Springtime vibes


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
So after slowly starting to eat and being somewhat semi-active for a couple of weeks, it seems springtime is finally catching up with Luis. He has been running around his tank like crazy today and even showed me his very first headbob 😍
(He hatched in Oct '22 so this is his first spring as an adult)


Sub-Adult Member
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Hurray, the long-awaited moment has happened! :D
I'm very glad that Luis is fully awake and in such a good mood! He has become a completely grown dragon! Tell me how he eats this springtime.


Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Yes, I really was starting to worry but I have seen him headbob three times today (once directly at me even), so it might be starting now ;)
He will eat a bit of his salads (and throw the rest around his viv for some reason) and he eats one adult Locust every day. He ate two yesterday but he is just remaining at his 340g at the moment so I will still offer the bugs daily.
How is Foxy doing? Has he calmed down yet? :)


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Luis eats very well! Foxy was so busy with spring activities after brumation that he barely ate. Now he has become a little calmer when I let him run around outside the terrarium. But inside the viv he is still a crazy guy and every morning he asks to come out and otherwise he will destroy everything inside the terrarium. After he began to calm down, he began to eat better, and he is even interested in greens. His schedule now is greens two days (bok choy, arugula and sometimes sweet potatoes or romano) and dubias or adult locusts on the third day. He is ready to sell his soul to the devil for locusts. :LOL:
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Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
It's good Foxy is back to eating more! Luis is a lot calmer, he has like a crazy 15 min and will bask for two hours afterwards. Then repeat.
He was a little shy when I took him out today and he didn't want to eat...


BD.org Addict
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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Body temp has a lot to do with how they react to us in the morning. Their mental functions slow down when they are cool, so if you try to intetact with them before they warm up they can be jumpy or stand offish. I see it the most with Sinatra and Snickers, my other girls are not quite as bad, but still are better if they warm up first also. I suspect the lower their night time temps the more noticable it would be.

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