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Hatchling Member
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XtinaBeardieMom":20lojrz6 said:
newmommybeardie":20lojrz6 said:
XtinaBeardieMom":20lojrz6 said:
newmommybeardie":20lojrz6 said:
I wish i could find other food that are small enough that i could give my baby beardie besides crickets. And were it wont cost a arm and a leg either. If i could find a good place online for Ontario people.

Hmmm... I see your predicament. I'll try to do a little bit of research for you and see if I can find a supplier closer to you, or a supplier in the US who could ship to you for a reasonable rate. You could also make a separate thread in the Feeders section like "Attention Canadians: Need feeder supplier recommendations!"
Ok that would be great if you dont mind. Im just learning to use a computer so i dont know how to look up stuff (YET) lol. Thats a good idea i will post what yo said if its ok.? Aswell as i need to find a place were they sell all kinds of things for Reptiles. I need to look for a ReptiSum 10.0 thats hopefully alot better price then what my petstore will charge me ( I have to wait to get ones from them they have to order them in so its going to take weeks).

No problem, I'll try to let you know what I come up with ASAP! Also, make sure you ask Deb about suppliers for different things like feeders and reptile stuff as well since she lives in Canada too. She may know of some great resources already :)

Ok will do she did give me one but they will only let you pay by paypal and my computer wont let me do it plus i dont know how. I would rather pay by credit card. Thanks again no hurry be greatfull to you for your help.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Im having a problem i ordered 1500 crickets from Port Credit Pet Centre in Ontario and my Baby Bearded dragon wont eat them. Does that mean there's something wrong with them.? How do i make her eat them.?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Ok i guess i will have to give up. I must be a really bad owner as somethings going wrong with my baby Beardie she wont seam to eat any of the 1500 crickets i just got yesterday.I dont know why could they be bad or been tanted in any way.? And her poop was diarea this morning. WHATS going on.? I dont want to lose OTEKUH but if im not a good reptile owner shes better off with someone who is. I am a HUGE worry wort when it comes to my precious animal's. HELP.


Juvie Member
newmommybeardie":24hhacxr said:
Ok i guess i will have to give up. I must be a really bad owner as somethings going wrong with my baby Beardie she wont seam to eat any of the 1500 crickets i just got yesterday.I dont know why could they be bad or been tanted in any way.? And her poop was diarea this morning. WHATS going on.? I dont want to lose OTEKUH but if im not a good reptile owner shes better off with someone who is. I am a HUGE worry wort when it comes to my precious animal's. HELP.

It sounds like your girl could be suffering from parasites... that could make her lose her appetite and also cause runny poo. If she's going through a shed or anything else out of the norm, that can also cause stress which sometimes leads to appetite loss and digestive issues. You need to get a fecal sample to a vet ASAP for a standard parasite test. If you can't find a good reptile vet, then even a regular vet can do a fecal test and you can send Tracie (username Drache613) the results for diagnosis, medication sourcing, and dosing. You can get most standard parasite meds at http://www.beardeddragon.co - they'll ship to Canada. A lot of reptile supply sites will only accept PayPal as a payment method, but you can still use your credit card through PayPal or pay a PayPal invoice with a credit card. For now, make sure your girl is staying well hydrated with 15-20 minute soaks in warm water (up to her chest) every other day at minimum, preferably every day since she's losing a lot of liquids with the diarrhea. You can also try to syringe feed her a mixture of chicken, turkey, and/or squash babyfood. Just drip a little bit on her nose right on top of the opening of her mouth, and see if she'll lick it off. You can mix her calcium & vitamins into the liquid feedings. You could also use a supplemental food like Critical/Carnivore Care or Beardie Bites. Some probiotics like Acidophiliz or Benebac would probably be beneficial to her digestive system at the moment as well.

I'm still looking into trying to source some alternative feeder suppliers in Canada for you too.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
XtinaBeardieMom":4tsbtyld said:
newmommybeardie":4tsbtyld said:
Ok i guess i will have to give up. I must be a really bad owner as somethings going wrong with my baby Beardie she wont seam to eat any of the 1500 crickets i just got yesterday.I dont know why could they be bad or been tanted in any way.? And her poop was diarea this morning. WHATS going on.? I dont want to lose OTEKUH but if im not a good reptile owner shes better off with someone who is. I am a HUGE worry wort when it comes to my precious animal's. HELP.

