Guardian Dragon: Mushu

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Hello fellow beardie slaves :whip: , my name Jessie. I'm 18 and have had 2 beardies. My old account was noelerhard, but I somehow manged to lock myself out. Go figure. Anyway, for those of you who don't know, I have a young (4 month?) beardie boy. His name is Mushu.
This Mushu:

NOT this Mu Shu:

Other names include:
Twinkle Toes
Mu Shu Pork
James Leopold Abernathy IV

This is from the other day.

Mummy! It's the flashy thing again!

That's just a camera baby boy. (He runs from my camera.)

Sleeping after a long day of fun.

Caught in the act!! Haha!

Turn out the lights!!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
My name is Deb and I've forgotten yours, too. I remember dragons, no problem, but when it comes to humans...not so much :oops:

I'm sorry about your headaches, are they migraines? There is a natural med for migraines, it's called feverfew and is safe to use and works. You might want to look it up to check it out. Hope you don't get any anymore. And it's ok to vent about your job, you have a very stressful one, working at Walmart, especially at night. Vent away!

Let me know what the vet says about Hendrix vet visit.

And that's great about the custom vivs and possibly another baby. When Puff passed, it just shook my world. I hate seeing her empty tank, but one day I'll have another dragon to care for. There won't be any more females in my home, though, Cierra is the last one. From now on it's males only, no more eggs, ever. I've lost 2 dragons to eggs now & that's all I can take! Vent over.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I'm Jess :D I'm glad I'm not alone. I will admit, I've been gone so long I barely remember who has which dragon. It seems a lot of people are gone too. Warewolf and Nim? The girl who wrote the book and had the skink. It's all so different then what I remember :( Great new stories though :study:

It's not migraines it's blood pressure induced. I have very low blood pressure and some erratic heart issues. It makes my head hurt when I get over excited of exert myself to much. I have a long list of health issues that I really should be monitoring better, but Walmart won't give me health insurance until September and I make to much to get medicaid. It's quite tiring. For now I'm just trying to keep myself out of any serious issues. Last thing I need is my heart giving out or anything. Sad thing is that I'm only 19 years old...

I actually took him yesturday. Vet says it looks like a cricket had been taking some bits out of him. Vet says hand feeding dead crickets is the best bet until he can handle eating living things on his own again. Other than that he looks good.

Yeah, I'm excited. Sadly, It's a long ways off still. I want a breeder baby, but I'll end up taking one from a random pet store. I always fall in love with a random baby at some point. I cried for a week after I couldn't get this last one. She was a beautiful lavender white and pastel yellow color mix. So calm for such a young beardie. She snuggled right into the crook of my neck and took a nap. Precious. I hope she found a good home :( Sorry to hear about Puff. I had no idea... I haven't gotten around to reading much yet, sorry. Eggs are one thing keeping me from having a female. I can't imagine loosing a darling to something that's supposed to be natural. I'm sure she's running around having fun with Rogue and Tonks right now, chasing bugs and basking in the sun :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I brought pictures this time!

Where's my food?!

Found it.

Mushu: Is that it? Really?
Me: Yes. I can't afford to feed me and two of you.
Mushu: Oh okay...

(Cold shoulder)

Sorry this is actually how this went down... Conversation being one sided. AJ looked at me like I was looney, but I've seen him do it too.

Jeez, can't I get any privacy?!

Fine, at least get my good side.


Now for the Hendrix (Worm)... He's been hiding a lot. And I know his cage is kind of make shift right now, but I'm working on it.

If anyone knows of a good breeder in NY I'd love to know.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
The girl you were mentioning who wrote the book & had the fire skink is Liz and she gets on here once in awhile. She's moved out & she also lost Sorin, her dragon that was just over a year old. He had septic arthritis (infection of the bones) and it kept coming back and caused him alot of pain. She was devastated to make that decision. She's doing well, her & Paul have moved into her uncle's condo and she's working f/t as a letter carrier (good pay and benefits) while Paul finishes school (engineer). They still have 3 beardies, Jace, Zy and Vensa (I think that's her name) another rescue. And of course, Phoenix, their fire skink. They also have 3 leos, and have a separate reptile room now. Works great for them.

I remember the others but haven't seen them on here for ages. People come & go on here. And don't worry about reading my thread, it's over 400 pages long. If you want to check the last few pages, there are pics of everyone, Gabriel, Leo, Nathaniel and Cierra. They're all doing really well. Leo is the oldest at 8 years old, he gets a blood test every year, just to make sure all his kidney and liver levels are normal. Last one all was normal but his protein, I'd been feeding him pretty well just greens as he gained a huge amount of weight last winter (he was up to 610g :shock: and he's only 18 1/2" long). Now he's 546, still a bit too heavy, so he's only getting 10 small roaches a week to see if he maintains his weight. He's just a fatty!

I love it when you caption the pictures, I try to do that, too. I loved the pictures when he told you Hendrix was food :lol: I have a picture of Nathaniel jumping on top of Gabriel and Gabriel's look is "thanks for the snack, Mom".


