healthy adult weight? id like research paper links if there are any.


Sub-Adult Member
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What is her full length rather than snout to vent ? Her body condition does show that she's overweight. People claiming that she should be half of what she weighs are dead wrong though. I do see a trend on Reddit of a somewhat unrealistic view of what weight and how much is the best for a healthy beardie.
Agreed, in my experience you can never really create a chart measuring weights depending on age. It’s such a wide variety per dragon that not one chart can be fully 100% correct. For example, Leo is 450 grams. He is not overweight. He is only 8 months old. A chart says an 8 month old should weigh 230-325 grams. And my first beardie, she was stunted so she only weighed 130ish grams (can’t remember very well) but wasn’t underweight. it’s such a wide range, and no chart can measure it.


Sub-Adult Member
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Luis and Lilith
Hi there, my dragon is around the same size as yours. He's missing part of his tail so I do also measure snout to vent ;)
He's at 350g right now but he is rather slim as he's only a year old. I've read somewhere that if they are standing up neither the belly nor the tail should be touching the floor.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Hi there, my dragon is around the same size as yours. He's missing part of his tail so I do also measure snout to vent ;)
He's at 350g right now but he is rather slim as he's only a year old. I've read somewhere that if they are standing up neither the belly nor the tail should be touching the floor.
mine runs around, when she does she easily has 3/4 to an inch of clearance from floor to belly. her tail is not even close. she is a pretty fast sprinter so she sorta bounces. being free range at home she is often running up and down teh stairs. when she goes fast she can jump two steps at a time while climbing up the carpet


Hatchling Member
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