It sounds like your girl could be suffering from parasites... that could make her lose her appetite and also cause runny poo. If she's going through a shed or anything else out of the norm, that can also cause stress which sometimes leads to appetite loss and digestive issues. You need to get a fecal sample to a vet ASAP for a standard parasite test. If you can't find a good reptile vet, then even a regular vet can do a fecal test and you can send Tracie (username Drache613) the results for diagnosis, medication sourcing, and dosing. You can get most standard parasite meds at http://www.beardeddragon.co - they'll ship to Canada. A lot of reptile supply sites will only accept PayPal as a payment method, but you can still use your credit card through PayPal or pay a PayPal invoice with a credit card. For now, make sure your girl is staying well hydrated with 15-20 minute soaks in warm water (up to her chest) every other day at minimum, preferably every day since she's losing a lot of liquids with the diarrhea. You can also try to syringe feed her a mixture of chicken, turkey, and/or squash babyfood. Just drip a little bit on her nose right on top of the opening of her mouth, and see if she'll lick it off. You can mix her calcium & vitamins into the liquid feedings. You could also use a supplemental food like Critical/Carnivore Care or Beardie Bites. Some probiotics like Acidophiliz or Benebac would probably be beneficial to her digestive system at the moment as well.

I'm still looking into trying to source some alternative feeder suppliers in Canada for you too.

I dont have a Reptile vet near me. Can Acidophiliz for kids work ok.? I have some for my Rabbits as one of them has a tummy problem.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
newmommybeardie":2s40pt85 said:
XtinaBeardieMom":2s40pt85 said:
newmommybeardie":2s40pt85 said:
Ok i guess i will have to give up. I must be a really bad owner as somethings going wrong with my baby Beardie she wont seam to eat any of the 1500 crickets i just got yesterday.I dont know why could they be bad or been tanted in any way.? And her poop was diarea this morning. WHATS going on.? I dont want to lose OTEKUH but if im not a good reptile owner shes better off with someone who is. I am a HUGE worry wort when it comes to my precious animal's. HELP.

It sounds like your girl could be suffering from parasites... that could make her lose her appetite and also cause runny poo. If she's going through a shed or anything else out of the norm, that can also cause stress which sometimes leads to appetite loss and digestive issues. You need to get a fecal sample to a vet ASAP for a standard parasite test. If you can't find a good reptile vet, then even a regular vet can do a fecal test and you can send Tracie (username Drache613) the results for diagnosis, medication sourcing, and dosing. You can get most standard parasite meds at http://www.beardeddragon.co - they'll ship to Canada. A lot of reptile supply sites will only accept PayPal as a payment method, but you can still use your credit card through PayPal or pay a PayPal invoice with a credit card. For now, make sure your girl is staying well hydrated with 15-20 minute soaks in warm water (up to her chest) every other day at minimum, preferably every day since she's losing a lot of liquids with the diarrhea. You can also try to syringe feed her a mixture of chicken, turkey, and/or squash babyfood. Just drip a little bit on her nose right on top of the opening of her mouth, and see if she'll lick it off. You can mix her calcium & vitamins into the liquid feedings. You could also use a supplemental food like Critical/Carnivore Care or Beardie Bites. Some probiotics like Acidophiliz or Benebac would probably be beneficial to her digestive system at the moment as well.

I'm still looking into trying to source some alternative feeder suppliers in Canada for you too.

I dont have a Reptile vet near me. Can Acidophiliz for kids work ok.? I have some for my Rabbits as one of them has a tummy problem.
and the vet thats nearest to me is still farly far and i dont have a car. I just dont know what to do i didnt know that there would be so many health problems with Bearded Dragon's.


Juvie Member
newmommybeardie":2ilqnj34 said:
newmommybeardie":2ilqnj34 said:
XtinaBeardieMom":2ilqnj34 said:
newmommybeardie":2ilqnj34 said:
Ok i guess i will have to give up. I must be a really bad owner as somethings going wrong with my baby Beardie she wont seam to eat any of the 1500 crickets i just got yesterday.I dont know why could they be bad or been tanted in any way.? And her poop was diarea this morning. WHATS going on.? I dont want to lose OTEKUH but if im not a good reptile owner shes better off with someone who is. I am a HUGE worry wort when it comes to my precious animal's. HELP.

