How many insects for 4 month old?

Beardie name(s)
I've had my bearded dragon for a couple of weeks now. Bowser is settling in and eating great and pooping about every other day. He has an Arcadia T5 desert pro 24W UVB. I want to make sure I am feeding him enough insects. He is eating crickets and dubia roaches and veggies (arugula, kale, and some occasional butternut squash)
I'm still unclear how many insects he should have. I have been feeding by hand, except for the dubia roaches, I only give him a couple of those at a time because they are bigger for him. The crickets are small to medium-ish. So how many crickets should I be feeding him in a day and how many dubia roaches? Also, sometimes I give him both in one day.
I've tried looking up the answer for this, but there doesn't seem to be a straight answer. I don't dump the crickets in a tote to let him go at it for 10-15min, as I'm not picking him up yet. He's getting more used to me now though, so I'll be able to soon.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
I've had my bearded dragon for a couple of weeks now. Bowser is settling in and eating great and pooping about every other day. He has an Arcadia T5 desert pro 24W UVB. I want to make sure I am feeding him enough insects. He is eating crickets and dubia roaches and veggies (arugula, kale, and some occasional butternut squash)
I'm still unclear how many insects he should have. I have been feeding by hand, except for the dubia roaches, I only give him a couple of those at a time because they are bigger for him. The crickets are small to medium-ish. So how many crickets should I be feeding him in a day and how many dubia roaches? Also, sometimes I give him both in one day.
I've tried looking up the answer for this, but there doesn't seem to be a straight answer. I don't dump the crickets in a tote to let him go at it for 10-15min, as I'm not picking him up yet. He's getting more used to me now though, so I'll be able to soon.
Please start holding him and getting him hand tamed --- Blaze ate around 10-15 dubias at a time at 4 months old -- but I was also feeding BSFL around 25 of those on top of the salads as well -- silk worms 3 and super worms every other day on top of his salad 3 of them - horn worms when I got them-- I never fed crickets --- so for Blaze his main staple was dubias -- does Bowser act like hes still hungry? I offered only dubias in the afternoon around 3 until he quit eating at the 3 oclock feeding --- he was filling up in the mornings w/ all that was offered -

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
So how many crickets should I be feeding him in a day and how many dubia roaches? Also, sometimes I give him both in one day.
There is no set answer. Each dragon is different. And feeder insects come in different sizes. The correct answer is, they know how much they can/should eat (typically). So when offering healthy feeder options, let a dragon your age eat as much as it wants in a 5 minute or so time span, 1 or two times a day. It will be obvious when he starts getting full. And you will start to learn what your dragon wants/needs and be able to adjust from there.

And multiple insects in one day is fine. Variety is the key to proper health. The more different types of bugs you can offer, the better.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Okay, I think I need to feed more. I was being cautious at first as he wasn’t pooping. But he’s pooping regularly now.
What time should the last feeding of the day be?
I’m going to pick up some different insects next time. Luckily the pet store I go to has a pretty good variety.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Okay, I think I need to feed more. I was being cautious at first as he wasn’t pooping. But he’s pooping regularly now.
What time should the last feeding of the day be?
I’m going to pick up some different insects next time. Luckily the pet store I go to has a pretty good variety.
2-3 hrs before lights out--- he needs time to bask so digestion can start ---- I recommend you start getting your insects on line --- in the long run they are cheaper -- I can post websites for you if you like


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
2-3 hrs before lights out--- he needs time to bask so digestion can start ---- I recommend you start getting your insects on line --- in the long run they are cheaper -- I can post websites for you if you like
Okay, that would be great, thank you.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Okay, that would be great, thank you. --
Fluker Farms - Order Live Crickets, Mealworms, Superworms they have great super worms but you need a container to put them in - they will come in a tube -- meal worm substrate / food as well


