Dubia Colony Q

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How do you guys maintain a consistent Dubia colony? What I mean is - how do you keep enough adults to breed and babies to use as feeders, and without running out of the colony or having millions and millions of roaches?


Original Poster
Thats the reply I was looking for.. Considering breeding every bug so I'll just have to compensate with more dragons to eat them!


Juvie Member
Eventually you will end up with more feeders than you can feed. Once you reach a sustainable colony, you can slow down their breeding by removing heat from the tote. Right now my dubia breeders get now heat, they continue to breed but at a much slower rate.

You can either get more reptiles to feed them to, sell off your excess, or you can put them in a plastic bag and freeze them overnight to humanly kill off the overflow.



Hatchling Member
BTW...I dunno about you, but being frozen to death over several hours does not seem humane!!! lol.


Original Poster
Thanks for the input. I'll prolly go with a heating pad since it seems to be the easiest method. Just wasn't sure of what kind/wattage to get.
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