How many insects for 4 month old?

AHBD Sicko
So far, Bowser has had six medium crickets this morning and three medium 1/2” Dubais for lunch and I’m going to give him 6 more crickets tonight. He always gobbles everything up right away. He’s also had his salad today which he’s eaten most of - kale, arugula and mustard greens.
I’m going to give him one mealworm snack and then give him his last crickets at four.
Some of the crickets I got from the pet store today are huge! 😣 But most are the right size.
Bowser looks great, he's still just a little guy. If the crickets are huge just use the dubia. When you ask the employee to get crickets ask specifically for mediums with no large ones. Have you thought about ordering online ? The 3/8-1/2 " crickets would be good size. Good that he eats his greens !


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Bowser looks great, he's still just a little guy. If the crickets are huge just use the dubia. When you ask the employee to get crickets ask specifically for mediums with no large ones. Have you thought about ordering online ? The 3/8-1/2 " crickets would be good size. Good that he eats his greens !
I started putting things in a cart on the site last night. I’ll be placing an order soon. Definitely cheaper than the pet store. I’ll be giving Bowser the smallest of the crickets I just bought. First time I’ve been hearing the crickets sing. 😳
He munched down the little meal worm I gave him. How many small mealworms could he have in a week?

AHBD Sicko
O.K that's good , everything's going fine for him r.n. What do you have ordered ? With mealworms you can't really give a set number but have to be careful, some beardies will 100% get " addicted " to them and refuse the better options. Just a few here + there should be fine but not many at his size.


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Sounds good. Will you be getting more crix or skipping those ?
I’m not sure, I just bought a 100 crickets from the pet store, some are too big so I’ll probably bring them back and trade for smaller ones. They are pretty messy, and I worry that they’ll get loose in my house 🤪

AHBD Sicko
Loose crix in the house don't last forever and the singing at night is better than white noise to lull you to sleep ! Just kidding , they are a nuisance if it's a noisy male that gets loose, they can be loud at night. Good to see if you can exchange them for smaller ones.


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Bowser update!
Bowser is doing great and is getting big. In the last couple of weeks, he has really chilled out; I wonder if it's because I have started to feed him more insects. Or maybe he is finally really settling in. He loves his car rides on Fridays when he goes home with me for the weekend.
I'm now feeding him around 10-15 1/2" dubias once or twice a day and one meal of about 10ish sm/med. crickets per day. If I don't have crickets he'll get about two to three meals of 10-15 1/2" dubias a day. He gets a hornworm every other day or so. He has a VERY good appetite and eats everything super quick. He loves his greens too, eating mostly salad mix, with kale, arugula, endive, etc ... Occasionally, he'll get a little spinach and carrot, raspberry, banana w/peel, and blueberry. I feed organic produce most of the time.
My students love to feed him and he loves to just sit on our arms while he eats.

Jan. 18th. Jan. 5th
Feb. 7th

AHBD Sicko
Watch out, looks like he can bust out of that jail, I mean squeeze through that wire cage. :)
Good to hear that he enjoys his car rides and has quite a personality !

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