It sounds like your girl could be suffering from parasites... that could make her lose her appetite and also cause runny poo. If she's going through a shed or anything else out of the norm, that can also cause stress which sometimes leads to appetite loss and digestive issues. You need to get a fecal sample to a vet ASAP for a standard parasite test. If you can't find a good reptile vet, then even a regular vet can do a fecal test and you can send Tracie (username Drache613) the results for diagnosis, medication sourcing, and dosing. You can get most standard parasite meds at http://www.beardeddragon.co - they'll ship to Canada. A lot of reptile supply sites will only accept PayPal as a payment method, but you can still use your credit card through PayPal or pay a PayPal invoice with a credit card. For now, make sure your girl is staying well hydrated with 15-20 minute soaks in warm water (up to her chest) every other day at minimum, preferably every day since she's losing a lot of liquids with the diarrhea. You can also try to syringe feed her a mixture of chicken, turkey, and/or squash babyfood. Just drip a little bit on her nose right on top of the opening of her mouth, and see if she'll lick it off. You can mix her calcium & vitamins into the liquid feedings. You could also use a supplemental food like Critical/Carnivore Care or Beardie Bites. Some probiotics like Acidophiliz or Benebac would probably be beneficial to her digestive system at the moment as well.

I'm still looking into trying to source some alternative feeder suppliers in Canada for you too.

I dont have a Reptile vet near me. Can Acidophiliz for kids work ok.? I have some for my Rabbits as one of them has a tummy problem.
and the vet thats nearest to me is still farly far and i dont have a car. I just dont know what to do i didnt know that there would be so many health problems with Bearded Dragon's.

Yes, you can use the same probiotic you're using for your rabbit. Bearded Dragons don't generally have a lot of health problems, but parasites are a very commonly occurring minor issue amongst many/most household pets... cats, dogs, rabbits, beardies - you name it. It is generally recommended that any kind of pets get at least annual vet check-ups even if there are NO apparent health problems, but that's a personal decision. Either way, in my opinion it only makes sense to be prepared to provide health care for all pets at some point in their lives. I have personally never witnessed any pet who made it through their entire life without experiencing some kind of health issue requiring vet care - but that's just in my own experience. Anyway, to be honest - standard fecal parasite tests are something that should be done on a regular basis (every 6-12 months) for any reptile... again, not trying to state a fact - just the general consensus around here. A lot of members here drive several hours out of their way to take their beardie to a good reptile vet. I understand the issue of not having a car; I'm epileptic so I can't drive. I often end up paying friends to drive me around or take taxis to places I need to go. I know that's expensive, but bearded dragons are exotic animals & aren't cheap to care for whether or not transportation issues are a factor. For now, I know that you can ship a fecal sample to beardeddragon.co for parasite tests. I'm not sure how that process works or how much it would end up costing you for shipping and everything, but that may be your best option at the moment :dontknow:

I know this is a lot to take in, and it's overwhelming to come to the realization that the basic care of a little lizard can be so complicated when it seems so simple at first glance. I went through the same kind of shock after I found this site and had that revelation. It's obvious that you really care about your little girl, or you wouldn't be so worried. I really don't think you should give up on being a beardie mom just yet... you're already a great one, you just need to get your resources lined up and you're getting a good start here on the forum. There's almost always a way to accomplish anything for the love of an animal! You'll do just fine :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
XtinaBeardieMom":jzcgru4t said:
newmommybeardie":jzcgru4t said:
newmommybeardie":jzcgru4t said:
XtinaBeardieMom":jzcgru4t said:
newmommybeardie":jzcgru4t said:
Ok i guess i will have to give up. I must be a really bad owner as somethings going wrong with my baby Beardie she wont seam to eat any of the 1500 crickets i just got yesterday.I dont know why could they be bad or been tanted in any way.? And her poop was diarea this morning. WHATS going on.? I dont want to lose OTEKUH but if im not a good reptile owner shes better off with someone who is. I am a HUGE worry wort when it comes to my precious animal's. HELP.

It sounds like your girl could be suffering from parasites... that could make her lose her appetite and also cause runny poo. If she's going through a shed or anything else out of the norm, that can also cause stress which sometimes leads to appetite loss and digestive issues. You need to get a fecal sample to a vet ASAP for a standard parasite test. If you can't find a good reptile vet, then even a regular vet can do a fecal test and you can send Tracie (username Drache613) the results for diagnosis, medication sourcing, and dosing. You can get most standard parasite meds at http://www.beardeddragon.co - they'll ship to Canada. A lot of reptile supply sites will only accept PayPal as a payment method, but you can still use your credit card through PayPal or pay a PayPal invoice with a credit card. For now, make sure your girl is staying well hydrated with 15-20 minute soaks in warm water (up to her chest) every other day at minimum, preferably every day since she's losing a lot of liquids with the diarrhea. You can also try to syringe feed her a mixture of chicken, turkey, and/or squash babyfood. Just drip a little bit on her nose right on top of the opening of her mouth, and see if she'll lick it off. You can mix her calcium & vitamins into the liquid feedings. You could also use a supplemental food like Critical/Carnivore Care or Beardie Bites. Some probiotics like Acidophiliz or Benebac would probably be beneficial to her digestive system at the moment as well.