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Yeah, that's her. I couldn't remember her beardie's names so I couldn't find her. I'll check it out tommorrow, I'm about ready to go to sleep. Because I work nights I get tired earlier on my days off. I'm normally sleeping by 2 pm. Plus me and AJ had a long day. Went and saw Mad Max Fury Road today, by far the best movie (besides Guardians of the Galaxy) I've seen in a very long time. I absolutely recommend it to anyone and everyone. Then went and checked out a comic shop that opened down the road from us. He got the new secret wars issues and I got my little pony comics. :oops: I don't know if anyone around here knows what I'm talking about though, haha.

Is 10 roaches a week enough, even for an older beardie? I'm not trying to sound rude, I'm just curious. It's hard to get inflection to show online, haha. Mushu is a little over a year old, isn't that when they're supposed to have the veggie intake increase thing? He's just not having it at all.

It's weird Mushu seems to have lost all interest in Hendrix. First he was food, then he was steeling Mushu's old stuff, then he was the intruder, now he's invisible. It's funny, because Hendrix burrows whenever Mushu comes into the living room, but Mushu barely acknowledges him. Hendrix is eating wonderfully though. I got him to eat 10 small canned crickets (AJ accidentally spilled the live ones :banghead: ) and some blueberry mush.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
For Leo it's different, he gains weight too quickly and has had issues with kidney and liver function so I have to watch what he eats.

For Mushu, he's not even stopped growing yet. They're usually full grown at 2 years old, so he should be eating whatever he wants. He's not overweight by any stretch of the imagination, so keep doing what you're doing. When they've reached their full length, then you can start reducing protein and bit & giving more greens, but I've never gone by that rule, ever. For me it depends on the dragon.

Gabriel is 4 years old and also tends to gain weight because he was eating only supers. I've switched him to roaches now (I have 3 colonies, so have TONS of roaches), he gets 10 large roaches a week, 5 twice a week, the rest of the week is greens & veggies. For my 1 year old twins, Cierra and Nathaniel, they get bugs & greens every day. They both get supers roaches as many as they want, as they're still growing. They were so small when I adopted them, Nathaniel in Dec/14 (15 1/2" long and 218g) and Cierra in Feb (15" long and 185g). Now Nathaniel is 17 1/2" long and 396g and Cierra is 17" long and 340g and they're both still growing. I'm hoping they both reach over 18" long by the end of the year, and more weight, too. We'll see how they are in December at full weight. Sp keep on doing what you're doing with Mushu.

I'm sorry to hear about your health issues, I remember when you posted about Rogue and all the family issues you had to deal with. I'm sorry you're having to deal with low blood pressure and heart issues. I'll be glad when you have your health insurance in September, so take care of yourself until then.

I moved out at 19, too, but you were younger, right? I just wanted to get away from my 3 younger siblings (hard to realize we're all in our 50's now and I'll be 60 in Nov, I'm the oldest!) and it worked out well. I've never moved back except for a few months when my son Eric (he was 4 at the time) and I moved from back east to the west coast to be with my family (they moved out here in 1979, I moved out here in 1987). Best move I could have ever made. Now Eric is 31 and has 2 kids of his own, my grandson Leo, 22 mo old and my granddaughter Safara, who's almost 8 mo old. Amazing!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I figured it had something to do with that. I'm surprised he's reached 18 inches at all. He hasn't grown much in length in about a month now. I had a hard time with money when he was younger, so I thought he might never reach full length, but he seems to have caught up pretty well.

Do you think you could help get my colony set up. I'm having a hard time figuring it all out. There's so much info to sort through and I've never been very good at it.

Don't be sorry. I've dealt with it for a long time now and I'm always going to have it. I'm just worried about future children. I'm not sure my body can handle a pregnancy... Ever.

Yeah, I left a week before my 18th birthday. I was going to save money, but my adoptive father (moms husband adopted me) forbid me from getting a job. I couldn't handle the stress of raising my two autistic brothers for my mom, who was drowning at that point. My mom has never been very stable, and dad wanted no part in them. CJ is 15 now and me and him are just getting back on good terms. My other brother is 8 and he doesn't get what happened. I also have a 6 year brother who's mom is currently in a drug induced comma, a step brother who I can honestly say I hate with every fibber of my being, and a soiux native american half sister who thinks I'm half blood scum. She has no clue what being souix is about (though I'm foggy myself). I compare her to The Malfoy family in Harry Potter. Any how, my health has been much better since I left. However I never would have made through the first 6 months without AJ :)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I remember a bit of what you went through when you were living at home. It wasn't very positive, and then to lose Rogue before you left, that was just the last straw I think. I'm glad you're doing better health wise, keep it that way, too. AJ sounds as if he's just meant for you :D

Well, I don't do what others do for their roach colonies. First my colony is in a regular 20 gallon tank with a mesh lid. I don't use heat, my living room is always warm because I have 2 geckos, so it's always 74F in here. I have no way of attaching a heating pad to the colony, as it's kept in the bottom of a credenza, underneath Nathaniel's tank (I live in a large one bedroom, all the tanks are in the living room). I was lucky, a few years ago, someone on here who lived an hour away had a roach colony they didn't want & sold it to me for $60 (there had to be 2000 roaches in total!). I already had one but let one of my dragons eat all the adult females so that laid waste to that colony. With the new one I was able to divide it into 5 other colonies (I had way too many for me!) and I have 2 that I'm keeping with me, one in a 10 gallon tank because my friend Joanne is allergic to them and the other because Jolene's male Fizz won't eat them anymore. So I have them until he wants them again, then she'll get them back.