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I got a small container of mealworms a couple weeks ago and they’ve been in my fridge. Is it okay to give him one, once a week? Or should I just not feed him those?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
I got a small container of mealworms a couple weeks ago and they’ve been in my fridge. Is it okay to give him one, once a week? Or should I just not feed him those?
Meal worms are fine for older dragons-- that is my thoughts on them --- I have seen where babies have become impacted by them because of the exo skeleton on them so I chose not to feed them to my babies - I did try them when my two were older and they didnt care for them so I have not fed them since --- you can feed him one once a week if you want one is not going to plug him up like a mass amount would -- Flukers only sell large super worms and hes 4 months I would stick w/ mediums for now --

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
In the nearly 15 years I've been on this website I've never seen a dragon here suffering impaction from mealworms alone. I've fed mealworms to hundreds of hatchlings that I've hatched and raised and have never had an impaction issue.

Mealworms are a fine feeder insect to add for variety. Like mentioned, just like how you wouldn't be very healthy if all you ate were one or two food items, the same goes for dragons. Each insect, each salad item, offers it's own micro and macro nutrient profile that contributes to the good health of the dragon.



Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I've had my bearded dragon for a couple of weeks now. Bowser is settling in and eating great and pooping about every other day. He has an Arcadia T5 desert pro 24W UVB. I want to make sure I am feeding him enough insects. He is eating crickets and dubia roaches and veggies (arugula, kale, and some occasional butternut squash)
I'm still unclear how many insects he should have. I have been feeding by hand, except for the dubia roaches, I only give him a couple of those at a time because they are bigger for him. The crickets are small to medium-ish. So how many crickets should I be feeding him in a day and how many dubia roaches? Also, sometimes I give him both in one day.
I've tried looking up the answer for this, but there doesn't seem to be a straight answer. I don't dump the crickets in a tote to let him go at it for 10-15min, as I'm not picking him up yet. He's getting more used to me now though, so I'll be able to soon.
At 4 months my boy was eating around 20-30 crickets a day and roughly 25-30 pheonix worms a day, but he’s an absolute beast for his age (21.5” 500+ grams, 10 months) so he had a bigger appetite than some.

It really just depends on the beardie, some are hungrier than others and that’s perfectly normal. Start off to see what your scaly friend can eat, but make sure he doesn’t gorge himself. Eventually you’ll find the magic number 😉

AHBD Sicko
It's good to hear how well Bowser is doing.:) Can you post a new pic of him ? I would say that one of the keys to keeping beardies healthy and eating greens all their lives , starting with when they are young is to somewhat limit their insect intake. Dragons do grow to different sizes but their genetics determine a lot. Other than by feeding them an extreme reduced amount like the 5 insects a day as a baby/juvenile method, a dragon will grow to t's potential but on a moderate intake of insects they will do so a little more slowly and in a more healthy way. A dragon that is getting big and allowed to eat all they want can end up fat or even obese. I've seen very much loved, heavily fed dragons that were over 22" on this forum but in the 900-1000 gram range. Several of them died very young, and their owners were heartbroken. So moderation with the insects.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
So far, Bowser has had six medium crickets this morning and three medium 1/2” Dubais for lunch and I’m going to give him 6 more crickets tonight. He always gobbles everything up right away. He’s also had his salad today which he’s eaten most of - kale, arugula and mustard greens.
I’m going to give him one mealworm snack and then give him his last crickets at four.
Some of the crickets I got from the pet store today are huge! 😣 But most are the right size.


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
So far, Bowser has had six medium crickets this morning and three medium 1/2” Dubais for lunch and I’m going to give him 6 more crickets tonight. He always gobbles everything up right away. He’s also had his salad today which he’s eaten most of - kale, arugula and mustard greens.
I’m going to give him one mealworm snack and then give him his last crickets at four.
Some of the crickets I got from the pet store today are huge! 😣 But most are the right size.
Sounds great do not feed the over size crickets tho --- you dont want him impacted--

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