I'm still looking into trying to source some alternative feeder suppliers in Canada for you too.

I dont have a Reptile vet near me. Can Acidophiliz for kids work ok.? I have some for my Rabbits as one of them has a tummy problem.
and the vet thats nearest to me is still farly far and i dont have a car. I just dont know what to do i didnt know that there would be so many health problems with Bearded Dragon's.

Yes, you can use the same probiotic you're using for your rabbit. Bearded Dragons don't generally have a lot of health problems, but parasites are a very commonly occurring minor issue amongst many/most household pets... cats, dogs, rabbits, beardies - you name it. It is generally recommended that any kind of pets get at least annual vet check-ups even if there are NO apparent health problems, but that's a personal decision. Either way, in my opinion it only makes sense to be prepared to provide health care for all pets at some point in their lives. I have personally never witnessed any pet who made it through their entire life without experiencing some kind of health issue requiring vet care - but that's just in my own experience. Anyway, to be honest - standard fecal parasite tests are something that should be done on a regular basis (every 6-12 months) for any reptile... again, not trying to state a fact - just the general consensus around here. A lot of members here drive several hours out of their way to take their beardie to a good reptile vet. I understand the issue of not having a car; I'm epileptic so I can't drive. I often end up paying friends to drive me around or take taxis to places I need to go. I know that's expensive, but bearded dragons are exotic animals & aren't cheap to care for whether or not transportation issues are a factor. For now, I know that you can ship a fecal sample to beardeddragon.co for parasite tests. I'm not sure how that process works or how much it would end up costing you for shipping and everything, but that may be your best option at the moment :dontknow:

I know this is a lot to take in, and it's overwhelming to come to the realization that the basic care of a little lizard can be so complicated when it seems so simple at first glance. I went through the same kind of shock after I found this site and had that revelation. It's obvious that you really care about your little girl, or you wouldn't be so worried. I really don't think you should give up on being a beardie mom just yet... you're already a great one, you just need to get your resources lined up and you're getting a good start here on the forum. There's almost always a way to accomplish anything for the love of an animal! You'll do just fine :D

Well i checked into vets for reptiles and there none anywere near me. Even my town vet wont do a poop test for paresites they say they dont know what to look for. I dont thin her diarea is from parasites as she is pretty well normal poop now and shes been shedding tons. Now shes having a wee bit of problem going poop but i figured its because the big cricketts. Im trying and doing the best i can wether thats good enoght or not i dont know. So i guess i will leep looking for a Reptil vet.
Thanl you


Juvie Member
Ugh, that's SO frustrating... sorry you're having such a hard time with finding a vet. The weird thing is that bearded dragons have the same parasites as dogs and cats (for the most part) so a vet should know what to look for either way: coccidia, pinworms, hookworms, flagellates, protozoans, etc. - all of those parasites commonly infects dogs & cats too. Worst case scenario, you can mail in a fecal sample for testing here >>> http://www.reptiza.net/beardeddragon.co/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=11 for a very small fee.

And don't worry, we can all see that you're doing your best... and your best is always good enough :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
XtinaBeardieMom":1tlqf43r said:
Ugh, that's SO frustrating... sorry you're having such a hard time with finding a vet. The weird thing is that bearded dragons have the same parasites as dogs and cats (for the most part) so a vet should know what to look for either way: coccidia, pinworms, hookworms, flagellates, protozoans, etc. - all of those parasites commonly infects dogs & cats too. Worst case scenario, you can mail in a fecal sample for testing here >>> http://www.reptiza.net/beardeddragon.co/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=11 for a very small fee.

And don't worry, we can all see that you're doing your best... and your best is always good enough :D

Oh you dont know how much im ticked off at my vets around here and its so very frustrating that the only vet that deals with Exsotic pets is 3 hours away so it would be 6 hours there and back and how ever long there i think it would be so very stressfull and could kill my baby. ya i asked my vet about the parasite test they said they wouldnt know what to look for so they wouldnt do it. Yes i think thats what im going to do but they want a teaspoon full that will take forever. Thank you so very much in making me feel alot better about how im taking care of my baby beardie thank you for your confadice (sorry i cant spell to well) yes i guess my best is. Thank you again for all your help.
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