Most people have them in a large rubbermaid container with a bit hole in the top that is covered in mesh. And a heating pad underneath. I've always found that's just too hot for them. I've been told that they do better at 86F heat, but I'm not doing that, ever.

You can buy kits on Facebook, but it's just easier to buy a 20 gallon tank with the mesh lid, they need alot of air, so to store them you'll need to be sure they're in a dark space that's warm enough. They eat oranges quartered, clear water crystals and collard greens. They love grains, but that can bring mice into your house, as it did mine, even though I did manage to catch the little buggers. So now I can feed them grains again. What I feed them as a treat, that they love, is my cereal, don't even mush it up, just pour it in the tanks so they can enjoy it. You need 1 male for every 3 females and you should start with 100 adult females and 30 adult males. That will get the breeding going. If we lived closer I'd give you some of mine, as I have so many, that's my I feed my dragons supers and roaches. Plus because I have Joanne's colony, I go over to her place at least once a week and feed her dragons roaches, too.

The females lay about 40 babies every 40 days or so. The babies take about 6 mo to grow into adults, but it's worth the wait. If you're going to get what I use and buy enough to start a colony, get about 200 1/2" roaches to start Mushu off, but you should just get a few before even thinking about a colony to make sure he'll eat them. Nothing worse than having a colony and your dragon just won't eat roaches! Roaches are nocturnal, so they will make soft noise at night as they're inactive during the day. Night time is their eating time. They don't smell, they live about 2 years as adults. Some don't like to handle them, I don't have that issue with any bugs, but you can use long tweezers to handle them, if necessary. They aren't like crickets if they escape, they pretty well fine a hiding place and just stay there until they die. I find them very easy to keep, unlike crickets, I hate crickets, only have them because of my two geckos.

So that's it, I keep it simple. The places I store the roaches have doors, so I leave a door 1/2 open. The big one Jolene gave me is in a huge rubber container with the lid 1/2 off to give them lots of air. It's just on my living room floor...takes up lots of room, but then I have lots of roaches to feed my 4.

So let me know if there's anything else about them you need to know. :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I still have the 30 gallon rubber maid container I bought a while back. It's a dark purplish color, because I knew they needed darkness. I bought a heat pad a while back, but I currently have that on Hendrix's tank. My living room is high 70s and humid at all times, will that be warm enough? Is there a good site you could recommend that's not terribly expensive? Oh, I have greenish water crystals I used to use when I fed crickets, can I use those or should they be clear? Mushu has had them before. My neighbor had a small amount her geckos wouldn't eat so she gave them to me. Thank you for your help :D

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
You can check on Facebook, Rainbow Mealworms (that's where I get my supers)
Tami Gordos Feeders Zamora. These are the two that were recommended to me. So check out the prices.

You have to cut out almost the whole top of the container and then replace that hole with mesh (just use duct tape to hold it in place), that's so they get lots of air. When I put the oranges in, I put them on papertowel so the bottom of the tank doesn't get wet with the orange juice and the orange pieces don't mold. Change them out every 3 days. As well as collards or what ever green you want to use. I've heard they like sweet peppers, too. You can just add a good cereal to their tank, too.

You can put a post in Feeders on here to ask. The only thing I don't add to the mix is any kind of protein, as the roaches don't need it and it can add uric acid to the dragons. Otherwise, people could have lots of ideas for you to check out.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
That pretty much answered all the remaining questions I had. Funny thing is, I just ordered 500 supers from rainbow meal worms. What do you mean by protein? Like peanut and stuff, because I'd never think to give them meat protein.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I mean cat or dog food. I stopped bothering with that because I was told that the roaches convert protein to uric acid & that can cause gout in beardies. So now it's just plain cereal (well it's Organic Blueberry Cinnamon with Flax from Nature's Way). I love it, they love it and it's just a treat once every 2 weeks or so.

Let me know how you get on with your rubbermaid container, I can send you pics of my set ups if you want.


Hatchling Member
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It might be a bit until I get the stuff for the lid. I have to pay rent with this paycheck and I don't get much next paycheck :banghead: That would be great. Do you want to email it to me or just post it here?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Great news!! (That's sarcasm, it's actually terrible news).

My job is being investigated! Apparently I may have sold some guy groceries with a stolen card... Who buys groceries with a stolen card?! Plus I was only on the register for like five minutes Monday night. This is sooooo stupid. Even if I did, how was I supposed to know that? His signature look perfectly fine to me, uugggh. :angry5: :banghead: :angry5: :banghead:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
How can it be your fault? Either way, you'll just have to what happens, it's Walmart that's responsible, not you. Let me know, k? Good luck!

And sure, I'll take some pics & post them here of my set ups. On the weekend. I woke up an hour late, so running a bit this am to get everything done.
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