off", for exception of her calcium levels being high (34). The latest (as of last night) is that one of her hip joints is separating (compared to x-rays taken back in January), though no trauma or injury had occurred. The vet thinks that she may have degenerative bone disease or worse yet, some form of cancer. I am totally beside myself. Just writing this little bit is tearing me apart, so I'm going to stop until I can think again.


BD.org Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow, Gina, had no idea, poor you and poor Digi. You have a good vet, so hopefully he can get a test done that will give a definitive answer. My prayers are with you both, hugs to both of you, too. I can so relate to your pain. Take care :( If you need to vent, you know you can talk to my anytime.
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