Lexia,Kinno,Bobble,Chimaira&Hadyn. Pictures

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This is the story of how we got our two baby dragons. It all started when my daughter brought home a beardie the whole family fell in love with him. You know some teens get when they get moody *dont touch him hes my beardie* gah it hurt because everyone loved him and played with him fed him we all pitched in. She even go so moody one day she moved his viv to her room so no one could see or play with him. (girls and pms :roll: )So i made a thread http://www.beardeddragon.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=98235 * I want a BD for myself* i guess there was a few people who were in the same boat as me. Being a BD grandma is tuff! (She of course got over it and moved him back down stairs) I wanted to get one who might need a little more care or love thought first thing *rescue* I was checking cragelist daily not one bd post in the weeks i was looking. Then a breeder(DistDrag) posted on the thread letting me know he had 2 babys just hatched out that had small issues, one with a crooked tail and one with a leg that didnt work. They were the cutest things! I still had to get the ok from my hubby once he seen those pics he was hooked!! So he let me take them both! They were still way to young for me to get yet so we were happy to leave them with the breeder(DistDrag)till they were safe to travel. He kept us posted on how they were doing and posted updated pictures. The day came to where they were ready to be sent to us. Oh boy i was so excited i couldnt sleep and kept a eye out the window for them to get here! :blob8: :blob8: :blob8: :blob8: <-- that was me 10 fold lol I heard the UPS man drive up and i was out the door!
Still in the box!

Comming out of the little box's.

This is the one with the left foot that dosnt work(My hubbys) He/she dosnt have a name yet.

This is the one with the kink in the tail. I call her Roo short for Kangaroo.

Heres a comparison between Chimera and Roo.

They are both from the same clutch they are 1 month 1 week old and 6 1/2 inches long.

We will never let more than 1 of beardies to be out of their viv's at one time. Except for the 2 new babys just for a while so we can sit and watch tv with them to get them used to us. They both have their own vivs. I have to say ty to everyone! I have learned so much since i have joined! I dont think our babys would be as healthy as they are if it wasnt for all of you!

Ill be posting more pictures soon and more tails from their goofy antics lol


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This is their viv's
Roo's viv

I call this one leggie intill my hubby names her/him.

Roo saying HI!

Leggie saying.. get away from me with that thing!(you can see his left leg is underdeveloped he cant really use it at all)

They are both doing really well eating crickets veggies(yes already woot) and drinking water from my finger.
Roo is very mellow and dosnt mind being petted. Leggie isnt to keen on anyone near his viv yet hes a bit shy but im sure with alot of love he will adjust really well.


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Since they seems stressed with everyone(7 people) in the house being home yesterday i have now taped papertowl across the front and one side of their vivs to give them some time to adjust. Everytime someone in the house moved they would watch them and pancake even when they were no where near the vivs.(so cute!) Roo eats like theres no tomorrow i dont know how she fits all that she eats in that tiny tummy lol My daughter picked some dandilion flowers from our gardnen we have made in the back yard and she showed it to Roo she tore it up! Leggie dosnt eat as much as Roo i fed em some squash baby food to make sure he/she had some veggies. I give them both water with a eyedropper for now. Today is bathtime! I wish i had all the energy Roo does :shock: Ill post more pics later after bathtime.


Sub-Adult Member
They are little cuties! You certainly got the best of both worlds. The good feeling of caring for a special needs beardie and the joy of raising babies. It is so much fun to watch them grow! Can't wait to see more picks of these two precious babies. :mrgreen:


Extreme Poster
Don't ya just love a baby dragon?! How adorable. I sure hope leggie perks up for you all soon.
Keep us posted on them.


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Bath time was so fun I decided to bathe them together since they are so small. Roo is taking after Chimera soon as they hit that warm water *poop* had to change it right off lol Then not 5 mins later Leggie did so I put fresh water in and let them run around. I had to keep a real close eye on Leggie since his one front leg dosnt work his head gets close to the water so i tried to have my hand helping him keep it up he would just go the other way hes still pretty scared of me. Roo pishhhh shes playing and running all over the place took a drink and ran over her brother a few times.



Leggie in his beardie buritto.. gl keeping Roo in one.. :lol:

I try and baby Leggie more than Roo shes stable and pigs out on everything and anything put in front of her. Hes just not that cought up yet. Hes pooping ok and getting fluids thru a eyedropper. At night ive been giving him squash baby food. hes alert and aware of every little movement he can see. I think he will do great just needs some extra love :D
If anyone has any ideas on giving little ones a extra boost with foods id love to hear them. They are 5 weeks old.


Juvie Member
Not sure how you are giving the crickets to Leggie but one thing I did was to set her/him in a round container, (fairly small) so the crickets would go around in circles and she (I'm about 75% sure) would catch them going by. She would chase them around too, as she can mover pretty well considering. The other thing is she just might take a little time to get adjusted. I have no doubt they are getting excellent care with you.



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Oh ty for posting how you gave her crickets! Since shes been so scared i havnt been taken Leggie out of her viv ive been counding the crickets and putting in 10 i know shes eating some(5 or so). Ill have to start feeding her crickets in a small container then. I went and found a potted plant drainer its perfect size for her. She looks up and me and gives me this look *hello?? can i help you?* so i placed it in her viv and she munched every single cricket!18 of them! I still have alot to learn :oops:

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
How is Roo and Leggie doing? Leggie seems to be eating better, what happened to his/her arm and what caused Roo's crooked tail? Did they end up being rescue's or did you have to pay for them? If that's too personal, you don't have to answer.........but regardless, they are very precious...........and so exciting.......... congrats!!!!!!!!!!! :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8:


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They are both from the same clutch had something from the egg wrapt around the leg so it didnt develop fully. Not sure about Roos tail but we all love them very much. I can tell you one thing just because that leg dosn't work, i't dosnt stop her from zooming across the floor! She jumps up in her tree, up and down from her basking platform. I had posted wanting a beardie for myself and I wanted beardies with special needs or a rescue.


Extreme Poster
Im not sure about little Roo's tail but Miso has a distinct tail crook aswell.
Not the best picture as it looks quite normal here, but at about half of the way down it shoots off in the other direction. She seems to quite enjoy it and uses it as a little stool.

The rescue told me the girl who handed the babies in said she thought that it was something to do with growth inside the egg and shifting of pressure. She said she had moved a few eggs more than the others with it being her first crack at breeding. When he eggs hatches around a third had emerged with a crook of some sort and she thought it might be to do with the movement during development.

Im not sure if it might be a similar story with little Roo, but I thought Id share my experience with wonky ones!

It looks like your two bundles have very similar colourings to Miso.
Brothers from another mother i think!

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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol

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