Extremely yellow urate


Sub-Adult Member
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What could have caused this and is it a concern? (Not dehydration)

He is also acting full of energy today, running all over the place and glass surfing like crazy. (Guessing spring time crazies).


BD.org Sicko
Staff member
The picture is pretty blurry but it almost looks like mucous not a urate. Anyways, remember, one off odd poos (urates) are typically not a concern at all. If the urate is normally white and soft, I wouldn't change up your supplement schedule, just keep doing what your doing.



Sub-Adult Member
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I would cut back on the calcium actually stop it see if you can get his urate back to white - if he's eating his salads I would cut the vitamins out as well- are you using a T 5 uvb
Yup. T5 14% Arcadia UVB inside the tank, 20” away from the ground.


Sub-Adult Member
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Is it in the tank? I am assuming it is - I would drop distance to 17-18 inches directly from the basking decor -- how many yellow poops like that?
That was the first. And yes, I’m the tank, 20” away from the floor and the distance you said above the decor.

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